1 LUNATIC 1 ICE PICK (Warning)

Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Originally posted by Beck
In case anyone is interested:

Vitcim Identified.
Thanks for posting! I heard of it, but was on the road driving to Chicago all day.
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by ~LaUr3n~
I had no heard of the Anthony Sowell case. Thank you for that. Wereany officers fired for that? I feel they should be. I feel the officers who dismissed this video should be punished as well. It's their job to investigate all claims.

I ... more
I don't believe they were. We never heard anything about it. But they needed to be. It's ridiculous.
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by ~LaUr3n~
Thanks for posting! I heard of it, but was on the road driving to Chicago all day.
Contributor: PeaceToTheMiddleEast PeaceToTheMiddleEast
Originally posted by Beck
They haven't said for sure, but they think it was bath salts not PCP. Which bath salts are like Meth. They can keep you up for days. So, when you have lack of sleep, you become insane.
Yea it was the bath salts. We had a guy up here on them too and they killed him because he took his girl hostage all he had to do was come out the house and he would not do it.
Contributor: xMila xMila
That is really messed up. I hope they catch him soon.
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Contributor: GONE! GONE!
I'm getting scared. I don't understand what the heck is with all these cannibals lately. Drugs, probably, but considering how many people take all kinds of drugs every day without doing this kind of stuff it makes me wonder what is going on...
Contributor: brevado brevado
This has been a crazy story to follow.
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by ~LaUr3n~
This is messed up. He is going to toy with the police until he is caught. Sicko! Luckily, toying with the police like this will lead to him being caught. Because he's leaving a trail. I hope they get him soon!!
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Beck
Bath salt make you stay up for days. Lack of sleep is the issue. Read up on it. Lack of sleep will make you hallucinate.
Enough amphetamine in a person and they will hallucinate, even when they haven't been up for a long time. Some kids (rarely, but it happens) have be taken off of Ritalin or Adderall because they hallucinate on an otherwise low clinical dose of fairly safe amphetamines.

People with a predisposition to psychosis and/or a low hallucination threshold do very poorly on amphetamines.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Beck
Bath salt make you stay up for days. Lack of sleep is the issue. Read up on it. Lack of sleep will make you hallucinate.
Enough amphetamine in a person and they will hallucinate, even when they haven't been up for a long time. Some kids (rarely, but it happens) have be taken off of Ritalin or Adderall because they hallucinate on an otherwise low clinical dose of fairly safe amphetamines.

People with a predisposition to psychosis and/or a low hallucination threshold do very poorly on amphetamines.
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by P'Gell
Enough amphetamine in a person and they will hallucinate, even when they haven't been up for a long time. Some kids (rarely, but it happens) have be taken off of Ritalin or Adderall because they hallucinate on an otherwise low clinical dose of ... more
I know that's true. My Uncle is a meth addict. He would see Helicopters in the sky and think the FBI was following him. He would also hear random sounds and think they were listening.
Contributor: Talena Talena
There is a lot of sick individuals out there. I personally feel they have always been there, maybe not as many but there none the less, but never uncovered like they have been lately. I think the technology we have today helps to uncover these obviously mentally disturbed individuals. I also think that all the chemicals people are finding to get high from isn't helping the situation.
Contributor: Nora29714 Nora29714
Originally posted by Beck
This is messed up. He is going to toy with the police until he is caught. Sicko! Luckily, toying with the police like this will lead to him being caught. Because he's leaving a trail. I hope they get him soon!!
Sounds like the Zodiac killer to me...
Contributor: Nora29714 Nora29714
Originally posted by P'Gell
Enough amphetamine in a person and they will hallucinate, even when they haven't been up for a long time. Some kids (rarely, but it happens) have be taken off of Ritalin or Adderall because they hallucinate on an otherwise low clinical dose of ... more
link <Check this out...

Also it has not been confirmed what he was on. link
Contributor: Sundae Sparkles Sundae Sparkles
Originally posted by BG529
but PCP is more of a hallucinogen vs. bath salts.
I've heard PCP, bath salts and weed... and out of all that PCP is the only hallucinogen.
Bath Salts are very much a hallucinogen link
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Originally posted by Beck
This is messed up. He is going to toy with the police until he is caught. Sicko! Luckily, toying with the police like this will lead to him being caught. Because he's leaving a trail. I hope they get him soon!!
Caught! Not so smart or able to disappear as he said, after all lol.




Police tracked him because the dumbass was still using his cell phone. I think he wanted to get caught and it was all a high thrill for him. They tracked him to a hotel room, and he was seen at a bar, and then photographed at an airport.
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by ~LaUr3n~
Caught! Not so smart or able to disappear as he said, after all lol.



Police tracked him because the dumbass was still using his cell phone. I think he wanted to get caught and it was all a high thrill for him. ... more
Alright! Yay!! He had to wanted to be caught. Still using his cell phone. Idiot.
Contributor: Lilith Bealove Lilith Bealove
Originally posted by P'Gell
What in the world is going on? We have 24 hour news feeds, and news stories that used to remain local are now available for all due to the internet.

People have been doing "weird" things for thousands of years: ever hear of ... more
Thank you. I was about to start crying. Thank you for reminding me that this weird stuff has been going on for centuries!! I've read up on Elsbeth Bathory before, and a ton of other things. I know that a lot of this stuff isn't new. But reading about it happening today freaks me out. Makes me want to barricade my house, and site around wide eyed with guns around me, and never sleep again. I scare so easily.
Contributor: Apirka Apirka
Originally posted by ~LaUr3n~
Caught! Not so smart or able to disappear as he said, after all lol.



Police tracked him because the dumbass was still using his cell phone. I think he wanted to get caught and it was all a high thrill for him. ... more
Awesome that he was caught! Just saw on Yahoo news that this sicko was arrested in Berlin.
Contributor: bayosgirl bayosgirl
I am normally against capitol punishment, but I almost want to say HANG THE SICK FREAK. I'm so glad they finally caught him! now he won't be able to hurt anymore animals or people again.
Contributor: nanamondoute nanamondoute
I really think there's something wrong in the head with these people. I just don't understand how people grow up to be like that.
Contributor: Zombirella Zombirella
Well that didn't take long at all. Good to know!

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