How do you usually feel about censorship?

Contributor: mmike mmike
All of the rating systems for entertainment (i.e. music, video games, movies, tv shows, books) seem so odd. For Requiem for a Dream, Darren Aronofsky said that he could not film the women putting a condom on a dildo. For Breaking Bad, Vince Gillian mentioned that they are only allowed to use the F word one time per season and the word sh!t only four times an episode. Also, all movies in the US get an R rating if the word fcuk is used more than once, but it's o.k. to shoot someone in the crotch and still get a PG-13.
Answers (private voting - your screen name will NOT appear in the results):
Censorship is usually annoying, but it makes sense.
13  (15%)
Censorhip is usually annoying and stupid.
74  (85%)
Censorship is usually good.
Censorship is usually no big deal.
Total votes: 87
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Contributor: Peggi Peggi
The concept of censorship makes sense but I had to go with the 2nd option, because although the CONCEPT makes sense it isn't used as it should be. For example, as you used the show Breaking Bad, sure lets air a show about a couple of people cooking Meth but better watch that language! Sure, I don't care much for hearing constant word replacement with swearing, where you hear a swear word every other sentence, but sometimes it is taken too far.

I don't understand why some things that you would imagine would up the ratings don't, yet silly things do! Just seems silly, if you ask me!
Contributor: Sex'и'Violence Sex'и'Violence
Censorship bothers me. Put up a warning for the more sensitive folks, and maybe put the show in a later time slot. But don't cut things out because you "don't feel they're appropriate"
Contributor: Kkay Kkay
I dislike it. I can understand it for things intended for children, but I think there should be a space for adults to be adults.
Contributor: mistressg mistressg
THIS pretty much is how I feel about censorship, in a nutshell.
Contributor: Ace <3 Ace <3
I think censoring needs to be changed up a little bit. Especially with how the young act these days. I think most people have gotten very complacent with what they see on tv. Especially with violence and increasingly so unprotective sex (that yields a young pregnancy). Adults should have leeqay, but there should be different restrictions on TV shows and films where more than just adults could see it.
Contributor: That Man from Mars That Man from Mars
I like the concept, but I think it could be fixed up a bit.
Contributor: Yaoi Pervette (deleted) Yaoi Pervette (deleted)
Censorship is Un-American
Contributor: emiliaa emiliaa
Censorship is WEIRD.

I watched The Last King of Scotland and I went on the forums, and people complained about showing breasts in a minor sex scene--even though the movie is rated R--and didn't mention the fact that it showed brutal murder scenes.

I think it must've been satire. XD There was a lot of stuff on that forum that would have made hilarious satire, but I'm not entirely sure it was, sadly enough.
Contributor: Sir Sir
I do not find it to be stupid, but I do not find it to be necessary. I do not think that an individual should have to censor themselves for any reason. Say what's on your mind. Yes, I do feel that some people should reevaluate their feelings, but I would rather them be open and honest about them than have them censored.

With such things like movies and all of that, I do not find it to be necessary. Just change the rating on the movie if it's that bad, you know? And people do not have to watch it or hear it if they don't want to see.
Contributor: Yaoi Pervette (deleted) Yaoi Pervette (deleted)
Originally posted by emiliaa
Censorship is WEIRD.

I watched The Last King of Scotland and I went on the forums, and people complained about showing breasts in a minor sex scene--even though the movie is rated R--and didn't mention the fact that it showed brutal murder ... more
That's freaking weird. The depiction of violence in that movie was seriously disturbing, particularly what happened to Kay (limbs removed and reattached to incorrect stumps). Why one would be bothered by the boobs is beyond me.
Contributor: alliegator alliegator
Originally posted by mistressg
THIS pretty much is how I feel about censorship, in a nutshell.

I think violence gets a free pass while nudity is made a much bigger deal of for no real reason. Cussing doesn't bother me, and I don't see why less than a handful of 'dirty words' can change the rating for an entire movie. Those few words take up seconds of time, where the subject matter and plot are what defines a movie or tv show. In a cop show (for example) depicting rape and murder week after week, the violent subject matter is going to have a much bigger impact on me, even if it is not directly shown, than a detective muttering "fuck" when seeing a crime scene.
Contributor: catgirl9 catgirl9
I think censorship is crap. The news is worse than half the stuff out there as far as violence, drugs, etc. But if something has nudity or swearing in it, somehow that's bad?! Too much emphasis (not sure if that's the word I'm looking for) is put on the wrong stuff.
Contributor: Rin (aka Nire) Rin (aka Nire)
One thing I've always wondered: why, when someone on television says "asshole," do they censor the word "hole," but not "ass"?

Anyways, censorship annoys the hell out of me. The big question in my mind is always, "Why are you showing it in the first place if you think someone will be offended?" To give the first example that popped into my brain: the show Yu-Gi-Oh! had a lot of references to death and violence (nothing too graphic was shown, but a lot of it was quite scary anyway), and most of this was removed when it was brought to the U.S.A. Why bother bringing it over here and showing it as a Saturday morning cartoon if you didn't think it was appropriate for kids??

Why show something if you're just going to censor it???
Contributor: js250 js250
In my opinion, censorship is usually annoying and causes more problems due to the inconsistency of the rules pertaining to the censoring. I believe there should be a warning about potentially offensive material and the person reading the warning should be able to decide if they wish to walk away from, change the channel of or stop listening to the offending material. If you do not like it, do not put yourself in the place of dealing with it. Live and let live!!!
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by emiliaa
Censorship is WEIRD.

