What do you prefer to label yourself as?

Contributor: SalmiakkiVodka SalmiakkiVodka
Genderqueer or androgynous.
Contributor: LittleHouse LittleHouse
We live in an age of a dizzying proliferation of labels; of femmes and butches, bois and andros, tops and bottoms, dykes and power lesbians.... Whilst Shari and I welcome this diversity, I also believe that identity tags, including that of bisexual, need to be treated with caution and used as a means to include rather than exclude.

If bisexuality has taught me anything, it is the importance of choice when it comes to sexual practice and lifestyle. 'Bisexual' is not an exhaustive identity label and comes with its own limitations. To this end I often find myself adopting different labels to suit different stages of my life which is, I believe, something a bisexual identity can accommodate. We just need to ensure that as our community grows, the boundaries do not shrink or restrict our crucial ability to exercise free will.

If you have a choice, be Bisexual.
Contributor: Rab Rab
I go with transmasculine, but I feel it's all technically under the transgender umbrella.
Contributor: LoneOokami LoneOokami
Genderqueer/Masculine of Center
Contributor: glassdoll glassdoll
I don't identify as trans* although I guess genderqueer falls under the trans* umbrella. I stick with GQ since it changes due to various things like mood, D/s playing, etc.