In What Form Do You Prefer To Read A Book?

Contributor: lana'sart lana'sart
Originally posted by ryansex
Paperback is my perfered way. I will read an ebook if I have to, but there's something about it that I don't like for some reason.
I love paperback
Contributor: lana'sart lana'sart
Originally posted by stacylyn12
Contributor: lana'sart lana'sart
Originally posted by wicked48
Paperback or hardbound.
that is good too
Contributor: lana'sart lana'sart
Originally posted by eri86
If I had an e-reader I would use it. But I do love the tactile experience of reading a paperback. The feel of the pages, the sound as they turn.
true so true
Contributor: Woman China Woman China
I love how easy it is to get new books on my iPad and the selection I have open to me. Living in China trying to get my hands on a book is still really expensive and difficult.

This being said... I still prefer the good ol fashioned paper books. These NEVER run out of batteries!!! I hate being on a twenty-four hour or longer train trip, or a four day transport from China to another country and worry about the amount of battery I have left.

Books for the win!
Contributor: HannahPanda HannahPanda
I've just always loved the feeling of paperback.
Contributor: sexynola sexynola
Originally posted by Wicked Wahine
I recently asked what people thought of the price of e-books. Some of the answers made me think to ask this question.
prefer paperback but thinking about getting an ereader
Contributor: battleaxe battleaxe
Originally posted by sexynola
prefer paperback but thinking about getting an ereader
Ereaders are amazing. Nothing beats having your entire library on-the-go
Contributor: dawnkye dawnkye
Paperback books are the easiest to hold, so I prefer them.
Contributor: Kitten has left the site Kitten has left the site
I don't care as long as it's a book not a kindle.
Contributor: hauntedhollows hauntedhollows
It doesn't matter to me. I love paperback's, but I've moved on to mostly e-books. I'd probably read more paperbacks if there were more bookstores around.
Contributor: Slutty Girl Problems Slutty Girl Problems
Originally posted by Wicked Wahine
I recently asked what people thought of the price of e-books. Some of the answers made me think to ask this question.
I don't read much :x But when I do, usually paperback.
Contributor: CinnamonNights CinnamonNights
I prefer hard cover books, something about the weight and the noise they make and their sturdiness is pleasant to me. Though otherwise I have no preference.
Contributor: shcoo shcoo
Paperbacks for portability but hardbacks for fancy editions of my favs, etc.

I don't like ebooks because I spend enough time looking at a screen already; I feel like reading a book is a break from all that.