Anyone want to take a trip in my TARDIS?

Contributor: Blinker Blinker
Alright I don't have a TARDIS. But is anyone here a fan of Doctor Who? I've seen it mentioned a few times in random posts and I was curious as to who watches it.

And if you do, who's your favorite Doctor?

I'm a Tennant fan but I have to admit Matt Smith is winning me over with every episode. The bow tie is growing on me.
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Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro

I totally called it! I told my roomie that you were going to start a Doctor Who thread! hahaha

I vaguely remember a Doctor Who episode from the early 80's.

I also completely agree with you about Tennant and Smith! I'm torn between companions though: Amy Pond or Rose. I think I'm leaning more towards Amy.
Contributor: Blinker Blinker
Originally posted by El-Jaro

I totally called it! I told my roomie that you were going to start a Doctor Who thread! hahaha

I vaguely remember a Doctor Who episode from the early 80's.

I also completely agree with you about Tennant and Smith! ... more
Am I that transparent?! Damn.

I like Amy. She's fun! Rose was fun, too but it got so emotional near the end for her it was just a mess. And I'm excited to see what happens with the cracks in time. I wish BBC America wasn't so far behind dammit!
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
Ride my time rotor, baby. LOL

Old School Who fan here. I haven't seen many episodes of the new series; although I've the feeling Tennant was channeling Tom Baker's portrayal at times.

I actually have a soft spot for William Hartnell (the First Doctor). Not many of his episodes survived, but it was fun seeing a smart-ass grandfather figure. Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker were just plain fun to watch.

I've even seen the awful movie with the 8th Doctor.

And the Red Nose Comic Relief short with Rowan Atkinson and Jonathan Price. (BRILLIANT!)

I've written 11th Doctor fanfic (never put online) since January, 2007, and fizzled out by the time of my separation in November, 2009. Managed to get up to 35 stories, and addressed a lot of loose ends from the Old Series and trying to tie it into the new (I lived on Wikipedia during that time). My 11th Doctor refers to his 10th (Tennant) as his 'hyperactive scruffy incarnation'. I was rather miffed that I didn't get my version up online; was a fantasy that I'd be the creatrix of the Doctor's next regeneration. My 11th Doctor ended up with an avatar of the Earth Mother and an insane Dalek as companions.

Besides, time-traveling aliens spewing Geek is a fucking turn on.

(Sorry for rambling.)
Contributor: Blinker Blinker
Originally posted by Chilipepper
Ride my time rotor, baby. LOL

Old School Who fan here. I haven't seen many episodes of the new series; although I've the feeling Tennant was channeling Tom Baker's portrayal at times.

I actually have a soft spot for William ... more
AGH! That sounds awesome! You sound very creative
Contributor: Blinker Blinker
What do you guys think of the new Daleks? I hate them. They look like Power Rangers or squeeky toys. I read that the BBC wanted to market the toys more for children and that's why they colored them. They just look silly now!
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
There was a holiday special after Tennent's first or second series that had him with the...5th Doctor(?), the one with the celery. It was brilliant!

I love the writers for the new series. They are amazing with their storylines! I love how Russel T. Davies (?) weaves a meta-plot over the whole series that is so pervasive you're glued to the screen. The last full Tennent season was a perfect example.
Contributor: Blinker Blinker
Originally posted by El-Jaro
There was a holiday special after Tennent's first or second series that had him with the...5th Doctor(?), the one with the celery. It was brilliant!

I love the writers for the new series. They are amazing with their storylines! I love how ... more
I KNOOOOW! And he's so deliciously secretive. People have been asking him about Rory's hospital badge and he has said first that it's not important then hinted later that it's a "clue"...each episode is a puzzle piece and I can't get enough.

When the Doctor last regenerated and Matt Smith was eating? Priceless. He won me over with fish custard

"Toast. I like toast."
-throws it outside
"And stay out!"
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
Originally posted by Blinker
I KNOOOOW! And he's so deliciously secretive. People have been asking him about Rory's hospital badge and he has said first that it's not important then hinted later that it's a "clue"...each episode is a puzzle piece and I ... more
That whole scene was awesome (like a hotdog)!
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
Originally posted by El-Jaro
There was a holiday special after Tennent's first or second series that had him with the...5th Doctor(?), the one with the celery. It was brilliant!

I love the writers for the new series. They are amazing with their storylines! I love how ... more
Yeah, 5th Doctor - Peter Davison.

Five (looks around interior of TARDIS): You changed the desktop settings!
Contributor: sumie sumie
I love Doctor Who! My favorite Doctor is David Tennant, followed by Christopher Eccleston. I have the Russel T Davis era on DVD and was hoping to get a bunch of cool stuff at this years Comic Con but all they had was Adipose, the iDaleks (those colorful Daleks from this past season), and Matt Smith's sonic screwdriver. Is anyone excited that Torchwood will be returning next year?
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
Originally posted by sumie
I love Doctor Who! My favorite Doctor is David Tennant, followed by Christopher Eccleston. I have the Russel T Davis era on DVD and was hoping to get a bunch of cool stuff at this years Comic Con but all they had was Adipose, the iDaleks (those ... more
I am now! Sweet Return o'Torchwood!
Contributor: DeAnna DeAnna
I'm a Tennant fan but I have to admit Matt Smith is winning me over with every episode.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Tom Baker. My favorite. (Yeah, I'm old.)
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Chilipepper
Ride my time rotor, baby. LOL

Old School Who fan here. I haven't seen many episodes of the new series; although I've the feeling Tennant was channeling Tom Baker's portrayal at times.

