Do you find pregnant women attractive?

Contributor: TheSlyFox TheSlyFox
Originally posted by MeliPixie
I think pregnant women, at least the ones who take care of themselves properly during the pregnancy, have a healthy and vital glow that doesn't occur at any other time in life. I love it.
I agree
Contributor: princessss princessss
I don't really find them attractive. My boyfriend can't even stand to look at them lol. but kourney kardashian makes it look good haha. She just looks nice and not trasy.
Contributor: sweetiejo sweetiejo
I don't find pregnant women attractive sexually or not. I just have never found pregnant women to be beautiful, there is a select few I find are very pretty, but a majority of the time I don't see a glow or a change in them.
Contributor: pirkit pirkit
I don't find them sexually attractive, just pretty.
Contributor: Badass Badass
I definitely think pregnant women are adorable. Its not much of a sex thing though for me.
Contributor: Allstars316 Allstars316
Oh yes they are sexy!!
Contributor: sexxxkitten sexxxkitten
I am a woman and I don't know how I view pregnant women. I've never really thought about it.
Contributor: <3BF <3BF
I think if the person you love is pregnant then they are beautiful no matter what, but in general someone has to be pretty attractive to begin with in order to still look attractive while they are pregnant.
Contributor: Allison.Wilder Allison.Wilder
I think women are beautiful in general, but pregnancy doesn't really change that in my opinion.
Contributor: Yaoi Pervette (deleted) Yaoi Pervette (deleted)
I think pregnant women are generally attractive. My best friend looked her absolute best when she was pregnant. She just had that glow. I am not sexually attracted to pregnant women.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by Ash1141
Some guys really dig a pregnant woman (check craigslist ads if you don't believe me).
I find them attractive for the most part but not sexually speaking though both of my guys really love pregnant women sexually. For them it's just the epitome of sexuality and it really turns them on!
Contributor: KrissyNovacaine KrissyNovacaine
I am completely ambivalent.
Contributor: HarlequinBunnie HarlequinBunnie
Originally posted by Ash1141
Some guys really dig a pregnant woman (check craigslist ads if you don't believe me).
I hated being pregnant. And every time I'm around a pregnant woman I end up with sympathy crap. I avoid them like the plague!
Contributor: Stinkytofu10 Stinkytofu10
Originally posted by Ash1141
Some guys really dig a pregnant woman (check craigslist ads if you don't believe me).
Yes, I find them very attractive.
Contributor: travelnurse travelnurse
i feel I looked great when I was preg with one and two. I believe that my significant other thought so too. Sex rocked when I was in my second trimester
Contributor: sexydelphia sexydelphia
it depends on how the lady takes care of herself
Contributor: Deeder Deeder
I've never understood the whole "pregnancy is beautiful" thing. I'm not totally disgusted by it, I just don't find it to be a huge deal.

There are people who can pull off the general "look" of being pregnant very well ("Look at my fantastic new boobs!"), and there are also people who, well-- Let's just say that pregnancy isn't very kind to them.
Contributor: michael scofield michael scofield
yes cant wait till i get a girl pregnant ima want her even more

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