The most WTF ending in a movie...

Contributor: Petite Valentine Petite Valentine
Originally posted by Rod Ronald
Just the wide eyed open mouthed severed head with the well...ya know thing just freaks me out!
Severed? I thought it was screaming?
Contributor: Jaimes Jaimes
Originally posted by Petite Valentine
I find it funny that Eli Roth (Hostel) and Rod Zombie (The Devil's Rejects, Halloween) find Audition hard to watch.
It is insanely terrifying.
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by P'Gell
I liked it. I don't remember the ending though.

Didn't George Clooney carry around a Liberator Wedge or Ramp in that movie? And make the fucking machine?

Oh....... YUMMMM!
Yep. I liked the movie I was just all WTF on the ending. Like ok...that wasn't the most logical way to do that or anything.
Contributor: Subska Subska
American psycho
Contributor: Rod Ronald Rod Ronald
Originally posted by Illusional
Oooh, I will have to find those!

Also, Hobo with a Shotgun!
Oh shit! That one was amazing! Total Grindhouse!
Contributor: Rod Ronald Rod Ronald
Originally posted by Illusional
Oooh, I will have to find those!

Also, Hobo with a Shotgun!
Oh shit! That one was amazing! Total Grindhouse!
Contributor: Rod Ronald Rod Ronald
Originally posted by namelesschaos
Ok, not a move but Mass Effect 3 desires mention: link uggg so much WTF
Yeah....yeah it does! If it's so bad there there working to fix it with a DLCthat adds a new ending and etc. then yeahhhhhhhh it's bad...very very bad!
Contributor: Rod Ronald Rod Ronald
Originally posted by Falsepast
*sighs* are people still not through venting about that? Its VERY realisti from what i heard! You die and boom nothing youve done matters.
Its just like life.
Ya know. Thats very true. I think people were more upset because it looks like there wont be another one.
Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
Originally posted by Rod Ronald
I have seen a ton of films in my life and am wondering if anyone can top my number one WTF ending in a movie ever!
Mine is the ending to "Sleepaway Camp" I will not give it away, but if you can find it anywhere...WATCH IT! It may be ... more
It was WTF in the BEST possible way.....FARGO. Great, GREAT movie.
Contributor: Deeder Deeder
As a whole, Southland Tales. Over the course of a few months I watched it twice, didn't quite get it, did some research about it, re-watched it, thought I understood it, then went back later to watch it again, and understood it even less. To this day, I'm still not sure if I get it or not.

Although one scene in particular does give whole new meaning to the phrase "up the tailpipe".
Contributor: Stinkytofu10 Stinkytofu10
Originally posted by P'Gell
American Psycho with Christian Bale. I was like, WTF? So, I read the book, thinking there would be a better ending. No. Same ending. I think I still need post traumatic stress therapy after reading that book. [shudder]

Tree of Life except for ... more
I third American Psycho. I still couldn't figure out of it was all a delusion...
Contributor: Jaimes Jaimes
American Psycho was amazing. Same for Fargo.

No Country for Old Men had a fabulous ending. The kind that wouldn't let you stop thinking about it weeks after you saw it. That scene at the gas station sticks with you.
Contributor: Rod Ronald Rod Ronald
Originally posted by Jaimes
American Psycho was amazing. Same for Fargo.

No Country for Old Men had a fabulous ending. The kind that wouldn't let you stop thinking about it weeks after you saw it. That scene at the gas station sticks with you.
That was a great one!
Contributor: Rod Ronald Rod Ronald
Originally posted by Petite Valentine
Severed? I thought it was screaming?
Yeah, wasn't she holding the head of that boy that was trying to have sex with her...I'm going to have to find the clip on youtube...
Contributor: Rod Ronald Rod Ronald
Originally posted by Petite Valentine
Severed? I thought it was screaming?
okay, sorry...the head hit the ground and she was kinda hissing and whaahhahahahaha! God it gives me the f'n creeps! Herees the link...
Contributor: Petite Valentine Petite Valentine
Originally posted by Rod Ronald
okay, sorry...the head hit the ground and she was kinda hissing and whaahhahahahaha! God it gives me the f'n creeps! Herees the link...
It's such a bad special effect, yet that only seems to add to the creepiness.

For anyone who's dying to see Sleepaway Camp or the two sequels, the complete movies are up on YouTube. You can follow the link or search for "sleepawaycampTV."