Do you like to read erotic stories?

Contributor: Lvstoplay Lvstoplay
I was wondering how many of you like to read erotica and what you think makes it good. Please leave comments. Thanks!
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Contributor: Lvstoplay Lvstoplay
Originally posted by Lvstoplay
I was wondering how many of you like to read erotica and what you think makes it good. Please leave comments. Thanks!
Contributor: SaucyxGirl SaucyxGirl
I enjoy erotica as long as it is well written, extremely detailed and not written by a writer who can't write it dirty. Nothing kills an erotic story faster than reading terms like moist flower, hard member, throbbing manhood etc.
Contributor: Wicked Wahine Wicked Wahine
Originally posted by SaucyxGirl
I enjoy erotica as long as it is well written, extremely detailed and not written by a writer who can't write it dirty. Nothing kills an erotic story faster than reading terms like moist flower, hard member, throbbing manhood etc.
Oh my, I am so with you on this, lol, and your examples are hilarious!
Contributor: SaucyxGirl SaucyxGirl
Originally posted by Wicked Wahine
Oh my, I am so with you on this, lol, and your examples are hilarious!
Here is some other ones lol I cut and pasted this from a blog entry I did last November about sex reviewers being unable to use terms like penis and vagina. These are actual terms/words that I have seen in either a review for a sex toy or on blogs involving erotica and sex in general. These were serious blogs, not in anyway meant to be comedic. Hope these make you laugh also.

lady/male bits
tender bits
sensitive button
his parts
back hole (instead of actually saying anus)
Your you know what (yes I actually saw that in a review once ~growls~)
nether region
down below
dangly bits
doing the deed
sweaty time
little swimmers (used in a post in regards to oral sex)
white stuff (used in a review of a male masturbation sleeve)
Contributor: OH&W, Lovebears OH&W, Lovebears
It's enjoyable to read them. I would wager it's more fun to write some.
Contributor: eri86 eri86
Originally posted by SaucyxGirl
I enjoy erotica as long as it is well written, extremely detailed and not written by a writer who can't write it dirty. Nothing kills an erotic story faster than reading terms like moist flower, hard member, throbbing manhood etc.
Or worse, when they write in a very technical and clinical manner.
Contributor: edeneve edeneve
Originally posted by SaucyxGirl
I enjoy erotica as long as it is well written, extremely detailed and not written by a writer who can't write it dirty. Nothing kills an erotic story faster than reading terms like moist flower, hard member, throbbing manhood etc.
I whole heartedly agree with you.

I haven't read much erotica. but it does get me in the mood for sex, solo or w/ my partner.
Contributor: SaucyxGirl SaucyxGirl
Originally posted by eri86
Or worse, when they write in a very technical and clinical manner.
And what you reads ends up sounding like a either a sex education lesson or a text book. Seen a few of those. Another one is a person who writes erotica and has no clue what they hell they are talking about, encountered a few of those but those types of stories are usually confined to fan fiction or poorly written erotica that becomes mainstream because people view it as edgy.
Contributor: Kitt Katt Kitt Katt
I enjoy reading erotica. I wish Eden had not discontinued all the books.
Contributor: Lvstoplay Lvstoplay
Originally posted by SaucyxGirl
Here is some other ones lol I cut and pasted this from a blog entry I did last November about sex reviewers being unable to use terms like penis and vagina. These are actual terms/words that I have seen in either a review for a sex toy or on blogs ... more
Wow, ok well I hope I don't run across most of those while reading erotica! Lol.
Contributor: Lvstoplay Lvstoplay
Originally posted by Kitt Katt
I enjoy reading erotica. I wish Eden had not discontinued all the books.
I didn't know Eden's sold books, must've been before I joined.
Contributor: Lvstoplay Lvstoplay
Originally posted by eri86
Or worse, when they write in a very technical and clinical manner.
I haven't ran across this one yet.
Contributor: Lvstoplay Lvstoplay
Originally posted by SaucyxGirl
And what you reads ends up sounding like a either a sex education lesson or a text book. Seen a few of those. Another one is a person who writes erotica and has no clue what they hell they are talking about, encountered a few of those but those ... more
Do you have any examples of the ones that became "mainstream"?
Contributor: Lvstoplay Lvstoplay
Originally posted by edeneve
I whole heartedly agree with you.

I haven't read much erotica. but it does get me in the mood for sex, solo or w/ my partner.
Lol I read it almost every day. Maybe that's why I'm usually in the mood for sexual activity... Hmm I guess I'll have to get my husband to read more often too.
Contributor: GQdude GQdude
I enjoy reading them sometimes...for me, it's about the chase. if there's a good chase, it's a good story.
Contributor: Kitt Katt Kitt Katt
Originally posted by Lvstoplay
I didn't know Eden's sold books, must've been before I joined.
Eden used to have a nice assortment of books.

