Do you believe what the meteorologist forecasts?

Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
Originally posted by EdenJP
I listen to what they say, and plan for the bad weather, but I take it all with a grain of salt
Very much this.
Contributor: Beck Beck
I find them wrong a lot, so we don't pay attention.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
In our area (Chicago) the forecasts are usually pretty accurate. They have satellites and they can see the patterns coming from across the country.

They may be off about what time it will snow, or exactly how much, but they are nearly 90% accurate most of the time.

I need to know the weather. The first thing I do when I get out of bed is to turn on the TV and get the weather. It drives my husband crazy, "Just stick your head out the door!" That can't tell me what it will be like at 2:00 PM or in the evening. I NEED to know.
Contributor: ViVix ViVix
Originally posted by Rossie
The meteorologists of our local TV stations said there will be snow this afternoon, but nothing has happened yet and I am disappointed in their forecasts. Do you believe what the weatherman says?
Unless it's the naked weather channel, I'm not watching. LOL!
Contributor: Rossie Rossie
Our meteorologists got it right again tonight! Although it's already early spring, it's snowing right now!!! I'm ecstatic as this is my third snowfall this winter/early spring, and our area doesn't usually get that many in one season! I love snow!
Contributor: padmeamidala padmeamidala
Originally posted by Rossie
The meteorologists of our local TV stations said there will be snow this afternoon, but nothing has happened yet and I am disappointed in their forecasts. Do you believe what the weatherman says?
Contributor: Alx Alx
I don't expect them to be 100% right, but I keep in mind - and prepare myself - if I'm going to be outside at a given time for a week+, that there's a possibility this and that might happen weather-wise.
Contributor: Roz W Roz W
I mostly tend to ask the internet how cold it is outside right before I run out the door. That tends to be pretty accurate. Also the % chance rain, because I will forget an umbrella 80% of the time anyway.

So not "the weatherman," nah. I don't ask for perfection. But and related info tends to know more than I do. It might color my perception that I'm only looking one day at a time, and *maybe* a weekend.
Contributor: Falsepast Falsepast
I have a strange ability to smell when its gonna rain. I heard others can do this too, so yeah, Im pretty sure im not the only one who relies on myself alone for weather.
Contributor: Tangles Tangles
Ha, no one believes in them 100%. I tend to rely on them. They're usually not too off around here.
Contributor: Lizzy Lizzy
no they are wrong too often
Contributor: authorzero authorzero
It's basically at the point that I can predict what the weather will actually be based on their predictions. This is ESPECIALLY true when it snows. If they say it's going to snow, it probably won't. If they say it's going to start as snow and turn to rain, it'll snow all day. If it's supposed to warm up on Tuesday, th esnow won't melt until Thursday or Friday.
Contributor: Secret Pleasure Secret Pleasure
Contributor: wildorchid wildorchid
Personally the old adage "Red sky at night; shepherd's delight. Red sky in the morning; a sailor's warning." has never steered me wrong. And I expect it to snow in the winter. As far as I'm concerned that's all I really need. I listen to the weather forecast to plane for things like driving to work and such, but other than that, I'm good.