love edward
Twilight fan yes or no ?
I enjoyed the books but wish to burn all copies of the movies.
Just as the Star Wars Christmas Special does not exist to Star Wars fans, the twilight movies do not exist to me.
Just as the Star Wars Christmas Special does not exist to Star Wars fans, the twilight movies do not exist to me.
Find it totally overrated.
I hate Twilight on so many levels.
I watched Twilight for the first time a few nights ago. Thought I'd like it but ended up really NOT liking it, it kind of made me nauseous. I suppose this is a good thing!
I used to like them. Now I don't like them really anymore.
Girlfriend is, but I can't stand it.
Never seen ANY of the movies, read the books or seen any spin off TV shows. Are we odd, or what!!??
Originally posted by
I want to see how many people really like twilight
Other? I don't mind them and I watch all of them, but I'm not a fan either.
Not really. I didn't mind the books too much until people started freaking out about them so much. And then my mom became obsessed. I remember this conversation I had with her once:
Me: Mom, you know the guy that plays Jacob is like 17, right? He's probably younger than I am.
My mom: I know. He's soooo illegal. That's what makes it so good.
Me: Mom, you know the guy that plays Jacob is like 17, right? He's probably younger than I am.
My mom: I know. He's soooo illegal. That's what makes it so good.
I hate Twilight. A lot. The only thing I like about it is playing the 'No, really' game with people who have never read the books.
"And then Edward chews the baby out. No, really. And her sort-of-ex falls in love with the baby. No, really. And they name it Rennesme. I swear I'm not making this up."
"And then this barefoot vampire who can't smell her five feet away is suddenly able to track her from Washington to Arizona..."
"And then Edward chews the baby out. No, really. And her sort-of-ex falls in love with the baby. No, really. And they name it Rennesme. I swear I'm not making this up."
"And then this barefoot vampire who can't smell her five feet away is suddenly able to track her from Washington to Arizona..."
Absolutely not. I couldn't watch the movies.
I couldn't make it through the books.
These aren't vampires...
They're oversized fairies.
I couldn't make it through the books.
These aren't vampires...
They're oversized fairies.
The shit they give our kids these days. Whatever happened to Mary Shelly (Frankenstein) and Mary Higgins Clark, and Bram Stoker (Dracula)?
Originally posted by
Being these movies target audience is like what?..10-16 year old girls I'm pretty sure they wouldn't know what a "healthy" relationship is and they see it as being romantic.
ie:: Forbidden love, Torn between two guys, Dad ... more
ie:: Forbidden love, Torn between two guys, Dad ... more
Being these movies target audience is like what?..10-16 year old girls I'm pretty sure they wouldn't know what a "healthy" relationship is and they see it as being romantic.
ie:: Forbidden love, Torn between two guys, Dad doesn't understand me.OMG! Who do I love, who do I choose
I think some people over analyze the psychology of the movies and get too serious about the subject matter...It's a kid movie in the end...and a very poor one at that. less
ie:: Forbidden love, Torn between two guys, Dad doesn't understand me.OMG! Who do I love, who do I choose
I think some people over analyze the psychology of the movies and get too serious about the subject matter...It's a kid movie in the end...and a very poor one at that. less
i like the story enough to want to watch all the movies, but not enough to care about seeing it right away or reading the books
No thank you
No. No, no, no.
Twilight? No. Twilight with RiffTrax? Hell yes.
I was a fan before it became so popular. I'm not really a fan of it anymore. I really didn't like the breaking dawn movie but I'll watch the last movie since i read all the books to the saga. I just will probably wait till it comes on netflix rather than paying a lot to see it at the movie theatre.
Never really liked Twilight.
Not a fan at all. I read the first book and half of the second. It got too ridiculous for me to even finish. I've never seen the movies either.
Yes and no. I read most of the books and I've seen all the movies so far but I'm stuck in the last book not wanting to finish it and don't even care to see the next (and last - thankfully) movie. I liked it at first but then I really started hating the characters and the way the books are written and the movies are only slightly better.
I sometimes hate it but at the same time I'll watch the movies on DVD and I already watched the new trailer online LOL. I guess it's a guilty pleasure. I didn't like the books though.
I read the books and mostly enjoyed them, I get into my reading and was introduced to it by my niece. Now my kids on the other hand are obsessed with the movies as well as the books, so I have to watch the movies over and over as well as opening night ( and every weekend after for about a month) when it comes out.
I was at first until I really sat and thought about the whole series and what was really going on.
Unfortunately I was a fan and read all the books and have seen all the movies thus far...but now I realize how ridiculous it all is. But I am still going to see the last movie since I may as well just finish everything up. So yes and no. I do love to make fun of it, though! =P
When the books FIRST came out, I was a fan. Now that the movies have turned out, well, CRAPY I cant stand it any more
No. It's creepy and abusive. If a man you just met broke into your house and watched you in your bedroom, you'd call the police. If a man you're dating took a part of your car out so it wouldn't work and he could control your moves, you'd break up with him.
This isn't romantic. It's scary.
This isn't romantic. It's scary.

I tired, I really did. But it was just not working for me. I don't understand the hype. and stephen myers can write, her other book the host was good.