I actually have a soft spot for William ... more
Wow, I bow down to you absolute nerd-coolness!
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
Originally posted by P'Gell
Wow, I bow down to you absolute nerd-coolness!
It was the one good legacy my ex-husband left me with - an appreciation for Doctor Who. We were great intellectual friends, but lousy spouses.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by Blinker
Alright I don't have a TARDIS. But is anyone here a fan of Doctor Who? I've seen it mentioned a few times in random posts and I was curious as to who watches it.

And if you do, who's your favorite Doctor?

I'm a Tennant ... more
DAMNIT I was gonna say HELL YES, but you don't have a Time And Relative Dimension In Space machine! I am SUCH a Dr. Who fan...rabid actually. I have yet to see the Matt Smith Dr. 'cause I'm visiting Arch and Dr. Who is my Sigel thing. LOL I loved David Tennant, he brought a new and exciting dimension to the Dr. I thought. I loved that he was so much more emotional and edgy than the previous personalities.
My favorite line goes something like: "I just remembered something else about myself, I never give a second warning!" Love it! He also had some kick ass fellow travelers during this incarnation.
Contributor: dv8 dv8
Originally posted by P'Gell
Tom Baker. My favorite. (Yeah, I'm old.)
I found him the quirkiest of The Doctors. I wish that crazy scarf would return.
Contributor: ToyGeek ToyGeek
Another vote for Tom Baker here. I've probably watched City of Death over 100 times.
Contributor: Dusk Dusk
I'm a HUGE Doctor Who fan, and I got my partner into it as well. We're watching the most recent season now; we just saw the first two episodes, although I'm halfway into the season already.

Favourite doctor? Hard to choose. I think it's a tie between Tom Baker, Peter Davison, and David Tennant. Christopher Eccleston has a place in my heart as well, and I was even lucky enough to see him in a cocktail bar last time I was in london! Unfortunately, not tipsy enough to interrupt his date to ask for an autograph.

Also, I love Torchwood. Poor Ianto, though
Contributor: ToyGeek ToyGeek
Originally posted by Dusk
I'm a HUGE Doctor Who fan, and I got my partner into it as well. We're watching the most recent season now; we just saw the first two episodes, although I'm halfway into the season already.

Favourite doctor? Hard to choose. I ... more
Torchwood rocks. Gwen is kickass. Jack is awesome. Plus, Captain John Hart is just yummy.
Contributor: Miss Morphine Miss Morphine
I'm very fond of Matt Smith. His portrayal reminds me a bit of an amalgam of Peter Davison's and Patrick Troughton's work in the earlier series.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by dv8
I found him the quirkiest of The Doctors. I wish that crazy scarf would return.
I actually learned to knit so I could make one for My Man. We still have it. The kids or one of us use it when we are low on scarves. I was never a great knitter, but the scarf looks pretty cool. I actually bought a "pattern" for it from a comic book shop, so the colors would be right.

It was really long.
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
Originally posted by P'Gell
I actually learned to knit so I could make one for My Man. We still have it. The kids or one of us use it when we are low on scarves. I was never a great knitter, but the scarf looks pretty cool. I actually bought a "pattern" for it from a ... more
I guess this means I have to admit that I've been in the process of knitting one, too?

I learned to knit specifically for this reason. To make the 17-foot-long scarf; I found the pattern online for Tom Baker's first scarf. I started it two years ago. It's not that it takes forever (I knew a knitter in Montana who churned out five of them in a month for her family), it's just me getting distracted easily by other things. I find myself taking it with me when I fly and it's a great way to pass the time in the airport. (Yes, they do allow knitting needles through security - just make sure the scissors you have in your kit are safety scissors with the rounded ends.)

Stranger: How much longer you have on that?
Me: Fifteen more feet.
Stranger: Whoa ...
Me: Yeah, the Doctor will regenerate a few more times by the time I'm done.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Chilipepper
I guess this means I have to admit that I've been in the process of knitting one, too?

I learned to knit specifically for this reason. To make the 17-foot-long scarf; I found the pattern online for Tom Baker's first scarf. I started it ... more
Hee hee hee hee. Would you believe I made mine before there was an easily available internet? I went to a comic book store and bought the instructions. Mine isn't the entire 17 feet long. Maybe ten or 12 feet. I got tired.

I didn't know you could bring them on planes again. I fly infrequently. I remember bringing this knitting project on a plane long before 9/11. No one even looked twice.
Contributor: Kinkyquing Kinkyquing
I haven't watched much Classic Who. My favorite Doctor by FAR is Eleven/Matt Smith--I went as him for Halloween and my roommate dressed up as River Song (and I'm definitely in the minority in that I can't stand Ten/Tennant with a couple exceptional episodes, although part of that is that the way he treats Captain Jack reminds me far too much of my ex)
Contributor: Miss Morphine Miss Morphine
Peter Davison (4th doctor) is my favorite from the old series and I'm very fond of Matt Smith.
Contributor: menotu menotu
Originally posted by Blinker
Alright I don't have a TARDIS. But is anyone here a fan of Doctor Who? I've seen it mentioned a few times in random posts and I was curious as to who watches it.

And if you do, who's your favorite Doctor?

I'm a Tennant ... more
Not a fan
Contributor: CanMan CanMan
Originally posted by menotu
Not a fan
Tennant is a god. I got my girl to watch every episode with me, she fell in love with him too. It is a fantastic show.
Contributor: A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople) A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople)
I love Tennant!
and I even don't mind Matt