Do you own exercise equipment or exercise DVDs?

Contributor: The Vixen The Vixen
I have a lot of workout videos. I have Pilates, Zumba, and Brazil Butt Lift. I also have a lot of other dance and yoga ones that I use quite often.

I just have a couple different sets of hand weights and one of those slimming belts(it works wonders for me!).
I don't have any full-sized equipment. I would love to have a fitness pole!
Contributor: Martiniman Martiniman
Yes, we own quite a few pieces of exercise equipment and we use them several times a week with our personal trainer.
Contributor: jennifur77 jennifur77
Only DVDs unless you include the Wii Fit. I own a number of DVDs, though.
Contributor: indiglo indiglo
I have a really big set of a variety of dumbbells, I also have exercise bands. I have running shoes too, and some videos so that if it's raining out I can still do my cardio inside.

I'd love one of those big exercise balls, but just don't have the space for it. I use what I have on a very regular basis, and it does the job quite nicely!
Contributor: Zandrock Zandrock
I do not
Contributor: PeaceToTheMiddleEast PeaceToTheMiddleEast
Yes I have a Wii fit board for the Nintendo Wii and a couple of exercise games for it.
Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
Originally posted by Cosmonaut
Do you own exercise equipment or dvds? What do you own? If not, is there anything you want to get?

I have 8 lb dumbbells and ~8 belly dance DVDs.
Hubby and I were both big athletes. We have all kind of work out gear, but mostly it collects dust now. We go to the gym or pool to work out, or our big thing is dancing. That is done out, not at home!!!
Contributor: Missmarc Missmarc
Originally posted by Cosmonaut
Do you own exercise equipment or dvds? What do you own? If not, is there anything you want to get?

I have 8 lb dumbbells and ~8 belly dance DVDs.
yes, i do
Contributor: spiced spiced
We have a treadmill, another machine, some dumbbells and a few other odds & ends. I think my wife has some dvds, but I've never seen them used!
Contributor: XxFallenAngelxX XxFallenAngelxX
I won a few popular DVD sets and quite a bit of exercise stuff. My favorite is my treadmill! It makes me drop the pounds!
Contributor: Gone (LD29) Gone (LD29)
I've got a handful of yoga DVDs and 2 yoga mats. It's been a really long time since I've used them, though.
Contributor: GirlinDaCorner GirlinDaCorner
Treadmill, yoga mat, and some weights.
Contributor: GravyCakes GravyCakes
i don't own any dvds, but i did used to pull up tae bo videos on youtube.