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I bet! I love the Evil Dead... although I am huge Bruce Campbell fan too. Those are some big shoes to fill playing Ash!
Well, he was no Bruce Campbell, but he did a great job. It focused on the comedy more than anything. The songs were hilarious, and the whole cast really impressed me. I went into it expecting disappointment... I mean Evil Dead as a musical? My man was especially skeptical, but we laughed the whole time and really enjoyed ourselves. You should look it up on YouTube. We did that before going, and while what we saw was funny, we thought it still would be horribly cheesy. While we enjoy that sort of thing, and the Bruce Campbell movies are generally cheesy, we still thought the singing would get annoying. Not so, the fact that it didn't take the story line at all serious and just made every attempt to make the "cheese" factor over the top made us actually look forward to the songs. I highly recommend it, if any one has the opportunity.
Gosh, that kinda sounded like some of my toy reviews... lol. I apologize. Thinking back on it made me remember the experience and how bad I want that show to come back. I have so many friends that I have told about it that would love to go.