I think online erotica and e-books have virtually killed demand for printed books.
I refuse to use my tablet in the tub so I've purchased quite a few printed books to read while soaking in the tub. I'd buy more if Eden still had them.
Contributor: Eliza Eliza
I've always been more into erotica than porn. I'm not entirely sure why, but my guess is that it's just because I've always been an avid reader. When I was first introduced to it, a friend showed me, which is (or was?) all user-submitted stuff. Some was awful, but there were some gems too.
Contributor: PadoruLover PadoruLover
Oh defiantly!
Contributor: Lvstoplay Lvstoplay
Originally posted by Kitt Katt
Eden used to have a nice assortment of books.

I think online erotica and e-books have virtually killed demand for printed books.
I refuse to use my tablet in the tub so I've purchased quite a few printed books to read while ... more
I buy mine at BAM or Borders. I am on the computer a lot, so when I have time to read I tend to prefer printed books as opposed to ebooks.
Contributor: Lvstoplay Lvstoplay
Originally posted by Eliza
I've always been more into erotica than porn. I'm not entirely sure why, but my guess is that it's just because I've always been an avid reader. When I was first introduced to it, a friend showed me, which is (or ... more
Yes, I've been to that site a few times. I still tend to prefer store bought books though. I don't honestly care for porn, however I love erotica, so I completely understand where you're coming from. Something about reading it just seems more stimulating to me.
Contributor: Lvstoplay Lvstoplay
Originally posted by GQdude
I enjoy reading them sometimes...for me, it's about the chase. if there's a good chase, it's a good story.
So you prefer to read books that involve one person having to capture the interest of the other person as opposed to them starting out good friends and falling in love over time, right? Hmm, that's an interesting point of view, one I will need to keep in mind when I write.
Contributor: KyotoAngel KyotoAngel
Most of the ones I read are "fanfics", but yep.
A few of my favorites lately are LotR themed (usually Elrond/someone else where he's dominant. <w<; ) or Labyrinth themed where Jareth is dominating an older version of Sarah. xD
Contributor: Lvstoplay Lvstoplay
Originally posted by KyotoAngel
Most of the ones I read are "fanfics", but yep.
A few of my favorites lately are LotR themed (usually Elrond/someone else where he's dominant. <w<; ) or Labyrinth themed where Jareth is dominating an older version of Sarah. xD
I don't think I've actually read any "fanfics" but I do read a lot of printed erotica.
Contributor: Thumper Logic Thumper Logic
Originally posted by Lvstoplay
I was wondering how many of you like to read erotica and what you think makes it good. Please leave comments. Thanks!
Do this with the man all the time, works wonders for LDR's and new ideas
Contributor: Kitten has left the site Kitten has left the site
I love reading erotica in all kinds of forms, though I wish Eden still had the books :/ I was quite disappointed when those disappeared.
Contributor: apple4me apple4me
Literotica is one of the best sites for erotica.
Contributor: Rhazya Rhazya
I do like to read erotica, but I find literotica and other sites frustrating to navigate. I'll end up thinking a story is about x or falls under x category, then I'll read it and it wasn't remotely accurate and because of that it was more of a turn off. I also hate it when a site I liked reading stories on, disappears into cyperspace. I wish in retrospect I had saved the stories to my computer.

Or huge grammar/spelling mistakes can kill the mood-I'm fairly literate.
Contributor: Wicked Wahine Wicked Wahine
Originally posted by Rhazya
I do like to read erotica, but I find literotica and other sites frustrating to navigate. I'll end up thinking a story is about x or falls under x category, then I'll read it and it wasn't remotely accurate and because of that it was more ... more
Oh, yes, errors pull me right out of the story! But, worse, is getting into a story, as you mentioned, thinking it is about one thing and then getting slapped in the face with it going where you least want to go! I had that happen with a free series I started reading and while the beginning scenes weren't too bad, just a little rough,, I was blindsided with what turned out to be an upsetting, horribly sadistic, snuff scene the that narrating character got off on!!! OMG, I am still scarred from that! It came from nowhere! with no warnings to be found in the descriptions or category in which it was posted. Thank goodness, I have never had anything like that happen again. I really think the author did it on purpose and was hiding the content in a wrong category to avoid the censors on the selling site. I think had it at least been in the BDSM section, I would have had the chance to avoid it.

@SaucyxGirl, loved the extended list you posted, LMAO!!
Contributor: MagneticDuke MagneticDuke
It's very rare that I read erotica, and it's usually fan-produced stuff when I do. That said, I once watched a hentai series that was a complete turn-off, but stuck around for the plot. Can't quite remember its name right now.