Musicians Poll

Contributor: Darklyvan Darklyvan
Originally posted by Gary
What is your musical involvement?

I thought this might be a fun poll. Please share your stories as well.
I used to be a vocalist in High school but didn't end up doing anything with it. I love to sing in quartets
Contributor: CrazyWolfChick CrazyWolfChick
I have the musical talent of a fish. I love listening though.
Contributor: cricket cricket
Listen to music
Contributor: symon symon
I listen alot, and sing in private.
Contributor: hjtee hjtee
I wish we could select more then one option!!
Contributor: sexfairy sexfairy
Originally posted by CrazyWolfChick
I have the musical talent of a fish. I love listening though.
Ah ah! Funny to try and imagine how a fish would sound!
Contributor: sexfairy sexfairy
Originally posted by supergeek
*happy sigh* music is the sex to my ears!
Ah ah! Great! I agree with that (when it is music I love, of course...)
Contributor: kitty1949 kitty1949
Music is my life.

I used to sing in choir for years and years. Also, I played piano and guitar.

I don't do any of those anymore, but I go to an absurd amount of shows and most of my vacations/roadtrips are centered around a special concert my friends and I want to go to.
Contributor: Layenna Layenna
I play literally anything and everything. My primary instrument of choice is the trumpet, and I am going to school to become a music teacher =) Music for life!
Contributor: Virgingasms Virgingasms
I took some lessons in school and for fun in my early teens, but I'm really bad!
Contributor: Leather & Lace Leather & Lace
I listen to music and I sing.
Contributor: Shayla Shayla
I love music, I love to sing, usually in the car lol, and I played keyboard/piano for 5 years, but not so much anymore since I've had children
Contributor: Alyxx Alyxx
I listen and I sing. My boyfriend on the other hand is a very good bassist and has played more shows than he can count. He hasn't played much recently, though, and he hasn't performed in years. He's hoping to pick up some simple recording equipment to try and get him back into it though.
Contributor: Mikemanz Mikemanz
my son is a musical talent, not me
Contributor: Xarien Xarien
Originally posted by Gary
What is your musical involvement?

I thought this might be a fun poll. Please share your stories as well.
I grew up as a marching band kid and the interest has stuck with me throughout the years, even if I don't ever get around to playing my trumpet anymore.
Contributor: Shortc8ke Shortc8ke
Can't live without music
Contributor: tortilla tortilla
I love listening to music
Contributor: satinlady550 satinlady550
Originally posted by Gary
What is your musical involvement?

I thought this might be a fun poll. Please share your stories as well.
I love listening to music. I make an attempt to sing but it isn't pretty.
Contributor: mp3me mp3me
Man i love everything about music
Contributor: Sexy Desire Sexy Desire
I am a horrible singer, so music from others is the way to go!
Contributor: lainebug lainebug
Originally posted by Gary
What is your musical involvement?

I thought this might be a fun poll. Please share your stories as well.
I love music
Contributor: Raymaker Raymaker
I'm a musician in the loosest sense of the word only. I play the same 13 chords everybody can play on the guitar and sometimes fiddle with digital music production too.
Contributor: nikki0668 nikki0668
I play the clarinet, electric organ and piano, but I mostly just listen to music.
Contributor: SecondStory SecondStory
I sing backup in a band sometimes, if that counts as singing.
Contributor: apple4me apple4me
I love to listen to music (who doesn't) and am trying to learn to play the piano.
Contributor: Real or memorex Real or memorex
I used to play an instrument, but since it has been years I don't feel like I can put it down.
Contributor: ththpup ththpup
I really wanted to make a living through music when I was in high school, but alas, I am no longer in high school.
Contributor: TransMarc TransMarc
I only listen to it, but wish I had the time and dedication needed to learn to play an instrument.
Contributor: Jenny Swallows Jenny Swallows
I can't sing, I can't play, but I would be lost without music playing at every opportunity. The last three plays on my iPod... Garbage, Jem and a French band called Duel.
Contributor: Wicked Wahine Wicked Wahine
I'm a classically trained musician & had to decide at 8 if I was going to pursue that professionally or, continue with academics. I, or should I say we, since my parents were heavily influencing this, decided that it was too much of a long shot to specialize so young when there were other things I was interested in/good at doing. So, I still pursued it, but I didn't stop school & just use tutors. I was, and still am bitter about not being allowed to learn all the instruments I wanted, lol. I was only able to play piano, flute & piccolo. I played solo piano & flute performances, but only flute & piccolo in youth orchestras. I can't live without music & that includes music other than classical, too. I sing, but I'm not a great singer & certainly wouldn't perform unless it was in a group or band situation & I was doing backup.