Do you or did you have a rule for sex and dating that you wouldn't have sex until a certain number of dates had been had?
Do you or did you have a date rule for sex?
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I tried to make a rule of so many dates, but if a date was going bad yet I was attracted to that person...LOL
Originally posted by
Do you or did you have a rule for sex and dating that you wouldn't have sex until a certain number of dates had been had?
Yes & I stick to it. (:
Yes, and I usually stick it to it. FOr my current man the date rule got cut down by alot!! I guess that means he is worth it? =)
I've tried this occasionally but I'm too horny to stick with any set rule.
I don't have a set number of dates before I sleep with someone. I think I wait longer than most people do though usually at least a couple of months. I think it helps weed out the guys who only want sex.
I never stick to them in the past, however, I did start to stick to one this past Sunday.
I did not have sex until I know that she was the one.
I haven't been out with very many people but I think I'm kind of all over the place. I kind of wish I had a rule and stuck to it.
I never had a rule.
I'm in a committed relationship, but we cuckold, so I have sex with other guys. I get to know them first, but there aren't always official "dates"
I like sex way too much for a rule like that!
Never had a set number of dates in mind, it only mattered if it felt right.
I've never had vaginal sex and intend to wait until I'm married.
I do engage in anal sex, but only with a trusted partner I intend to be with for an indefinite period of time. The one time I did casual, it was a horrible experience.
I do engage in anal sex, but only with a trusted partner I intend to be with for an indefinite period of time. The one time I did casual, it was a horrible experience.
Never needed to
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No I never had one. I felt that if things connected then why put up roadblocks? Sex is fun.
No, but not a bad idea.
Originally posted by
Do you or did you have a rule for sex and dating that you wouldn't have sex until a certain number of dates had been had?
Yes, before the relationship that I am in now. I always stuck to it.
As a guy - I had a reverse strategy. I found it better - and a lot less frustrating for me, to wait until the girl I was dating really wanted to have sex. But I didn't have endless patience either. There was no fixed # of dates - just went with the feeling.
No, but not a bad idea.
LOL, with the majority of my long term partners, we for the most part, had sex in one way or another on the first date. I do of course count oral as well as digital as sex.
No, but not a bad idea.
I don't have a rule other than it needs to feel right for me. And right for me just hasn't ever been on a first date, however, it could happen.
It usually takes me awhile to decide to sleep with someone, but I don't have any rules against it. It's something I do if I feel like it.
No, it just depends on the person and what I Want that night.
When I was dating, it really depended on how well I knew the person to begin with. For example, if I was already friends or acquaintances with them before we went out I might feel more comfortable with them and sleep with them sooner than I would someone who just came into my work and asked me out or if a friend set me up on a blind date. Usually it takes a while to get me in bed though!
I have been lucky enough that the feelings in regards to that have been mutual, so no explicit rules have ever been needed.
I did have one, and aside from with my hubby I kept it. I required not so much a number of dates but how invested in the relationship the person was.
No, but not a bad idea.
No, I like sex to much.
Originally posted by
Do you or did you have a rule for sex and dating that you wouldn't have sex until a certain number of dates had been had?
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