Are your holiday and spending plans being shaped or altered by the fact that come Jan 1st, our taxes may be going through the roof?

Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
Originally posted by Trysexual
Sounds like propaganda. I highly doubt the avg guy/girl is going to see a difference...and not til next year at least.
Propaganda for who or what? It is a looming disaster for America that both parties are struggling with as "item 1" right now. If it happens, the "average guy or girl" is going to see differences in everything they buy and in how their paycheck shrinks.
Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
Originally posted by Bignuf
Projected to be about $4000-$4800 more in income taxes alone, possibly another $6000 per family in higher food, medical, home utilities and gas prices, all due to the "fiscal cliff"?
I will not lie. Every news channel, liberal, conservative, right wing, left name it, has been speaking about this for the last week. It was spoken about by both candidates in the run up to the election and is the biggest and baddest issue on the table for the U.S. Government right now. Period. It could effect tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of jobs, could have a huge impact on the value of the dollar and could result in some big time financial hurt for everyone that eats or buys anything in the USA...indeed, it would effect every single person in the pocketbook. Hard.

SO...I find it scary...terrifying really, when adults don't seem to know anything out it. We are not talking about something happening a world away or on another planet. We are talking about something coming at you and your families like a rolling boulder. It is the thing that makes me write my congressmen and senators. It is the reason I vote.

If you are someone who really never heard of this, I will ask you, honestly, where do you get your news and how can something this critical to you, your family, your job and your nation not have your attention?

I don't get it.

Here are some concrete
Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
Here is something describing the effect on younger people, since that is what most folks here seem to be....


Here is another article for "everyone".....

Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
Originally posted by gsfanatic
Nope, since I'm too low income to be affected by most of the tax increases
That is a common and terribly incorrect line of thought. When taxes and prices go up, prices skyrocket and every dollar you have is worth less, so the lower your income, the harder a hit you take. The rich can absorb the pain of higher costs for everything in life. They have luxuries they can cut back on. Low income people have no such safety net. These taxes will hit the lowest income people the hardest.
Contributor: RonLee RonLee
Originally posted by Bignuf
That is a common and terribly incorrect line of thought. When taxes and prices go up, prices skyrocket and every dollar you have is worth less, so the lower your income, the harder a hit you take. The rich can absorb the pain of higher costs for ... more
Exactly Bignuff. So many people have no idea how much even just eliminating the ten percent rate is going to hurt low income people.
Contributor: ViVix ViVix
Originally posted by Bignuf
Projected to be about $4000-$4800 more in income taxes alone, possibly another $6000 per family in higher food, medical, home utilities and gas prices, all due to the "fiscal cliff"?
Quite frankly...why worry ahead? I have enough current stuff to worry about.
Contributor: Stagger13 Stagger13
Originally posted by Bignuf
Projected to be about $4000-$4800 more in income taxes alone, possibly another $6000 per family in higher food, medical, home utilities and gas prices, all due to the "fiscal cliff"?
Have not made any changes to spending yet. If we hit the cliff then there will be changes.