Reading For Work/School vs. Reading For Fun

Contributor: teeny <3 teeny <3
I'm a full time student and part time intern with my state's government. As you can guess, I do alot of reading. Though educational, not all of it is enjoyable. There's a big difference between my work/school reading and my fun reading.

Does anyone else have this distinction? What was the last thing you read (or are currently reading) for work/school and fun?
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
work/school: textbook
Waterfall , Taylor , Ajax , Dusk , Lio , dv8 , darthkitt3n , A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople) , ToyGurl , deletedacct , Kdlips , Kayla , Lummox , aigott2 , ap-the-aper , ashaxmarie , namelesschaos , Maeby , Devz , Lucky21 , Miss Morphine , NarcissisticLust , Chilipepper , Darklyvan , Mihoshi4301 , VSgirl , petname , cburger , Lioncub , A.S. , HostileUmbrella
work/school: fiction novel, non-fiction novel
ToyGurl , MaryExy , deletedacct , ToyBoy , ap-the-aper , ashaxmarie , Cedarlooman , ddd masturbator(bye all!) , VSgirl , Lildrummrgurl7
work/school: news story in a magazine, newspaper or website
ToyGurl , deletedacct , mllebeauty , 724-6924 , ashaxmarie , Maeby , Lucky21 , Miss Morphine , Ms. N , cburger
work/school: essay, thesis
teeny <3 , Ms. Paprika , 724-6924 , M121212 , CAKES , ap-the-aper , namelesschaos , Maeby , Lucky21 , Miss Morphine , NarcissisticLust , VSgirl , AliMc
work/school: review or opinion piece
Ms. Paprika , ToyGurl , deletedacct , Lummox , 724-6924 , ashaxmarie , Maeby , Lucky21 , Cedarlooman
work/school: legal document (bills, laws, contracts)
Ms. Paprika , jc123 , Mr. & Mrs. Peg , hjtee , mandiegk , phunkyphreak , Cedarlooman , petname
work/school: religous doctrine
ashaxmarie , Miss Morphine
work/school: lab report, data set, graph
deletedacct , CAKES , ap-the-aper , Maeby , Lucky21 , Clandestine , Stagger13
fun: textbook
dv8 , Vegan Silk , CoffeeCup , ap-the-aper , namelesschaos
fun: fiiction novel, non-fiction novel
Waterfall , Ajax , Coralbell , Dusk , darthkitt3n , Ms. Paprika , A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople) , GravyCakes , deletedacct , mllebeauty , Vegan Silk , The Curious Couple , Kayla , DeliciousSurprise , Lummox , 724-6924 , M121212 , CAKES , ap-the-aper , ashaxmarie , Shellz31 , phunkyphreak , Inwitari , Maeby , Devz , Miss Morphine , <3BF , Howells , Ms. N , Kitka , Fun with Dick & Jane , Greenleaf , Darklyvan , Ash1141 , Cedarlooman , ddd masturbator(bye all!) , VSgirl , KyotoAngel , Clandestine , slynch , Lola Park , Lildrummrgurl7 , Aisling , ginnyluvspotter , LaSchwartz , A.S. , Loubelle , HostileUmbrella , AliMc , Alyxx , Harpina is gone
fun: news story in a magazine, newspaper or website
Coralbell , Dusk , darthkitt3n , Ms. Paprika , deletedacct , Vegan Silk , jc123 , DeliciousSurprise , Lummox , 724-6924 , aigott2 , M121212 , hjtee , ap-the-aper , ashaxmarie , Maeby , Lucky21 , Kitka , EdenJP , Ash1141 , ddd masturbator(bye all!) , VSgirl , Aisling , AliMc , Alyxx , Harpina is gone
fun: essay, thesis
Lio , Mr. & Mrs. Peg , 724-6924 , ap-the-aper , ashaxmarie , namelesschaos , Maeby , Lucky21
fun: review or opinion piece
teeny <3 , 724-6924 , hjtee , ap-the-aper , ashaxmarie , Maeby , Lucky21 , Miss Morphine , Kitka , VSgirl , Harpina is gone
fun: legal document (bills, laws, contracts)
fun: religous doctrine
ashaxmarie , Badass , petname , Harpina is gone
fun: lab report, data set, graph
*I read something that is not listed in the survey. I'll mention it in the comments portion.
ToyGurl , Miss Morphine , Moein
*I read somethig that is not listed in the survey. But screw you guys, I'm keeping it a secret.
DeliciousSurprise , Kitka , Fun with Dick & Jane
*I can't read. I'm completely illiterate. The fact that I checked this box is a miracle from Jesus!
married with children
Total votes: 202 (78 voters)
Poll is closed
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Contributor: Waterfall Waterfall
I am such a bad student because there are lots of times when I have reading to do for class I still end up reading my "for fun" book instead. I still eventually get my work done
Contributor: married with children married with children
I read alot of different types of books. Code books, how to books, safety books, trade books, ect...
Contributor: Ms. Paprika Ms. Paprika
I read for fun and for work...and sometimes for both-I'm a TA for some pretty neat classes and sometimes the essays I read I would have sought out anyways.
Contributor: A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople) A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople)
I'm reading a lot of textbooks now - got my last finals tomorrow and the day after!
Contributor: deletedacct deletedacct
Currently on break from classes so hopefully i can read more for leisure. Good luck with your classes.
Contributor: Kdlips Kdlips
School and fun
Contributor: Vegan Silk Vegan Silk
I'm currently reading a nonfiction book, a novel and lots of blogs.
Contributor: The Curious Couple The Curious Couple
Most of the time I'm reading a textbook, but I just finished reading a novel that someone left in the restaurant where I work.
Contributor: ToyBoy ToyBoy
Reading is my worst enemy. I absolutely HATE books and have no interest in them at all. Up until I started college, I read a total of 2 books. This is with all honors and AP english and history classes while attending a difficult private school. Sparknotes was my god and I still use it to get through books. I had to read more when I got to college, but I have yet to find a book I would read if not assigned.
Contributor: Mr. & Mrs. Peg Mr. & Mrs. Peg
I am reading Predictably Irrational for FUN! Really....for FUN! Nothing says a good time like behavioral economics. Before that I read She's On Top...a very very very good read.
Contributor: 724-6924 724-6924
Originally posted by teeny <3
I'm a full time student and part time intern with my state's government. As you can guess, I do alot of reading. Though educational, not all of it is enjoyable. There's a big difference between my work/school reading and my fun reading. ... more
I'm currently reading The Screwtape Letters, The Help, and The Brothers Karamazov (which I'm seriously considering putting down).
Contributor: M121212 M121212
I'm reading about Hernan Cortez for work (he played a hand in popularizing chocolate in Europe), and I'm reading a non-fiction book for fun called "Sex, Sin and Zen." It was written by a zen buddhist monk who used to write for Suicide Girls. Oh, and Savage Love.
Contributor: hjtee hjtee
I *really* wanted to check the last box, just for badness.
I actually laughed out loud at it.
Contributor: CAKES CAKES
I read a lot for work (medical stuff). Sometimes it's interesting but not really fun. For fun, I read Stephen King, Clive Barker, Peter Straub, and others in their genre.
Contributor: mandiegk mandiegk
I love to read, but I am absolutely hate reading that I have to do. I have to read a lot of case law for work, even if the cases are interesting it is just torture because it is something I have to do.
Contributor: ashaxmarie ashaxmarie
Originally posted by teeny <3
I'm a full time student and part time intern with my state's government. As you can guess, I do alot of reading. Though educational, not all of it is enjoyable. There's a big difference between my work/school reading and my fun reading. ... more
thankfully when i was a student and now in my work, a lot of the stuff i read is stuff i enjoy reading anyway. (i did my undergrad & postgrad work in religion, and i read a lot about religion for fun.) there's always painful school/work reading to get through, though. i definitely see a distinction. even when it is something i enjoy reading, if i'm reading it for school or work, there is this sense of obligation that sometimes makes it less fun than if i'm reading for myself.

