Are you shy or outgoing in real life?

Contributor: Noira Celestia Noira Celestia
I'm surprised by how many people say they are shy. I didn't used to be shy, I used to be really outgoing and extroverted and over the last few years I've become rather shy yet outspoken at the same time.
Contributor: Maeby Maeby
I can be shy, but I'd say I'm more introverted and reserved. I'm a quiet person, and I don't really like crowds/large groups unless I already feel comfortable with the people. Then I'm fine.
Contributor: Cedarlooman Cedarlooman
I am very shy in person, especially with people I am attracted to. I am also introverted. I however am in a profession where I am interacting with people on a near constant basis and am not shy at all there. lol It is really just with personal interactions that my shyness exerts itself. Online, I am really not shy at all. I am careful and don't share some information, but I have no problem chatting with anyone online or in forums.
Contributor: philz philz
I come off as being shy, but its not really the case. Its more that I was brought up with the mentality that where ever you are you should be quiet. Unless spoken to generally you should not talk too much. As to not disturb other people and being reserved is a sign of maturity.

That being said, once a conversations gets going you can clearly tell I am not shy. lol
Contributor: ac0313 ac0313
Originally posted by ToyBoy
I'm shy when I do not know anyone in the room. When I know someone I show my outgoing side. When I'm around my friends, I am extremely outgoing.
similar for me...if I'm am in a new situation or with others I do not know, I may be failry introverted and mostly people watch. In places with people I know or one person I know, I am more outgoing....
Contributor: Rin (aka Nire) Rin (aka Nire)
I used to be shy to an almost crippling degree - you'd be lucky to hear me speak at all in public, except to my mom or dad. I'm a lot better now, but it really depends on who I'm with and how many people are in the room. I really don't like crowds, so I tend to shut down when there's too many people present (indoors, anyway. Outside I don't care as much). I may greet a stranger politely in passing, but for the most part I only really talk to my friends and coworkers. I don't actively seek out people to speak with, and I don't like being approached unless someone's just asking directions or something. Though if properly introduced, I'm usually pretty friendly.

I'm actually shyer online. I think I'm chattier on EF than I've ever been on any other site!
Contributor: liilii080 liilii080
Pretty outgoing. I used to be shy and I realized I got a lot farther by putting myself out there.
Contributor: Wyo Daisy Wyo Daisy
It depends. I am shy, but if there is something I am passionate about I will speak up an share more.