1 LUNATIC 1 ICE PICK (Warning)

Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
THE BELOW RANT/INFORMATION contains disturbing but TRUE information. Readers be advised!

Like our generations version of Jack the Ripper, but now all live on the internet for everyone to follow...

That's how I'd describe what's happening right now.

Luka Rocco Magnotta...a name I'm sure we will all soon know very well, just as much as Charles Manson or Jack the Ripper, is an amateur porn star, model, chameleon, narcissist, animal abuser, necrophiliac, murderer, cannibal, and sadist - among other things.

He is pictured below...


That man first was labeled and identified by PETA as the individual who put kittens in a bag and vacuumed out the air suffocating them. He uploaded the video to the internet and has been doing so for 2 years.

Within the last week a video was discovered online and called into police (of which it was dismissed at first). The video shows Luka, who was not immediately identified stabbing a tied and gagged man with an ice pick. He dismembers the man after he is dead, has anal sex with the dead dismembered corpse, masturbates with the hand, and eats parts of sliced off buttock flesh - among other things. He identifies himself at the end of the video and uploaded it to a site called Bestgore.com. Authorities originally dismissed the video's existence as a video produced with special effects.

It wasn't until body parts started showing up in the mail to various law enforcement authorities and polititians that they started to look into the matter. More were discovered in a suitcase in an alley behind his apartment.

After identification, Luka's apartment was searched. Now abandoned but still riddled with body parts, pools of blood, and evidence, Luka is thought to have fled to France leaving a trail of clues all over the internet.

His website and writings are eerie. He talks about morphing into anyone you want and even provides a step by step instruction how-to on how to disappear and start a new life.

Here is the original news article that started my search for more information on Luka: News piece

Another recent article includes quotes from various past friends and exes: link It discusses a recent blog by Luka titled "Necrophilia Serial Killer Luka Magnotta". It has since been removed.

A wiki page is already created for him and is rapidly being updated.

I've never known for authorities to ask for help from "internet goers" as they are right now. Since it's believed that Luka has been planning a lot of this for at least three years, insight to his actions right now are planted all over the internet through his various blogs, uploads, youtube channels, etc. He is reported to have been obsessed with checking the internet and uploading content constantly. He could even be reading this same post right now for all we know...

Videos are being created all over to help catch him: video

...if you're curious or daring enough... the only site to still have the video is linked here WARNING GRAPHIC. Due to so many people trying to be sleuths right now the video won't play. I didn't watch it and don't intend to. Because the site bestgore played a huge part in identifying Luka in the first place, it has shown how important the internet can be to catch Luka. Please take this post seriously. Discuss as you wish, but please respect the victim(s) and this posts potential to reach someone who may have information about Luka that can then supply that to the proper authorities. If nothing else, freak out with me will you?!!? ...

After seeing various other headlines today "Man eats homeless mans face for 18 minutes in broad daylight-Zombie attack", "Man disembowels himself and throws at police", and "Man admits to eating roommates heart and brains"... WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON?
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Contributor: Zombirella Zombirella
It takes a LOT to disturb me since I love horror and gore but this stuff going on is TOO much. I like movies, fake stuff. This real stuff..... I want to cry =/ There are crazy things happening all over the world that we don't know about but when cases get publicity like this, it really chills you to the bone. I mean why....how?! So much hate in the world. SO many sick, disturbed individuals. So many people hooked on getting high that they don't know when to stop, they don't want to, and will take anything.
I couldn't imagine being law enforcement and being on one of these cases, talk about nightmares for life!
That gore website said they would keep the video going...WHY?! How is this even allowed or not being stopped?!
Like many serial killers, it just goes to show that they can and do look like normal people, not some cracked out, scary looking, homeless, deranged person.
I can see some religious person starting something up about how this is a sign of the Apocalypse or something.
After reading all this, I can say for certain I'm WIDE awake now......
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Originally posted by Zombirella
It takes a LOT to disturb me since I love horror and gore but this stuff going on is TOO much. I like movies, fake stuff. This real stuff..... I want to cry =/ There are crazy things happening all over the world that we don't know about but when ... more
I am the same way. You don't go into criminology being easily disturbed or affected by things of horrendous nature lol. However, this struck a cord with me. It actually wasn't this that alone that caused me to write my own article. It was my search to find more info about this seemingly too hard to believe story that led me to a site of which I will not name. This site is the only other site to have had the 1 Lunatic 1 IcePick video. Unlike Bestgore which seems to have a redeemable purpose (in part at least), the other site seemed to post gore for the sake of those who like to "get off to it" or make fun of the people in the videos when they depict things like rape. It's one thing for a surveillance camera to catch a rape or the recent zombie face eating attack and for that to end up on the internet...it's another for someone to set up a camera and then gang rape someone or do what Luka has apparently done.

