Do desperate times equal desperate measures for you?

Contributor: Stinkytofu10 Stinkytofu10
Coupons, Groupons, and selling some stuff I already own.
Contributor: K101 K101
Depends. I've been pretty desperate before. I mean EXTREMELY, but I would not ever go so far as to sell my body or anything like that. However, I did look into selling my underwear! Ha Ha. I know, it's gross, but I had school bills and needed emergency dental care which was extremely high. I still haven't made it to the dentist due to finally getting insurance and then not even having dental! Anyways, I got desperate and our 12 year old was starting school again. We get child support for him and my family helps out A lot, but we needed some serious extra $.

I looked into the underwear selling thing and realized you had to show pics of yourself wearing the item nearly naked and I backed out. I work in nail design so I started promoting my designs like crazy for my press ons and I actually done pretty decent. I have an online store where I sell them and I don't bring in a ton of $ selling them online alone, but enough to get by.

Now I do use some of those paid email sites that I've been with for years and they're really worth it (SOME) but not if you need the $ right away. I've been with for years and all I do is click the emails daily which takes seconds and I get like $30 a year. Not good, but when Christmas time comes and that $30 comes in the mail, it does help. There's also another one just like it called send, but they only send you one paid email a week and the $ isn't even worth it. I also used for a year and then we all protested them for screwing us over. Lol.

If you have a lot of used clothing and stuff to get rid of, taking them to a resale store or selling online might help. I hate Ebay, but there are other sites to sell on. You could try Craig's list if you have anything that someone would want to buy.

I wish you the best though. I know it can get really tough.
Contributor: wrecklesswords wrecklesswords
Originally posted by K101
Depends. I've been pretty desperate before. I mean EXTREMELY, but I would not ever go so far as to sell my body or anything like that. However, I did look into selling my underwear! Ha Ha. I know, it's gross, but I had school bills and needed ... more
Oh wow, sounds like you're pretty crafty with ways to come up with money.

I used to be a cam girl, and my girlfriend wanted me to stop, so I stopped for her. Out of respect for her. People told me all the time to sell my underwear, but I wanted to keep it! hahaha. I like my undies, thanks.

I've never heard of paid e-mail sites, doesn't sound like much, but sounds like it would be okay.

I'm hoping to get back into painting my Christmas ornaments to sell them online. I can't decide if I want to go back to using Etsy or not.

However, my mom is looking to open up a brick and mortar craft store, so I might propose that I run an etsy shop or online shop for her and ask for like 20%. Maybe only 10% since she's my mom, lol!
Contributor: Missmarc Missmarc
Originally posted by wrecklesswords
When things get financially tight for you, and I mean, really bad, do you get desperate and try to sell things or go sell blood or plasma? Or do you just take a breath and do what you can with what little you have?
wow, i didn't even know you can sell blood or plasma in the US. I thought you can only donate.
Contributor: Anjulie Anjulie
Originally posted by wrecklesswords
O.o you got a couple hundred dollars for selling your hair?! I've never heard of selling one's hair before.
Me either
Contributor: wrecklesswords wrecklesswords
Originally posted by Missmarc
wow, i didn't even know you can sell blood or plasma in the US. I thought you can only donate.
Yep! I mostly only see the clinics around universities. You can either donate or sell it. Depends on the clinic you go to.
Contributor: Missmarc Missmarc
Originally posted by wrecklesswords
Yep! I mostly only see the clinics around universities. You can either donate or sell it. Depends on the clinic you go to.
This is good to know, in case I am ever in need.