Musicians Poll

Contributor: Gary Gary
What is your musical involvement?

I thought this might be a fun poll. Please share your stories as well.
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
I listen to music
BBW Talks Toys , P'Gell , SilverIsis , The Curious Couple , ~miss senora~ , dv8 , dhig , Taylor , Sammi , slynch , Kdlips , Pixel , Diabolical Kitty , Say what? , Ryuson , Devy , Ghost , pleasurehunter , Toys in Love , DeliciousSurprise , Alan & Michele , ily , Lummox , Ansley , Beck , Cream in the Cupcake , mistressg , Kindred , GravyCakes , Crystal1 , Vanille , laceypanties , A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople) , T&A1987 , Peggi , PeppermintFuntimes , eeep , zeebot , indiglo , Jon S , Darling Jen , Ash1141 , Gone (LD29) , Kaltir , wetone123 , Cherry21 , planetrees , Stagger13 , K101 , PassionCpl , Kynky Kytty , Drakoni , Fleurs Violettes , voenne , Liz x420x , Mellifer , Rhinobaby , p0larb3ar , WhoopieDoo , interestingstuff , MR Chickhabit , HomuHomu , GirlyGirlRed , Hadespark , Willow Wand , Redboxbaby , Valentinka , Apirka , shcoo , LoveDove , butterflygirlxo , GeekWife , LAndJ , Jacobbbsmommy , jeangel246 , Lola Park , time4lust , mm098 , Lucky21 , Destri , SadoMas , Lacey Fennec , Harpina is gone , (k)InkyIvy , curious kitten , rawsonbr , sweetcuppincakes , vampyroteuthidae , CanadianChick , DiamondKoala , BlooJay , A.Mari , supergeek , Bullfroggy and Rose , Checkmate , asphyxia , Falsepast , Bishop , shanoelizabeth , Missmarc , pootpootpoot , Voir , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , dks210 , anonkitty , ghalik , GONE! , hall5885 , unfulfilled , padmeamidala , hatman , sunkissedJess , Latsyrc728 , roskat , Nacht Stern , Emerlyn , queergaze , Jane Incognita , ohhhlala! , Passion plum , Stinkytofu10 , Feisty , MamaDivine , Sex Positivity , Breas , darthkitt3n , little miss kinky , Geogeo , nynekats , Terri69 , BG529 , caligaliber , dancer120 , Aeronaut , pirkit , greenbee227 , sXeVegan90 , sexfairy , romstomp , ILikeShinyThings , sexykiss , Kitka , Darklyvan , CrazyWolfChick , Phoenix67 , symon , Lily Bee , kitty1949 , Noelle , Layenna , Geography , Virgingasms , ciderspider , Karakaten , neil i. , TigerLily9 , Leather & Lace , mmmmm , Alyxx , FallFire , Innocent Mathias , ThunderThighs , bgfilly , wicked weasel , Kat and Aaron(aaron) , Mikemanz , ShadowedSeductress , AliMc , prettynpink , Shortc8ke , usforever , tortilla , hhh , RyRy326 , satinlady550 , Graniteal , mp3me , Sexy Desire , JMTPG , lainebug , Raymaker , Incendiaire , nikki0668 , FunFantasys , rosie.riveter , SecondStory , rachael.ben , apple4me , captainsgirl , SassySam , Real or memorex , ihavemagicpants , ththpup , sarahinthecity , doowop , Shera Adora , TransMarc , U3H , Jenny Swallows , Wicked Wahine , bog , friendswithfangs , CS2012 , Dodger79 , Lildrummrgurl7 , marshmallow
I sing
P'Gell , SilverIsis , The Curious Couple , dhig , Kdlips , Pixel , Diabolical Kitty , Say what? , Ryuson , DeliciousSurprise , Ansley , Beck , laceypanties , eeep , zeebot , indiglo , Darling Jen , Ash1141 , Girly Girl , wetone123 , planetrees , K101 , Owl Identified , Fleurs Violettes , voenne , Mellifer , Rhinobaby , WhoopieDoo , Redboxbaby , Apirka , LoveDove , butterflygirlxo , jeangel246 , Lucky21 , Harpina is gone , (k)InkyIvy , CanadianChick , DiamondKoala , supergeek , Checkmate , asphyxia , shanoelizabeth , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , anonkitty , ghalik , GONE! , sunkissedJess , Emerlyn , queergaze , ohhhlala! , Stinkytofu10 , MamaDivine , Sex Positivity , caligaliber , sexfairy , Kitka , Phoenix67 , symon , Lily Bee , kitty1949 , Geography , Leather & Lace , Alyxx , FallFire , AliMc , prettynpink , baleeted , usforever , RyRy326 , mp3me , Raymaker , ihavemagicpants , sarahinthecity , doowop , Shera Adora , Wicked Wahine , bog , marshmallow
I play an instrument
P'Gell , The Curious Couple , dv8 , dhig , Sammi , Pixel , Say what? , Ryuson , pleasurehunter , Alan & Michele , Lummox , LowFreqFreak , Cream in the Cupcake , GravyCakes , Crystal1 , Peggi , zeebot , indiglo , planetrees , Owl Identified , PassionCpl , Kynky Kytty , Drakoni , Fleurs Violettes , voenne , Rhinobaby , Jammin14580 , WhoopieDoo , interestingstuff , Hadespark , LoveDove , jeangel246 , mm098 , Lucky21 , Harpina is gone , (k)InkyIvy , sweetcuppincakes , DiamondKoala , supergeek , Checkmate , shanoelizabeth , pootpootpoot , Tork48309 , Voir , anonkitty , GONE! , hatman , sunkissedJess , Rhiulan , Nacht Stern , Emerlyn , queergaze , Jane Incognita , Passion plum , Stinkytofu10 , MamaDivine , Sex Positivity , caligaliber , sXeVegan90 , sexfairy , ILikeShinyThings , Phoenix67 , Lily Bee , kitty1949 , Layenna , ciderspider , Karakaten , Shayla , FallFire , ThunderThighs , Kat and Aaron(aaron) , Xarien , baleeted , usforever , tortilla , hhh , RyRy326 , Raymaker , nikki0668 , Toy Fiend , SecondStory , AmethystQueen , apple4me , ihavemagicpants , gustavadolphus , doowop , Shera Adora , U3H , Wicked Wahine , bog , Lildrummrgurl7 , marshmallow , requiem dreams
I program digital music
LowFreqFreak , Lacey Fennec , Harpina is gone , GONE! , Stinkytofu10 , sexfairy , Raymaker
I record music
P'Gell , SilverIsis , dhig , pleasurehunter , Lummox , LowFreqFreak , indiglo , Owl Identified , PassionCpl , Redboxbaby , LoveDove , Lucky21 , DiamondKoala , supergeek , GONE! , Stinkytofu10 , sexfairy , Layenna , baleeted , Wicked Wahine , marshmallow
I play music with a group or band
SilverIsis , dhig , LowFreqFreak , PassionCpl , LoveDove , Lucky21 , Checkmate , Nacht Stern , sexfairy , baleeted , hhh , SecondStory , Wicked Wahine
I perform live music
dhig , LowFreqFreak , laceypanties , planetrees , PassionCpl , LoveDove , Lucky21 , Checkmate , Nacht Stern , queergaze , Stinkytofu10 , sexfairy , Lily Bee , Layenna , Geography , baleeted , hhh , SecondStory , Wicked Wahine , bog , marshmallow
I make a living through music
LowFreqFreak , laceypanties , LoveDove , sexfairy , Layenna
Lickable Lollie , Beck , GonetoLovehoney , asphyxia , hall5885 , hatman , Phoenix67 , hjtee , U3H
Total votes: 453 (222 voters)
Poll is closed
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Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
I used to be much more of a musician than I am now. It's hard to play guitar, or even keyboards, for that matter when you have a baby or toddler at the breast all the time.

