Anyone want to take a trip in my TARDIS?

Contributor: sixfootsex sixfootsex
Originally posted by Blinker
What do you guys think of the new Daleks? I hate them. They look like Power Rangers or squeeky toys. I read that the BBC wanted to market the toys more for children and that's why they colored them. They just look silly now!
The moment they rolled out of their little closet, I yelled "IPOD DALEKS!" and fainted with utter chagrin.
Contributor: sixfootsex sixfootsex

That being said (and the caps really weren't strong enough), I've seen a lot of Old Who and have a feverish adoration for Tom Baker as well. Tennant and Smith are amazing and I love them, but in the end Christopher Eccleston is MY doctor.
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
Anyone following the build up to series 6?

I got this on my FB wall.

I wonder who they'll kill off (and prolly bring back)...
Contributor: Dusk Dusk
Oh my god, I'm so excited about the new series. Every time one ends I don't know how they could make the next better, but they do. Matt Smith really grew on me though, and I can't wait to find out more about River.
Contributor: Destri Destri
Originally posted by Blinker
Alright I don't have a TARDIS. But is anyone here a fan of Doctor Who? I've seen it mentioned a few times in random posts and I was curious as to who watches it.

And if you do, who's your favorite Doctor?

I'm a Tennant ... more
We just became Who-ers and we are totally hooked. We have actually only seen Tennant so I have nothing to compare him to, but I love him, I love the show and I can't wait for the new season to start here!
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
The new season starts this weekend on BBC America. 4/23 at 8pm EST?

My theory: Amy still has the Angel in her head because the Doctor reminded her of it.
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro

RIP Sarah Jane Smith

Contributor: dv8 dv8
Originally posted by El-Jaro

RIP Sarah Jane Smith

So much for her spinoff returning.

Contributor: Dusk Dusk
I'm so sad about Elisabeth Sladen....
Contributor: LilLostLenore LilLostLenore
I love 9 and 10
Contributor: CountryPrincess CountryPrincess
When my bf was out of town for 2 weeks i watched all the dr who on netflix and i loved it!! lol im not sure who my fav is though... everytime it changed i was so upset the first couple episodes and then the new one grew on me LOL so ya i'm not sure!

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