They said they'd keep the video going for a few different reasons

1. To open naive eyes to what our world contains
2. Because the existence of the video on their site helped identify him and link his identity to other videos, perhaps it could do more good?

At first I had the same reaction. I was angry and confused. Why would this be on the internet? Well it has been removed from dozens of places so far and is incredibly hard to view. It's not readily available, but it does raise an issue for me. There's plenty more content like this. Snuff films are NOT a myth and I don't know why anyone ever thought they were. It's out there and it has been for a long time. There needs to be tighter regulation on what is on the internet, imo. I realize this means censorship. There's a difference between censoring words and removing videos like those I was able to find today. I still remember when stickdeath was shut down! REALLY?!?! That was such an issue but things like bestgore are able to operate for years?!?! Stickdeath has since returned but it was down for a looooong time. That's what is so infuriating. Stick figures vs videos of bestiality, rape, murder, etc are as easy to find as pictures of Kim Kardashian. Sorry for the rant...

This is what bestgore states:

"Why It Was Important to Share This Video

I think we can all agree that 1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick is a proof that it’s important for a website like Best Gore to publish videos of such nature, regardless of how upsetting they may seem to general public. It’s because this video was posted that the community was able to identify the perpetrator long before the body parts were mailed off and had action been taken when first reports were made, the perpetrator would likely have been caught. The fact that action was not taken takes nothing away from great service postage of this video meant for the safety of the public."
Contributor: Zombirella Zombirella
Originally posted by ~LaUr3n~
I am the same way. You don't go into criminology being easily disturbed or affected by things of horrendous nature lol. However, this struck a cord with me. It actually wasn't this that alone that caused me to write my own article. It was my ... more
I have my degrees in corrections and social work. People ask me why I don't want to be an officer, detective or part of the FBI.....THIS is why! I can handle reading about it in books, like old serial killer bios and such. I can sit and watch Hollywood movies that gross most people out and scare them to death and not be phased at all. This stuff here....just so many questions and emotions coming up.

I cannot believe a place like bestgore exists. I love gore but NOT this stuff. I couldn't watch anything there. And I remember when rotten.com was BAD. I think I might know the website you are speaking of.

Well, I'm glad they were able to identify the man. I hope they catch him.

I'm in shock at this story, as well as these websites that I didn't know existed until now.
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Originally posted by Zombirella
I have my degrees in corrections and social work. People ask me why I don't want to be an officer, detective or part of the FBI.....THIS is why! I can handle reading about it in books, like old serial killer bios and such. I can sit and watch ... more
Bestgore was the site I found to be the least bad of the ones dedicated to gore. The one I won't mention not only needs to be removed, but the makers should be prosecuted. Bestgore gets their content from self user submissions (or gore to themselves) or leaked news casts. The other sites....are something entirely different.

The video is up on another site now. I'm not going to link it because no longer feel the video needs to be watched to understand the horror of it. Their are reaction videos on youtube that are enough as is. However, I'll give it to those who as in PM but I doubt the link will be live for long.
Contributor: Peggi Peggi
Ugh. This guy.

I actually posted a link last night about all the crazy news lately, him included!

That guy is just SICK!

I will admit, I did watch all 10+ minutes of the video, and it was one of the worst videos I've ever seen. Not the most disturbing, but really up there! I pointed out to one of my friends, the 2nd to last image you posted, he actually looks like someone I would TALK TO or consider CUTE! Which then led me to my freak-out of "how many more people like him are there out there, and they just don't look like the typical hardened-criminal, and you pass them by every day not realizing it?".

