And your top five nominees are . . .

Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Chilipepper
1. David Bowie (from the 80's) (Because I am convinced he started puberty in me when I saw 'Labyrinth'.)

2. Alec Baldwin (from the 90's) (Especially around the time he did 'The Shadow'. Wouldn't care to talk, but ... more
Oh, you reminded me, Duchovny. *sigh* YUM Do I get a sixth? For a while, during the entire run of The X-Files, he was the first on my Freebie List.
Contributor: cnspots cnspots
1. Nikki Sixx

2. Evan Stone ( porn Star )

3. Jenna Jameson ( before she got screw up looking )

4. Jenna Haze

5. and either Lex Steele, Shane Diesel, or Mandigo
Contributor: VenusianThunder VenusianThunder
Alan Rickman 5 times.
Lol... really, though... no one else even compares. I have had many fantasies about this man. That voice drives me mad... and the hands. Just watch his hands when he acts. He uses them a lot... you just know he can work magic with them. Oh, and have you seen him dance in the Texas "In Demand" music video- I love the way he just throws her around. And do not get me started on those legs. The man has a fantastic pair of legs. That is all. I could go on for days about him, but I will restrain myself.
Contributor: BadassFatass BadassFatass
This is going to require some thinking on my part...

1. Rose McGowan (circa Jawbreaker)
2. Christina Ricci (my first girl-crush)
3. Seth Rogen
4. Sara Rue (Circa Gypsy 83)
5. Colin Farrel
Contributor: Diabolical Kitty Diabolical Kitty
Apparently i haven't been watching enough movies to care lately.
Contributor: cryinglightning86 cryinglightning86
Right, so just from Hollywood? I shall factor out my musician crushes then.

In no particular order:

- Rooney Mara
- James McAvoy
- Michael Fassbender
- Tom Hiddleston
- Billie Piper

Also: (Because I can't narrow it down to five) Melanie Laurent and Eli Roth. Preferably at the same time.