My husband was a semi-professional musician, he was in a few bands, played in bars and clubs. I've never played professionally, but have most of an album on 4 track hidden in the little recording studio in our basement. I haven't listened to it in years. My husband has recorded tons of music, although he never put any of it on CD to sell. I think one of his bands had cassette tapes to sell at their shows, but it was so long ago, I can't remember the details.

We used to sing our babies to sleep every night.
Contributor: The Curious Couple The Curious Couple
My fiancee and I are both musicians, but we keep it in the house mostly.
Contributor: Diabolical Kitty Diabolical Kitty
I love listening to music and I like to sing to myself and in the car, but not in public.
Contributor: Ghost Ghost
I am not a musician, but my husband plays brass and programs electronic music.
Contributor: Toys in Love Toys in Love
I'm pretty much an audiophile. Life without music is no life at all My iTunes library right now is at 43459 tracks, and everywhere I go I always make sure my iPhone or iPad is upto date with whatever I listen to most at the time...
Contributor: Alan & Michele Alan & Michele
I've played electric guitar since I was 15, but this past year it's been sporadic since Alan has taken a fascination to long fingernails. For those who don't know, it's almost impossible to fret guitar chords with long nails. We compromise though--- I go awhile with the nails for him, then cut them off and go back to playing for a while.
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
I used to sing. I don't have the confidence anymore.
Contributor: Lickable Lollie Lickable Lollie
I occasionally "sing" karaoke. I'm not very good, so I usually sing with my roommate close by so I can hide my terrible voice behind her amazing one :-D
Contributor: Beck Beck
I listen to music and sing while listening but you do not want to hear me sing. I just bought my three year old one of those paper guitars and he has two other children's guitars, but he is showing signs that he might be a musician. We are encouraging this playing him his favorite band's (Soulfly) Music videos all the time he jams on the guitar and tries to heavy metal sing. It is the cutest thing!
Contributor: LowFreqFreak LowFreqFreak
Originally posted by Gary
What is your musical involvement?

