Would you consider yourself a Lesbian?

Contributor: hyperballad hyperballad
Originally posted by Rawhide
Your orientation is about your potential- the pool of people who are potential sexual/romantic interests for you. If you are pansexual, that pool is huge, so unless you want to change your orientation each time your relationship changes (I would ... more
I agree. Orientation isn't about your situation at the current moment, it's about who you are. You'll be pansexual whether you're dating someone of the same sex or not.
Contributor: neon neon
I consider myself queer or lesbian.
Contributor: Tangerine Tangerine
I only date guys when im lazy. Only find a chic to settle with once in a while. I prefer to be with a women if im serious
Contributor: mrs poop. mrs poop.
Originally posted by Puss in Boots
I'm pansexual, and I consider myself pansexual regardless of the gender of my significant other. Being with a woman does not make me a lesbian any more than being with a man makes me straight.
Contributor: PirateofPenance PirateofPenance
I just say queer? I don't tend to be attracted to cisgendered men, but I have had some terrible crushes on transguys, so I don't really think I can call myself a lesbian.
Contributor: nori nori
I feel about 2/3 lesbian at any time. I definitely prefer female-identified indifiduals, (I've had feelings for multiple people on the trans* spectrum, as well as for cisgirls, and cisguys.) But there is a part of me that melts at alan Rickman's voice.
Contributor: zecookiepuss zecookiepuss
I'm a lesbian, but I've been with partners that consider themselves straight or bi. Whatever it is I feel just about anyone can love any other person irregardless as to their actual sex. As long as they are open to that of course... doesn't matter how they identify.
Contributor: Ms. Spice Ms. Spice
I don't qualify as pansexual or bisexual; instead, I guess I identify myself as heteroflexible. Most days, I'm super attracted to men and pretty women, and other days, I don't mind the presence of women only.
Contributor: marshmallow marshmallow
Contributor: zz1aag zz1aag
be urself thats all
Contributor: thisisadeletedaccount thisisadeletedaccount
I'm genderqueer and pansexual, in a relationship with one woman and one bigender femme. We all identify as queer in some way. I don't consider myself a lesbian, even when I am with women, though I do sometimes use the term dyke to describe myself. I feel like dyke is a bit less gender-specific, somehow.
Contributor: Billie Bones Billie Bones
Queer works best for me. I'm attracted to female bodied people but I identify as genderqueer so lesbian doesn't totally fit. Sometimes I tell people I'm a lesbian because its easier than breaking down the gender binary for them...
Contributor: TheirPet TheirPet
I don't identify with female as a gender so I don't consider myself a lesbian.
Contributor: ginainohio ginainohio
i just love the ladies
Contributor: Princess Zelda Princess Zelda
I kinda wish you had other. I really havent been in a relationship with another woman but I would if I could.
Contributor: ginainohio ginainohio
i prefer a no label but i am a lesbian
Contributor: LeeBee LeeBee
Originally posted by Sweet-Justice
I'm a female in a relationship with another female. And while I often have to explain to people that I'm into girls but not a lesbian(I'm pan-sexual) it gets old.
I was just wondering if anyone else was in a "Lesbian" ... more
I guess the term works, but if I'm going to be quite honest, I call myself "feme-sexual". I like ladies, or people who identify as ladies, or people who identify as genderfluid or agender but lean toward the lady side of the spectrum. LADIES.
Contributor: bdan bdan
I'm bi and in a relationship with a man and I have the problem of people thinking I'm straight. so I in away feel what your saying. I hate having to remind my mom that I'm bi. Just because I'm with a guy doesn't make me straight.
Contributor: smlove smlove
Totally lesbian. sometimes homoflexible, but I think mostly only for bio-males that have that lesbian feel to them.
Contributor: Lori Gonzales Lori Gonzales
Originally posted by Sweet-Justice
I'm a female in a relationship with another female. And while I often have to explain to people that I'm into girls but not a lesbian(I'm pan-sexual) it gets old.
I was just wondering if anyone else was in a "Lesbian" ... more
Im a lesbian and consider myself a lesbian and date only lesbians.
Contributor: quantumspork quantumspork
Non-monosexual erasure annoys the hell out of me. I have friends who still call me a lesbian because I dated another girl for around a year, even though they know I was sleeping with a guy all summer. I don't understand how bi/pan/polysexuality is that difficult to conceptualize.
Contributor: wildshores wildshores
i'm a lesbian but i'm not in a relationship~
Contributor: sugar&spikes sugar&spikes
Contributor: I Am Sherlocked I Am Sherlocked
I'm in the exact same situation as you, and I just don't feel right calling myself a Lesbian. I usually simply say that I'm queer, and that I date /people/.
Contributor: novanilla novanilla
I'm the opposite; I'm dating a man but primarily consider myself lesbian. I usually call myself queer or something so as to avoid the "but you're dating a man" thing.
Contributor: goodiegoody goodiegoody
I prefer the umbrella term "queer", I'm open to being attracted to or entering a relationship with someone who falls anywhere on the gender spectrum
Contributor: redbows redbows
i can definitely say i am lesbian.