currently i'm reading motherless daughters by hope edelman for personal stuff & the last thing i read for work-related stuff was too late to die young by harriet mcbryde johnson (which i really, really, really enjoyed). i'm also rereading ruthless trust by brennan manning, just because i'm going through one of those periods where i need a spiritual reminder/pick me up.
Contributor: namelesschaos namelesschaos
I read mostly for school, however long story short the line between fun and school has become a bit blurred.
Contributor: Shellz31 Shellz31
I read bugger all in books and that's ones I don't have to read. I absolutely HATED reading the books we HAD to in school. Perhaps that's why I don't really like it now.
Contributor: teeny <3 teeny <3
Originally posted by Shellz31
I read bugger all in books and that's ones I don't have to read. I absolutely HATED reading the books we HAD to in school. Perhaps that's why I don't really like it now.
OMG school almost ruined reading for me too! I remember being assigned typical adventure novels in 5th and 6th grade wondering why I should care about a teenage boy getting lost in the woods or an adolescent girl that likes to babysit. Boring! I constantly found my self sitting there thinking "How can everyone else in the class possibly be enjoying this?" "That was dumb, I would so write this story differently!" and "What a waste of time!"
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
I would rather read for work/school than for fun. I know...I'm a weirdo!
Contributor: Inwitari Inwitari
Luckily for me I don't really have to read for work very much. I love reading for fun. Just restarted the A Song Of Ice And Fire series in preparation for the next one to be released (hopefully it won't be delayed).
Contributor: Lucky21 Lucky21
Mostly I read for work, but on the weekends I try to get some reading in for fun.
Contributor: Miss Morphine Miss Morphine
Sometimes the work and fun categories overlap for me. I'm an art historian and read a lot of art books or articles and primary sources about or written by artists, critics, etc. I'll often pick up some of these kinds of things for fun. I also read a lot of comics or graphic novels for fun, but sometimes those are also part of my job.
Contributor: <3BF <3BF
I love to read. Last year my girlfriend and I raced to see who would read more and I barely won with 75. I just read a Carl Sagan book and loved it.
Contributor: Ms. N Ms. N
For work, I do a lot of online research, so that is the majority of my reading there.

For fun, I *just* finished re-reading Mockingjay, the last book in the Hunger Games Trilogy. Just keeping ahead of the movie coming out in a couple of months.
Contributor: Kitka Kitka
I read a lot of things for fun, fiction and non fiction.
Contributor: NarcissisticLust NarcissisticLust
Originally posted by teeny <3
I'm a full time student and part time intern with my state's government. As you can guess, I do alot of reading. Though educational, not all of it is enjoyable. There's a big difference between my work/school reading and my fun reading. ... more
I love reading, but during the school semester can't enjoy and wind down with a book because I have so much technical reading for my classes.
Contributor: EdenJP EdenJP
Originally posted by teeny <3
I'm a full time student and part time intern with my state's government. As you can guess, I do alot of reading. Though educational, not all of it is enjoyable. There's a big difference between my work/school reading and my fun reading. ... more
news story in a magazine, newspaper or website
Contributor: Greenleaf Greenleaf
I love to read - but there is a definite disconnect between things written to entertain, and things written to educate. The style and goal of the writing is a good indicator of whether I'll devour a book or have to force myself to stay focused.