Do you still regularly watch TV?

Contributor: ththpup ththpup
We don't have TV, but I watch TV shows on Netflix pretty often.
Contributor: sweet&lush sweet&lush
I watch TV a lot. I love it.
Contributor: Real or memorex Real or memorex
I turn it on at night and leave it on in the background while I am on the computer. I sort of hate it but it helps to have the distraction.
Contributor: Terri69 Terri69
I watch a few shows
Contributor: BrittaniMaree BrittaniMaree
Yes, I watch it all the time
Contributor: Trysexual Trysexual
More than I should
Contributor: Raymaker Raymaker
Not on an actual tv set anymore for the past few years, but I watch tv SHOWS on my computer almost constantly.
Contributor: Geogeo Geogeo
Originally posted by lulz
I haven't watched real TV in months. Sometimes I catch some sports and some shows I occasionally follow on streams, but I've found I've completely stopped watching real TV. Anyone else in the same boat?
I stream tons of shows all the time, but I have no life
Contributor: Kitka Kitka
We don't have cable, netflix or any other of those streaming things. We just watch dvds or find something else to do like read a book, etc.