I love to read and recently got a Kindle which I am so loving. I don't think it's going to replace books for me but I am really loving being able to read all kinds of free books. I must confess though if I really think about it, so far the three books that I have read that were free were not that great. The one that was .99 was okay but not great. I hope I can soon find some really good books that won't be too expensive.
Kindle reader or a real life book?
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I've had my kind for a while now and I still switch between real books and the kindle. I love reading the classics on my kindle because they are all free and I've been meaning to get around to reading them for a while.
Same here. The Kindle can make those 1000 page classics fly by!
I love our Kindle and am currently working on the OCR & scan thing so yes it will eventually replace all of my paperbacks. They fall apart over the years anyway, so I'd rather have them on the Kindle and a backup CD to keep. I doubt if I will get rid of my hardback collections though.
What is a kindle?
I like regular books. For the fact that my best friend and I always seem to want the same books. Some we can't wait for, so we take turns buying
The Kindle is an electronic book reader that allows you to take 3500 books with you. It's a flat device that looks similar like a calculator only larger. Go to Amazon.com, and it will probably be on the home page. It's there 95% of the time.
Originally posted by
Naughty Student
What is a kindle?
I absolutely love my Kindle. It goes everywhere with me. I have a habit of reading 2 or more books at once, so it's very convenient to have them all on the ereader instead of having to carry a stack of books with me.
I love my Kindle, but I can't imagine it totally replacing all books. Some books (cookbooks, for example) need to have big colorful photos.
OMG, I want a Kindle now!
A Kindle is sold by Amazon.com and is an ereader device.
Originally posted by
Naughty Student
What is a kindle?
LOL I got mine just a few weeks ago and I love it!
Originally posted by
Naughty Student
OMG, I want a Kindle now!
It will take me a while to give up my real life, page turning books.
I have a book reader like a Kindle and I rarely use it. I love my books
I can't stand reading books on a screen. I have to read books as books. Simple as that, it is just not the same thing.
I have a kindle and love it, but it won't be wholly replacing paper anytime soon. I buy different kinds of books in different formats.
I've got a Kindle app on my phone and it's nice for those certain reading materials I don't want to leave strewn about the house. But truly, I prefer the weight, feel, even smell, of old fashioned books. It's a sensory thing for me. ~ Arms
I'd love to get a Kindle just to have an electronic backup to my real books. But I don't think it would ever replace the real thing for me. I love going to book stores and I love that my older books still have smells from when I read them the most. (i.e. I read "And Then There Were None" twice one summer I spent with my grandmother and it still kinda smells like coffee.)
I have a Sony eReader, had it for two and half years, and LOVE IT! Couldn't do without it, actual paper books feel awkward to hold now. Plus, I love how there is so much more variety in choices to read in the romance genre with ebooks. Yeah, I'm an ebook junkie!
I prefer to hold a book in my hand and touch the pages. I can make notes in the margins and if it is a really fantastic read I can pass it on to a friend or take it back to the used book store and trade it in for another. If I'm at the computer and have to read more than four pages on the screen, I will print it out and read it off paper instead.
I'm with you there. I also don't like carrying around expensive things I can lose (says the guy whose textbooks cost more than a Kindle and weigh 10 times as much).
Originally posted by
I prefer to hold a book in my hand and touch the pages. I can make notes in the margins and if it is a really fantastic read I can pass it on to a friend or take it back to the used book store and trade it in for another. If I'm at the computer
I prefer to hold a book in my hand and touch the pages. I can make notes in the margins and if it is a really fantastic read I can pass it on to a friend or take it back to the used book store and trade it in for another. If I'm at the computer and have to read more than four pages on the screen, I will print it out and read it off paper instead.
I prefer to hold a book, nothing compares to the smell of a book, the feeling of turning the pages, etc. Its not the same.
Originally posted by
I love to read and recently got a Kindle which I am so loving. I don't think it's going to replace books for me but I am really loving being able to read all kinds of free books. I must confess though if I really think about it, so far the
I love to read and recently got a Kindle which I am so loving. I don't think it's going to replace books for me but I am really loving being able to read all kinds of free books. I must confess though if I really think about it, so far the three books that I have read that were free were not that great. The one that was .99 was okay but not great. I hope I can soon find some really good books that won't be too expensive.
Oh, I vehemently agree with CSEA. A Kindle is quite handy for travel (and you can buy new books, that are in the shops in hardback, on the Kindle for the paperback price) but I love the weight of a book in my hands; its smell; the texture of the dust cover and the cover art. Holy hell in a handbasket, am I getting turned on by a book?
As cool as I think readers are, I like the tangible quality of holding a book in my hand, turning the pages, etc.
My husband really likes his kindle that I got him for his birthday. I sometimes get annoyed at the feeling of book pages so I would like it for that.
Real books!I hate e readers they are not as satisfying to finish!

if you don't know eink is the same on your eyes as paper.
Originally posted by
Stephanie Marie
I can't stand reading books on a screen. I have to read books as books. Simple as that, it is just not the same thing.
unlike normal screens it works by reflecting light instead of projecting it. this means it work great in sunlight and it makes it hard to read in the dark like a real book. this tech is also why its limited to black and white right now and why it gets such good battery life.
one thing I dont like on the kindle is the fact that it still has drm
I have my eBook which is similar to the Kindle but not quite the same. It takes .epub versions as well which makes it a lot more open to me.
I highly, highly, highly recommend "Lovers and Beloveds" by MeiLin Miranda. It's only $3 on the Kindle, and it was easily about 12 hours (or more) of reading for me, and it has an amazing story AND sex, so you can't argue with that.
Amazon also offers some short, free erotica books on Amazon.com too. I've read a couple of those, but I wasn't too impressed.
I highly, highly, highly recommend "Lovers and Beloveds" by MeiLin Miranda. It's only $3 on the Kindle, and it was easily about 12 hours (or more) of reading for me, and it has an amazing story AND sex, so you can't argue with that.
Amazon also offers some short, free erotica books on Amazon.com too. I've read a couple of those, but I wasn't too impressed.
What's an OCR and Scan thing?
Originally posted by
Alan & Michele
I love our Kindle and am currently working on the OCR & scan thing so yes it will eventually replace all of my paperbacks. They fall apart over the years anyway, so I'd rather have them on the Kindle and a backup CD to keep. I doubt if I will
I love our Kindle and am currently working on the OCR & scan thing so yes it will eventually replace all of my paperbacks. They fall apart over the years anyway, so I'd rather have them on the Kindle and a backup CD to keep. I doubt if I will get rid of my hardback collections though.
I love hard back books. I love the smell of books and libraries. I love turning each and every page in anticipation. Then when I'm finished reading a book I love to collect them in bookcases. I don't think I'll ever change.
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