Less than $10,000 in student loans, I really hope it stays this way, so I can buy a house soon.
How Much Debt Do You Have? (Private Poll)
.... I said I have none and then I remembered that I just accepted $10,000 in students loans.
I don't even have a bank card! I do most of my ordering and card payments through an intermediary, and only ever when I have money on me at the time to pay the intermediary off the second the order is placed. But when I did have a bank card, I would never allow myself to go even a penny in overdraft.
Until 2 weeks ago I could have put 0 debt but I just bought a brand spanking new top of the range ford fiesta and it's costing me 30 grand
My fiancee and I are currently debt free.
Student loans and a little bit of credit card debt.
With student loans, enough to house an inmate on death row for a year (interesting little fact I learned) and on the credit cards, enough to match the Blue book value of a '99 Acura CL. The price you have to pay to try to better yourself and get a better job is ridiculous.
Our household has about $9000 owing in among 4 credit cards. We luckily owe nothing on our home of student loans!
I owe a bit in student loans they make me crazy calling even though i send money every month.
Student loans only.
Student loans for two. :/ not so fun.
Between my house, credit cards, vehicle loan, camper loan...
Between $100,000 to $200,000... and I'm only 21... *gulp* Let's just say... lesson learned.
Between $100,000 to $200,000... and I'm only 21... *gulp* Let's just say... lesson learned.
It all depends on the salary you get, although from the impression I get, your budget seems to be tight. Be brave, you'll get through it.
Originally posted by
Between my house, credit cards, vehicle loan, camper loan...
Between $100,000 to $200,000... and I'm only 21... *gulp* Let's just say... lesson learned.
Between $100,000 to $200,000... and I'm only 21... *gulp* Let's just say... lesson learned.
Master's degrees are expensive. I'll leave it at that.
No credit cards and I've got tons of financial aid, so no debt yet!
We have started listening to Dave Ramseys advice. Some of it makes great sense, but his concept of "forget your FICO score" and "if you pay cash, who cares", just does not work for normal people (not multi millionaires like HIM), since when you do go to buy a house or make some other major purchase, without credit you are seriously sunk, no matter what your income.
Originally posted by
So I posted a question the other day about if there were any Dave Ramsey fans and still haven't seen any responses. I looking at this thread and it got me curious about what the average amount of debt people on Eden have. This does not include
So I posted a question the other day about if there were any Dave Ramsey fans and still haven't seen any responses. I looking at this thread and it got me curious about what the average amount of debt people on Eden have. This does not include your house.
As of now the credit card gets used like my debit card and gets paid off once a week or every two weeks. We're now both able to contribute money to our savings accounts on a regular basis
Damn. Does that include current and future student loans? In C.C. debt I'm about 1,200 in the hole. I only had two cards when I was 18 I used them to move out of my moms house. I'm in school and I'm already 9,500 in deep with the school. I don't have to start paying them back yet, I'm still in school. When I'm compeletly done with school. I'm gonna owe about 60,000-70,00 maybe more in dept. Its crazy!!!!!
me too!
Originally posted by
Darling Jen
Damn the student loans! I wish I could wish them away!
Stupid credit cards and student loans.
Sadly my student loans and medical bills have racked up. Plus my ex screwed me when we were together.
No debt
Ok so I'm starting to consider getting either a Mastercard credit card (not a debit) or an Amex (aka American Express) card. What is everyone's opinion??? Amex will offer me a lower APR over time but MC offers being able to pay a smaller percentage of the balance. I wish I were wealthy enough to not need a credit card but I literally own nothing and credit is my only option right now. I have a great credit score thanks to my student loans and I actually work in the financial industry so I know what it looks like if I abuse the credit.
I have about $1,100 right now. It's all medical bills and should be paid of in the next few years.
Just a target credit card bill...less than 2,000. Unfortunately, my husband is another matter completely.
My husband worked in the factory and saved everything he had to build us a house so we do not have a mortgage. My college was paid for on scholarships so I do not have any student loans. My husbands college is paid for by grants so he doesn't have any student loans. The only thing we owe is for his 2011 Dodge Charger. My 2011 Toyota Corolla is already paid for.
Debt sucks!
Lots of student loans to pay back...
I have some credit card debt.
Debt free except for my Condo