Out of these book series; which one do you like the best?
Which book series did you like better?
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I didn't really like either of them! The first 3 Harry Potters were good, but after that they lost my attention.
Harry Potter for sure, and definitely Lord of the Rings. I hate the Harry Potter movies, but I'm in love with the LotR movies. The only other one I've read was Twilight, which I liked at the time but it was never a favorite.
I love the Harry Potter series.
I know LotR is a phenomenal series, but I just can't get into it for some reason.
I try not to insult my own intelligence with the rest.
I know LotR is a phenomenal series, but I just can't get into it for some reason.
I try not to insult my own intelligence with the rest.
I haven't read any of these book series. I do enjoy the Harry Potter movies though.
I'm more of a Palahniuk fan. He doesn't have any series yet. :/
I'm more of a Palahniuk fan. He doesn't have any series yet. :/
Yikes. I have not read any of those, but know enough about them all. I'd never bother wasting my time on a book like 50 shades, sorry. But I think, out of the options and what I know about the books listed, I'd like Harry Potter the most. Wonder why I've never picked up those books? I'd probably enjoy them. I've not even seen the movies!! Lol.
Originally posted by
Out of these book series; which one do you like the best?
What!?!?!? Nobody else likes the grey stories????
Out of the options, Harry Potter, but my favorite series is a specific series called "Blood Ties" by Jennifer Armintrout.
Potter for me, with the Vampire Academy and Fablehaven series tied for second. I know you didn't list Fablehaven, but it's on my top list. Lord of the Rings was a great trilogy, but I had a much easier time getting into the movies than the books. Possibly because Aragorn was hott
I haven't actually read any of these series. I did like the Hunger Games and the Millennium trilogy though.
Anything James Patterson
harry potter
my wife loves 'em!
Originally posted by
What!?!?!? Nobody else likes the grey stories????
probably lord of the rings. every few years i reread them
Harry Potter and LotR are my favorite books of all time.
I've only read 2 of these and a portion of another, so Harry Potter wins hands down. My favorite of all time however, would probably be Kushiel's Legacy by Jacqueline Carey
I've only read the 50 shades and I really liked them. I wasn't crazy about the Twilight movies and I don't think I'd enjoy Harry Potter either.
Oh Harry Potter, hands down.
I haven't read all of these yet, but I was really blown away with the Hunger Games series. They really caught me off guard.
I also like A Song of Ice and Fire and The Hunger Games
Harry pottewr was good for a while, but I really enjoyed the myth series and things of that nature.
Out of those choices, Harry Potter. Although, my favorite series is the Kushiel Trilogies by Jacqueline Carey.
Without a doubt, LOTR. My favorite series is probably The Red Wheel by Solzhenitsyn. Too bad he didn't live to finish it.
Harry Potter and Cirque du Freak

I haven't read any of them but I do have the 50 Shades trilogy. I'm sure I'll like it so I voted for it.
I don't know what half of those are ... although I have a special place in mental hell where I gleefully imagine Stephanie Mayer burning and screeching in pain for her destruction of literature. She's right there with the writer of the Box Car Children -shivers-
My favorites are Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings and Drizzt Do'Urden (R.A. Salvatore) and the Vampire Hunter D series :3
My favorites are Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings and Drizzt Do'Urden (R.A. Salvatore) and the Vampire Hunter D series :3
I went with other...have not read a series in a long time.
Originally posted by
Out of these book series; which one do you like the best?
I love series...but for some reason I can't think of my favorite right now!!
Harry Potter was pretty good.
Oh man, I totally meant to vote on LotR, not Twilight.
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