I thought this might be a fun poll. Please share your stories as well.
I started workin' professionally @ 13 with a local big band, then @ 16 auditioned and got in the local symphony. Been working in some capacity ever since. Taking a day job for 12 years kinda put a dent in things, but since I gave that up to become a stay-at-home dad, I've been getting a lot more work.

Funny enough, out and about is either jazz or classical, but most of my own studio time has been fleshing out my alter ego collaborating with a childhood friend in Seattle.
Contributor: GravyCakes GravyCakes
i LOVE listening to music. i was in band in school for 8 years, & loved being in marching band in high school. i was never the very best, but i was better than anyone else who played alto sax in our band my sr yr. well, till that one kid transferred to our school 1/2 way through the yr. he was INSANELY AMAZING. i was ok w/ it. i was never interested in being the best, i just loved being a part of the band.
Contributor: laceypanties laceypanties
Any classical singers in the house?
Contributor: Peggi Peggi
I can play violin, viola, cello and bass well. I can play the Meow Mix song on guitar but that is the extent of my guitar playing knowledge. I can use a synth somewhat, and I know how to mix music on Renoise if that counts at all. I tried the flute and didn't like it so I didn't learn much, and I love to sing but I'm not good at it at all. I do plenty of it in the car anyway
Contributor: GonetoLovehoney GonetoLovehoney
It may seem strange, but I don't like music. I am however, neutral to almost all music types, so it's great to whomever I ride in the car with.
Contributor: eeep eeep
I Love music, and am honestly addicted to it. I don't think I could deal without it. I sing (though not often for others), and I was in band for many years when I was younger. I have been slowly learning the piano over the past year as well.
Contributor: zeebot zeebot
I play some instruments, and I love to sing (especially if no one's around).
Contributor: indiglo indiglo
I am very musically inclined, but quit playing, singing and recording for a while there. My man, however, has been a huge encouragement to me to get back into it - so I am. I'm doing a lot more, and recording more, and it really feels great. I'd love to make a living at it, and my man encourages me in that department too... but it just seems like so much work, and the industry seems to cater to the younger artists so much anymore. But I am a lot happier with music in my life!
Contributor: Ash1141 Ash1141
I listen to music and love to sing
Contributor: Girly Girl Girly Girl
love singing and recording in my karaoke obviously
Contributor: K101 K101
LOVE music. We have music on constantly at our house. Sometimes there's a different type of music playing in 2 diff. rooms... at the same time! LOL. That way I can hear something I like in my room and while cleaning I can hear another type that I like! Lol. My music involvement is me listening and I sing too... but that does not mean anybody would ever want to hear it! Lol
Contributor: Drakoni Drakoni
I sing badly and play the violin. The violin is mostly just for stress relief these days. My days of practicing for hours each week and playing in front of others are long over.
Contributor: voenne voenne
Originally posted by Gary
What is your musical involvement?

I thought this might be a fun poll. Please share your stories as well.
I've played various instruments in my life, but never mastered anything. My favorite in the world is my bass guitar, which I still play from time to time, but don't perform or anything... Music is important to me, and I always want to sing along to everything.
Contributor: freshbananas freshbananas
Rock band totally counts
Contributor: Liz x420x Liz x420x
luv rock and metal
Contributor: WhoopieDoo WhoopieDoo
Play trumpet with my man.
Contributor: HomuHomu HomuHomu
All my friends are musicians except me. :| They all try to get me into bands with them, but it just doesn't interest me much.
Contributor: LoveDove LoveDove
I play most instruments, some better than others. I'm going to college to become a music teacher for any grade level, so I've had to learn how to play ALL the instruments you'd find in a symphonic band or an orchestra. (Clarinet, Piano, and Guitar are my preferred ones as they're the ones I learned to play when I was younger.) I'm also a professional musician (Also a music major at my university) so...yeah.
Contributor: GeekWife GeekWife
I only am an avid music listener. However, I do sing in the car
Contributor: LAndJ LAndJ
Just listen, instruments are lost on me. I once took a guitar class online for high school credit. I finished the class and was done with that.