Walking Dead - Super Thread (roundup of all WD discussions - finale this Sunday)

Contributor: Sammi Sammi
Originally posted by Rossie
Geez, you're good! It was quite an unexpected season finale!
It totally was! Dying now till October
Contributor: padmeamidala padmeamidala
Originally posted by Sammi
It totally was! Dying now till October
It was a great season finale. I can't wait until october too! Sunday nights won't be the same!
Contributor: Gone (LD29) Gone (LD29)
I'm still trying to decide how I feel about the ending. It was good though, and I can't wait until October either!
Contributor: Rossie Rossie
Originally posted by Sammi
It totally was! Dying now till October
I'm filling the gap with "The Killing", I hope the new case will be good.
Contributor: GONE! GONE!
Aw man, as much as I was angry at Andrea all season long I hated to see her go. :'(
Contributor: Zombirella Zombirella
That was great! I kinda had a feeling that Andrea was going to be the major character that died, though I thought the Governor himself would do it. I actually thought it was kinda dumb, as tough as she is, I felt with one free hand that she would have been able to kill Milton after her turned and came at her. I actually thought "WTF is she doing?!" when Milton tells her to hurry before he changes and about the tool behind her and she stops and talks to him! HELLO....get that thing and get free! I cried, I'll admit. That scene with her and Michonne got me.

Carl has really grown up since season 1. The kid is a cutie! Couldn't believe he killed that boy in front of Beth!

I was shocked that Governor just killed his crew, what a bastard! Those two guys should have shot him when they had the chance, or took the truck and go out of there.

I liked how it ended with Rick's group bringing the people of Woodbury to the prison.

Next season I'm hoping to see the Governor get his ass kicked, something steamy between Carol and Daryl (even though that's my guy....omg so handsome!) but come on, just kiss her already or something! And more zombie slaying by badass Michonne! I just love her. I hope they don't ever off Daryl or Michonne, they are my favorites. If they did get rid of Daryl I'd want to be with the crowd saying they'd stop watching, but I couldn't. I'm too addicted!

Can it be October now!??!
Contributor: PassionCpl PassionCpl
I thought it was a bit of an anti-climax. The Governor takes three truckloads of heavily armed people, splits up inside the prison and yet they all run away together with their tails between their legs after being ambushed by Glenn & Maggie?

And can someone please explain how Milton changed? Yes, I know that 'revelation' that everyone carries the mutation (Shane anyone?) but I never thought that meant that everyone automatically turns once they've died.
Contributor: Zombirella Zombirella
Originally posted by PassionCpl
I thought it was a bit of an anti-climax. The Governor takes three truckloads of heavily armed people, splits up inside the prison and yet they all run away together with their tails between their legs after being ambushed by Glenn & Maggie? ... more
Yes, that's the case. Everyone is infected. That's why Carl had to shoot his mother after she died giving birth. Remember Shane? He didn't get bit by a walker, Rick killed him and he turned and that's when they figured it out. So whenever someone dies you have to use a weapon to penetrate the brain to be sure they won't change.
Contributor: Gary Gary
I am SOOO glad the Governor is still out there. He is just AWESOME! What a great villain.
Contributor: Zombirella Zombirella
Originally posted by Gary
I am SOOO glad the Governor is still out there. He is just AWESOME! What a great villain.
Yes, that he is. Very evil and demented!
Contributor: PassionCpl PassionCpl
Originally posted by Zombirella
Yes, that's the case. Everyone is infected. That's why Carl had to shoot his mother after she died giving birth. Remember Shane? He didn't get bit by a walker, Rick killed him and he turned and that's when they figured it out. So ... more
Hahaha, it HAD to be Zombirella to answer a zombie question didn't it? The way I saw it, everyone had the potential to turn but I didn't realise everyone would turn once they died (naturally or violently).

Thanks for that!
Contributor: XxFallenAngelxX XxFallenAngelxX
My predictions were so wrong. It's going to be hard to wait for the next season. Come on OCTOBER! I'm ready for The Walking Dead AND Halloween!
Contributor: PassionCpl PassionCpl
Originally posted by Gary
I am SOOO glad the Governor is still out there. He is just AWESOME! What a great villain.
Me too. And on a 'sort of' related note to an earlier post, I was reading an interview with the guy who played Milton who said that the Governor (well, David Morrissey) had both him and Andrea in stitches telling joke after joke for a couple of hours while they were trying to film their last scene.
Contributor: Zombirella Zombirella
Originally posted by PassionCpl
Hahaha, it HAD to be Zombirella to answer a zombie question didn't it? The way I saw it, everyone had the potential to turn but I didn't realise everyone would turn once they died (naturally or violently).

Thanks for that!
Of course, lol. I was shocked when we learned that. They never say HOW everyone becomes infected though, I would like to know but I don't think they ever revealed it in the comics either.
Contributor: dv8 dv8
Conan's doing his show in Atlanta this week and The Walking Dead makes an appearance- link
Contributor: PassionCpl PassionCpl
Originally posted by dv8
Conan's doing his show in Atlanta this week and The Walking Dead makes an appearance- link
That was fun, thanks!
Contributor: Gone (LD29) Gone (LD29)
Originally posted by dv8
Conan's doing his show in Atlanta this week and The Walking Dead makes an appearance- link
I'm not normally a Conan fan, but that was brilliant.
Contributor: emiliaa emiliaa
Let's bring this thread back. Deanna was the bomb, RIP! <3

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