I've always been interested in having a FFM one day with my boyfriend.
Would you have a threesome, why or why not?
Hubby and I are in the process of looking for another male to join us. We're both very excited.
Ohhhhh That sounds like a shirt I need to gt!
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Been there. Done that. And I really do have a tshirt! (it has 2 stick men and a lady stick girl all holding hands *snickers*)

Well I don't really like the idea of a couple bringing in a third person for a threesome. Seems like there would be some weird imbalances going on there. But three friends, who all have a similar relationship with each other, might be something would consider. I think I would want to get more experience with two person sex first though.
Might be a lot of fun to have a threesome. Doesn't matter if it is FFM or MMF to me.
I would have three-somes. And have had many.
I wouldn't. I don't see anything wrong with any other couples doing it. On top of it never being high on the priority list for me, I have a hard enough time opening up sexually for just my husband, so I really don't think that adding anybody else to the mix would work out.
I couldn't do it I don't like sharing
I wouldn't even consider it. Sex is exactly that, but making love is the top of the world. It's more than physical.
Originally posted by
Pros and cons of having a threesome
I love threesomes, but the situation has to be right.
for just sex maybe
I've always said it's a nice fantasy, and that's what it'll stay for me.
I was in one one and a half times. First time with a new GF and her mother. That was sweet, being double-teamed like that. But I was young and we were all pretty drunk. Alcohol wasn't the "impediment" to me that it is now and I think it was more "sport" for them. Not that I'm complaining, mind you! What's that old song? "If it feels this good gettin' used.....you just keep on usin' me...."
Next time, it started out as MF when a Bi girl friend of ours walked in on us w/her partner. She decided it would be nice to join us and that was cool with us. But I'm not bi, we didn't know him very well and he flaked out after about a minute. She stayed for probably 5-10 minutes (seemed more like 30 seconds to me). Then, I guess she felt sorry for the other guy, so she trotted off and left us as a MF again. Dammit! And I'd had the hots for her for sooooo long. Oh well, it was nice while it lasted. I'd do a MFF again in a NY minute. But, preferably, relatively sober.
Next time, it started out as MF when a Bi girl friend of ours walked in on us w/her partner. She decided it would be nice to join us and that was cool with us. But I'm not bi, we didn't know him very well and he flaked out after about a minute. She stayed for probably 5-10 minutes (seemed more like 30 seconds to me). Then, I guess she felt sorry for the other guy, so she trotted off and left us as a MF again. Dammit! And I'd had the hots for her for sooooo long. Oh well, it was nice while it lasted. I'd do a MFF again in a NY minute. But, preferably, relatively sober.
I really can't speak for other variations, but a FFF works really well because two girls can go down on one girl, and then just go around the circle. (Speaking of circles, you could also have a 69 circle haha)
I really enjoy threesomes when they're with people who have clear emotional boundaries/flexibility . When everyone on board is emotionally and physically safe, it can be really hot!
This is not for me at all. I tend to get jealous very easily (even when I have no reason to be) and this situation would be bad, bad, bad. I hate the way being jealous makes me feel, so this is certainly not something I would care to bring into our marriage.
Me too...I could never go through with it...I'm way too jealous and way too over-emotional to handle it.
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no I am way too jealous of a person to do that.
I agree.
Originally posted by
Airen Wolf
Yes I would and have had threesomes. No it's not terribly risky so long as you do your homework and make sure your partner(s) are clean and sane. Yes it can mind fuck a relationship that is not prepared for the strain.
If you have a ... more
If you have a ... more
Yes I would and have had threesomes. No it's not terribly risky so long as you do your homework and make sure your partner(s) are clean and sane. Yes it can mind fuck a relationship that is not prepared for the strain.
If you have a history of cheating this won't bring you closer unless you have dealt with the underlying issues behind the cheating. In the polyamory forum there is some wonderful indepth discussion about this issue and some great advice. less
If you have a history of cheating this won't bring you closer unless you have dealt with the underlying issues behind the cheating. In the polyamory forum there is some wonderful indepth discussion about this issue and some great advice. less
I have had them before with no ill effects on my relationship at the time. you just have to know what you're getting into realistically and not just be caught up in the sexiness of the idea and forget the details and communication that are necessary for the situation to work successfully.
That is exactly how we went into this thinking its just about sex and nothing else. So far its worked out nicely. My wife now has her boytoy at our beck and call. So overall it was a good decision.
Originally posted by
for just sex maybe
We Have Done It At Least 40 Times. Some Good,Some Bad,And Some GREAT. We Will To It Again!
I'd really like to have a 3some - either mfm or fmf.
Back in my wild days, long before I got married, I participated in quite a few threesomes and even a couple of foursomes. MMF, FFM, FFMM. As long as everyone involved is open minded and healthy both emotionally and physically, they it can be great. However, I can easily imagine it causing problems for people who are not truly interested in it and/or emotionally ready for it.
I've been in an MFF threesome which I enjoyed. I'd love to try more (particularly FFF), but only if everyone involved is comfortable with it.

I think the pros and cons are different for each individual. I love to have FFM threesomes with my husband, but I enjoy watching him with another woman and sharing a woman between the two of us. You have to have well laid rules, know everyone's boundaries, and be doing it for you first, you partner(s) second so everyone stays sane in the process.
I would love a MMF but he'd never go for it so it stays a fantasy. I think the FFF is on the table though....
I would love a MMF but he'd never go for it so it stays a fantasy. I think the FFF is on the table though....
We have been married almost 24 years and vowed monogamy. We can play with each other any way we want but we stay faithful.
Originally posted by
Pros and cons of having a threesome
I've done both MFM and FMF... had to try at least each one once. Both were fun, very distracting, and yeah, not all it's cracked up to be. But it was something I wanted to do to satifiy my curiousity.
Not interested in sharing (with another man, or woman).
I would definitely be into it if i wasnt in a relationship. But, it's not something i would want to do while in a relationship.
bring on two women
Yes! I've done FMF and it was some of the best sex I've ever had. MFM is also definitely on the plate, it would just be awesome to have the focus of two guys.