Would you have a threesome, why or why not?

Contributor: Gingy Gingy
Im a one woman kinda girl. I don't want to be with anyone else.
Contributor: RainbowOokami RainbowOokami
Originally posted by Lif3sambiguity
Pros and cons of having a threesome
Ive always wanted to try it but I think the biggest problem would be jealousy it would have to be three people who really understood and trusted each other
Contributor: TheSlyFox TheSlyFox
I've done FFM, but i'd love to do a FFF.
Contributor: allinonekid allinonekid
Strangely, I've only ever had threesomes
Contributor: Zombirella Zombirella
Originally posted by Lif3sambiguity
Pros and cons of having a threesome
I just think it would ruin my relationship. I just KNOW I couldn't get over sharing my man. The thought of him being with another woman just pisses me off, so No, just NO. Plus I think it would create trust issues and other problems.
Contributor: Chris Corrigan Chris Corrigan
I would have voted yes if this poll wasn't so cis-sexist. Not everyone is gender binary identified, yo! But yes- I've had threesomes with two cis-men and myself (a trans* fella).
Contributor: KrazyKandy KrazyKandy
I would love to but I am too jealous to share.
Contributor: nori nori
I would want two other girls.
Contributor: inmytoybox inmytoybox
I loved to. Only men though.
Contributor: djdoomgirl djdoomgirl
I had a threesome, FFM, and my girlfriend and I were not prepared for it emotionally, there is something very shocking about watching someone else have sex with your partner, even if you've talked it up to death beforehand.
Contributor: dks210 dks210
I fantasize about MMF, but I wouldn't actually do it.
Contributor: Willow Wand Willow Wand
Yep, sure would! Never have, but I want to!
Contributor: Kabachu Kabachu
I've never been comfortable with the idea of a threesome
Contributor: deltalima deltalima
Originally posted by Waterfall
Nothing wrong with a threesome as long as everyone is on the same page and is comfortable with the act and anything that may or may not occur afterwards.
It always seems to get messy.
Contributor: charletnarouh charletnarouh
I've done it, with all three participants being female, and while there are definite benefits, I prefer one on one.
Contributor: Apirka Apirka
I've had a MMF threesome and it was... alright. I don't think I'd really do it againg though. Just not my thing. And I don't think I'd be into a FFM threesome, especially if I was dating someone. I couldn't share my man with someone else, and definitely not right there in front of me. I don't like to share and I'd rather only pay attention to one person and have only one person pay attention to me.
Contributor: PirateofPenance PirateofPenance
Originally posted by Lif3sambiguity
Pros and cons of having a threesome
If you're comfortable with them, it sounds awesome
Contributor: MissCandyland MissCandyland
Hell no. I am such a jealous person, I have no clue why. But I don't want someone else touching the person I'm with or experiencing what I get to experience. Guess I'm selfish. ;P
Contributor: thisisadeletedaccount thisisadeletedaccount
I'm FAAB and genderqueer and I have had several threesomes with my partners, one of whom is MAAB and bigender and the other of whom is a cisgender woman, so we're not really on the chart. I love threesomes, though. The only disadvantage was trying to fit on a college standard issue twin extra long bed.
Contributor: Falsepast Falsepast
No never
Contributor: PropertyOfPotter PropertyOfPotter
I have no desire for it.
Contributor: lia ayala lia ayala
not a good idea if ur in a relationship or u do it wit sumone u care bout
Contributor: HusbandandWife HusbandandWife
Originally posted by UnknownGirl
Hubby and I are in the process of looking for another male to join us. We're both very excited.
Sounds fun! We have talked about that a few times. Actually any combination of girls & guys together sounds fun. But it will probably just remain a fantasy for now. For me as long as all parties are upfront and honest I am open to it.
Contributor: Why Not? Why Not?
I had a couple when I was young single and they were fun. But as a married man now I would give them a pass. If you are single in a threeway with a couple then you usually get the bulk of the attention. That's good. If you are in a committed relationship with someone you love and you have a threeway and one spouse gets jealous feelings or mixed emotions... that's bad. I have know couples that have made it work with threeways. I have also known a lot more couples that have had unnecessary complications because of threeways. My take... fun if you are single, risky if you are happily married. And if you are unhappily married, well...
Contributor: J5ive J5ive
Contributor: Lori Gonzales Lori Gonzales
Originally posted by Lif3sambiguity
Pros and cons of having a threesome
from my own experience a threesome is bad for cewrtain relationships,there has to be alot of trust for this to happen. I had a foursome w woman and me and my girl ended up getting into an argument and almost broke up over it.
Contributor: funcouple funcouple
Originally posted by Lif3sambiguity
Pros and cons of having a threesome
I could not possibly have a threesome if I am in a relationship. I would feel like Im cheating, and I would feel very possessive of my boyfriend, and not want to share him.
Contributor: Kitten has left the site Kitten has left the site
Yep. I'm definitely interested. Maybe it's because I had one when I was younger, so I wanna do it again, but right now hubby isn't for it, he wants to wait a while so we're waiting. But the minute I hit 30... XD
Contributor: BlooJay BlooJay
Probably wouldn't.
Contributor: quantumspork quantumspork
Had one a few months ago, FFM, it was pretty fun. Although I do feel a bit like a bisexual stereotype for enjoying the FFM dynamic.