I watched The Last King of Scotland and I went on the forums, and people complained about showing breasts in a minor sex scene--even though the movie is rated R--and didn't mention the fact that it showed brutal murder ... more
Oh, it's not satire...people are far more upset by nudity and sexual situations than they are of gratuitous violence.
Contributor: married with children married with children
I like the idea of rating on tv and movies, but I do not like the inconsistency of how they rate. But rating is different then censorship. I do not agree with censorship at all. You have the right to free speech. I may not like what you have to say, but I will defend your right to say it.
Contributor: Princess-Kayla ♥ Princess-Kayla ♥
I understand the idea of it. But I think how they use it is stupid. It's ok to call someone an ass, but they block out asshole. And now you're allowed to call someone a pussy on TV, but if you say pussy in reference to a vagina, it gets blocked. And they can talk about drugs and have soft core porn on soap operas, but they can't say any bad language.
Contributor: mmike mmike
Thanks for sharing your opinions. Looking back at the poll I think I should have put "tedious" instead of "stupid" and replace "makes sense" with "helps".
Contributor: authorzero authorzero
I am VERY opposed to censorship. I strongly believe that you are responsible for figuring out where your lines are, and the rest of us shouldn't have to have our entertainment options restricted because you are sensitive. I also think "think of the children" is a BS excuse. Parents need to take responsibility for what kids watch. No, you can't watch them every second of every day, but you can't do that when they go into the real world either. It is NOT okay to draw a line for everyone based on the sensitivity of a few.
Contributor: Apirka Apirka
Censorship sucks! Plain and simple.
Contributor: kadytheredpanda kadytheredpanda
Originally posted by mmike
All of the rating systems for entertainment (i.e. music, video games, movies, tv shows, books) seem so odd. For Requiem for a Dream, Darren Aronofsky said that he could not film the women putting a condom on a dildo. For Breaking Bad, Vince Gillian ... more
I find most censorship pretty stupid.
Contributor: leelee leelee
Originally posted by mmike
All of the rating systems for entertainment (i.e. music, video games, movies, tv shows, books) seem so odd. For Requiem for a Dream, Darren Aronofsky said that he could not film the women putting a condom on a dildo. For Breaking Bad, Vince Gillian ... more
I think it's crap
Contributor: Woman China Woman China
I do beleive that censorship has it's place.

And that being said, someone wrote in here that is in inconsistent. Which is so very true. And not just on TV/movies.

Bottom line. If there is a show where (where English is the spoken language)and I cannot understand a word they are saying for they are using too much slang I'll not watch it. If there is a show with too much violence (by guns), I'll not watch it. If the show has an unrealistic amount of nudity or nudity for the sake of it, chances are I'd probably not watch it. I'll not watch movies where it feels like every second word is a cuss, and I'd prefer never to watch a war movie, a movie about drugs.... but guess what? It's my choice to watch them, or to turn them off.

When it comes to the whole public outcry on censorship, it is so very important to supervise the younger viewers in our care be they your students or your children. And that is where people are lacking. There should be no out cry if an eight year old watches Spartacus. What on earth are they doing up that late unsupervised on the television?

I say let producers and directors make what they want to make, set a standard rating system that must be obeyed, tag the program with easy to grasp concept tags, and let the people in positions of authority judge what can and cannot be viewed by the young eyes we care for.
Contributor: Tork48309 Tork48309
Originally posted by Peggi
The concept of censorship makes sense but I had to go with the 2nd option, because although the CONCEPT makes sense it isn't used as it should be. For example, as you used the show Breaking Bad, sure lets air a show about a couple of people ... more
I agree with you Peggi.
Contributor: Badass Badass
Censorship all together is ridiculous.
Contributor: MissCandyland MissCandyland
I have such mixed feelings about it.
Contributor: namelesschaos namelesschaos
Originally posted by mmike
All of the rating systems for entertainment (i.e. music, video games, movies, tv shows, books) seem so odd. For Requiem for a Dream, Darren Aronofsky said that he could not film the women putting a condom on a dildo. For Breaking Bad, Vince Gillian ... more
There is a lot I could say about this but first I have to point out, there is a problematical conflation between "censorship" and "media ratings" in this post. Rating are not a form of censorship in then of themselves, they can be in some places but the examples you cite are from the US where the may lead to voluntary censorship on the part of those involved they serve no censorship role in them of themselves. Indeed the opposite is true, these rating boards where established to prevent government censorship. In case you don't know none of these rating boards have any legal power in the US, although it is a common misconception these are laws they are a 100% voluntary and run by the industries themselves, not only that it would be massively unconstitutional to make any of these rating law.

Half of what you discuss is less about censorship and more about the inconsistency of the rating systems (if not even more so with society's bizarre double stranded). So to first answer that question the inconsistent of the ratings. Inconsistent ratings by a single rating body are a problem and can lead to inconsistent problematic voluntary censorship. Although as i hinted above part of this problem is the rating often only reflect out own (by which I mean society) fucked up standards. That there are multiple rating systems is a more debatable point, is the same system used for a purely auditory media (music) subtitle for a interactive media such as games? Regardless the point is seems mute, for various reasons a unified media rating system is incredibly unlikely in the US.
Contributor: Silverdrop Silverdrop

I hate this.
Contributor: HomuHomu HomuHomu
Censorship was created by stupid people to control stupider people. ;3 The people easily bothered by unimportant/frivolous things are the ones easiest manipulated, nyan.