I hope that the video and these photos help them to catch this lunatic! He NEEDS to be put behind bars. After just hearing what he did to those poor kittens and cats (this was before me even seeing the video) I was too disgusted to speak!
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
What in the world is going on? We have 24 hour news feeds, and news stories that used to remain local are now available for all due to the internet.

People have been doing "weird" things for thousands of years: ever hear of Caligula? Elsbeth Bathory? H.H. Holmes? Regular reports of cannibals in Russia, for hundreds of years, until modern day?

It's nothing new. It's just the "focus of the week."

Read the "history" of cannibalism, and see how common this behavior actually is. (Those Russians do have a taste for human flesh, jeez.)
Contributor: Jaimes Jaimes
I appreciate the call to attention.

It might be the "flavor of the week," but public awareness will lead to justice, and that isn't such a bad flavor in my book.

Yes, there have been bad people for thousands of years, doing horrible things. But the context of that history is a social construct without the ability to do something about it sooner.

Instant worldwide communication and the free sharing of information is a brand new context, and it will help us make a difference.
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Originally posted by Jaimes
I appreciate the call to attention.

It might be the "flavor of the week," but public awareness will lead to justice, and that isn't such a bad flavor in my book.

Yes, there have been bad people for thousands of years, ... more
Thank you very much Jaimes and for respecting the potential of this post as asked. I completely agree.
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by P'Gell
What in the world is going on? We have 24 hour news feeds, and news stories that used to remain local are now available for all due to the internet.

People have been doing "weird" things for thousands of years: ever hear of ... more
I think our team of Russians have an excellent taste in cuisine. And no, it isn't human flavored.
Contributor: Beck Beck
So the Authorities ignored the video. That sounds familiar.

Last summer in my area of the US, a serial killer was discovered. Anthony Sowell raped, killed, and then some 11 women that they know of.

One of the women who got away managed to escape and climbed out the window. She ran down the street naked and the police just happen to drive by. He manages to make them think this is a lovers fight and make them part ways. Meanwhile if they would have checked his house and listened to the women, they would have found the bodies of women laying around the house.

Jeffrey Dahmer had a similar story. He had kidnapped a boy who went running out of his house naked. And mind you this was a teenager who was drunk and drugged. The police happen to see. Dahmer convinced them it was a lovers fight and they left. Later he killed that boy.
Contributor: Khanner Khanner
I can't believe the police originally thought the video was a fake, doesn't make me feel very secure.
Contributor: Ryuson Ryuson
I saw that site when I was looking up the news story last night, though I have no interest in watching some porn star play around in nasty ways with a corpse. On one hand, I really don't think that there should be sites like that. On the other hand, there are a lot of people that think that there shouldn't be sites like Eden, and as long as people are being respectful it seems like there is a place for that site on the internet.

What I think is really neat about this story is that it calls for action from the entire internet. If he's always uploading things, and everyone's aware of what to look for, it's like having spy cameras on every website. I think that it really is a great way to try and capture this terrible human being.

All that being said, the kitten part just made me want to cry.
Contributor: BG529 BG529
This is just plan sad... I hope they find him. I'm glad you have posted this. It makes me truly sick that he did all that to poor little kittens.

I'm glad that the internet is here to help with things like this because to many cases have gone unsolved and "given up on" when the families will never give up.

What is this world coming to?? I'm so glad I got my concealed wepons permit...

I've been hearing a lot about a "zombie apocalypse" Does anyone know anything about that??
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by BG529
This is just plan sad... I hope they find him. I'm glad you have posted this. It makes me truly sick that he did all that to poor little kittens.

