I want to see how many people really like twilight
Twilight fan yes or no ?
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My aunt got me a Twilight card for Halloween just to scare me.
Yech, no thank you, I love to hate it, though.

Wow...these are some of the worst movies, and I would assume books...EVER!! The acting is bad...the story is bad...even the SFX are not the best...Although Kristen Stewart isn't the best actress I wouldn't mind gettin all cuddly with her...naked of course!!
No i am not a fan. when did horror guys turn all romantic??
I like them. It's thoughtless entertainment.
Uh....Twilight? Nope, not into vampires. However TWILIGHT ZONE (Rod Sterling). BEST show, EVER.
Originally posted by
I want to see how many people really like twilight
That's my issue too. Went from "un-dead, bloody horror" to.....LOVE STORY?????
Originally posted by
No i am not a fan. when did horror guys turn all romantic??
As I've said before, I like my fictional abusive relationships to acknowledge that they're abusive.
Sparkly vampires? Really? I prefer mine to burst into flames when they are in sunlight.
No, not a fan. I actually haven't seen any of them though so I don't really know if they are that good. But my step mom is a hard core fan. Her and her friends went on opening dates for all of the twilight movies lol
I don't see these films as romantic. They don't portray healthy relationships at all.
Originally posted by
No i am not a fan. when did horror guys turn all romantic??

Being these movies target audience is like what?..10-16 year old girls I'm pretty sure they wouldn't know what a "healthy" relationship is and they see it as being romantic.
ie:: Forbidden love, Torn between two guys, Dad doesn't understand me.OMG! Who do I love, who do I choose
I think some people over analyze the psychology of the movies and get too serious about the subject matter...It's a kid movie in the end...and a very poor one at that.
ie:: Forbidden love, Torn between two guys, Dad doesn't understand me.OMG! Who do I love, who do I choose
I think some people over analyze the psychology of the movies and get too serious about the subject matter...It's a kid movie in the end...and a very poor one at that.
Cant stand those movies.
It's not being "torn between two men" and "omg my dad doesn't understand me" that I find unhealthy. It's the codependency, the suicidal tendencies, the stalking.. those things I find unhealthy and should not be glorified, especially to stupid teenage girls.
Originally posted by
Being these movies target audience is like what?..10-16 year old girls I'm pretty sure they wouldn't know what a "healthy" relationship is and they see it as being romantic.
ie:: Forbidden love, Torn between two guys, Dad ... more
ie:: Forbidden love, Torn between two guys, Dad ... more
Being these movies target audience is like what?..10-16 year old girls I'm pretty sure they wouldn't know what a "healthy" relationship is and they see it as being romantic.
ie:: Forbidden love, Torn between two guys, Dad doesn't understand me.OMG! Who do I love, who do I choose
I think some people over analyze the psychology of the movies and get too serious about the subject matter...It's a kid movie in the end...and a very poor one at that. less
ie:: Forbidden love, Torn between two guys, Dad doesn't understand me.OMG! Who do I love, who do I choose
I think some people over analyze the psychology of the movies and get too serious about the subject matter...It's a kid movie in the end...and a very poor one at that. less

Yeah...I agree with that also...Particularly the stupid teenage girls part!! L0L
Originally posted by
It's not being "torn between two men" and "omg my dad doesn't understand me" that I find unhealthy. It's the codependency, the suicidal tendencies, the stalking.. those things I find unhealthy and should not be
It's not being "torn between two men" and "omg my dad doesn't understand me" that I find unhealthy. It's the codependency, the suicidal tendencies, the stalking.. those things I find unhealthy and should not be glorified, especially to stupid teenage girls.
But it seems those stupid teen girls love that stuff...Some of my friends have little sisters in this age group...and I have to say they are some of the most depressing and sad people ever!! I just don't get whats up with young kids these days??
They love that stuff because it's pushed down their throats, unfortunately. Just like the color pink, shopping, wanting to have a big white poofy wedding, and thinking math is difficult.
Originally posted by
Yeah...I agree with that also...Particularly the stupid teenage girls part!! L0L
But it seems those stupid teen girls love that stuff...Some of my friends have little sisters in this age group...and I have to say they are some of the most ... more
But it seems those stupid teen girls love that stuff...Some of my friends have little sisters in this age group...and I have to say they are some of the most ... more
Yeah...I agree with that also...Particularly the stupid teenage girls part!! L0L
But it seems those stupid teen girls love that stuff...Some of my friends have little sisters in this age group...and I have to say they are some of the most depressing and sad people ever!! I just don't get whats up with young kids these days?? less
But it seems those stupid teen girls love that stuff...Some of my friends have little sisters in this age group...and I have to say they are some of the most depressing and sad people ever!! I just don't get whats up with young kids these days?? less
kinda of embarrased to admit i liked them :/....I cant wait for the last one to come out so i know who she ends up picking !!
I used to be a twilight fan until the movies came out and then i just started to hate them...
I'm kind of "other". I think they're a fun story to read, but horribly written.
Not even an iota of a little bit do I like these films. Werewolves don't fly, and vampires don't sparkle---they glisten. *snicker*
Seriously, it's just not my style of vampire/werewolf story, but then again neither was Underworld.
Seriously, it's just not my style of vampire/werewolf story, but then again neither was Underworld.
This topic makes my blood pressure go up.
That's a good thing if you're (un)dead.
Originally posted by
This topic makes my blood pressure go up.
god no
ugh! no way.
I like the movies!
The movies are unwatchable. Tried. Haven't taken a stab at the books.
Not a fan.