I'm glad that the internet is here to help with things like this because to many cases ... more
There's no zombie anything, anywhere. The guy was higher than a kite on pcp and that stuff makes you incredibly dangerous, incredibly volatile and completely insane. It's not a one off - but the cases where people are eating others, they are usually on a PCP-induced hysteria where they imagine these people as demons and that "God told them to".
Contributor: BG529 BG529
Originally posted by Ansley
There's no zombie anything, anywhere. The guy was higher than a kite on pcp and that stuff makes you incredibly dangerous, incredibly volatile and completely insane. It's not a one off - but the cases where people are eating others, they are ... more
Contributor: BG529 BG529
Originally posted by Ansley
There's no zombie anything, anywhere. The guy was higher than a kite on pcp and that stuff makes you incredibly dangerous, incredibly volatile and completely insane. It's not a one off - but the cases where people are eating others, they are ... more
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by BG529
All the zombie stuff kind of gets under my skin. I think it's the most ludicrous thing ever, but I try not to take it away from people who think it would be cool or fun to fight in a zombie apocalypse.
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by Ansley
There's no zombie anything, anywhere. The guy was higher than a kite on pcp and that stuff makes you incredibly dangerous, incredibly volatile and completely insane. It's not a one off - but the cases where people are eating others, they are ... more
They haven't said for sure, but they think it was bath salts not PCP. Which bath salts are like Meth. They can keep you up for days. So, when you have lack of sleep, you become insane.
Contributor: BG529 BG529
Originally posted by Ansley
All the zombie stuff kind of gets under my skin. I think it's the most ludicrous thing ever, but I try not to take it away from people who think it would be cool or fun to fight in a zombie apocalypse.
No I actually think it would be extreamlly scary... lol I mean yeah it is crazy as hell. but you never know what could happen... I guess with more news feeds and the internet we just find out about things sooner
Contributor: BG529 BG529
Originally posted by Beck
They haven't said for sure, but they think it was bath salts not PCP. Which bath salts are like Meth. They can keep you up for days. So, when you have lack of sleep, you become insane.
but PCP is more of a hallucinogen vs. bath salts.
I've heard PCP, bath salts and weed... and out of all that PCP is the only hallucinogen.
Contributor: Beck Beck
In case anyone is interested:

Vitcim Identified.
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by BG529
but PCP is more of a hallucinogen vs. bath salts.
I've heard PCP, bath salts and weed... and out of all that PCP is the only hallucinogen.
Bath salt make you stay up for days. Lack of sleep is the issue. Read up on it. Lack of sleep will make you hallucinate.
Contributor: TheSlyFox TheSlyFox
Crazy o.0
Contributor: vanilla&chocolate vanilla&chocolate
It's hard to believe all of this crazy, downright GORY stuff that's been going on lately! It almost makes me afraid to turn on the news!
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Originally posted by Beck
So the Authorities ignored the video. That sounds familiar.

Last summer in my area of the US, a serial killer was discovered. Anthony Sowell raped, killed, and then some 11 women that they know of.

One of the women who got away ... more
I had no heard of the Anthony Sowell case. Thank you for that. Wereany officers fired for that? I feel they should be. I feel the officers who dismissed this video should be punished as well. It's their job to investigate all claims.

I knew of Dahmer's story.
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Originally posted by Khanner
I can't believe the police originally thought the video was a fake, doesn't make me feel very secure.
My guess is that he didn't even watch the whole thing.
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Originally posted by Ryuson
I saw that site when I was looking up the news story last night, though I have no interest in watching some porn star play around in nasty ways with a corpse. On one hand, I really don't think that there should be sites like that. On the other ... more
"What I think is really neat about this story is that it calls for action from the entire internet. If he's always uploading things, and everyone's aware of what to look for, it's like having spy cameras on every website. I think that it really is a great way to try and capture this terrible human being."

I totally agree. Yes, he wants the attention. And yes we are giving it to him, and I hope it bites him in the ass.
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Originally posted by Ansley
There's no zombie anything, anywhere. The guy was higher than a kite on pcp and that stuff makes you incredibly dangerous, incredibly volatile and completely insane. It's not a one off - but the cases where people are eating others, they are ... more
The toxicology has not come back yet. The drug theory has not been confirmed.
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Originally posted by Beck
They haven't said for sure, but they think it was bath salts not PCP. Which bath salts are like Meth. They can keep you up for days. So, when you have lack of sleep, you become insane.
Correct, Bath salts is the theory.