is gaydar real?

Contributor: arewehavingfun? arewehavingfun?
No such thing--sure, it can be easy to tell if someone is or isn't gay (at times and depends on the person in ?'s personality) but if there were "gaydar" that implies it is built in and could be tested scientifically. They did all kinds of testing for "extrasensory" (ESP) abilities and found it to be nonexistent. Gaydar falls under the same kind of thing.
Contributor: Rawhide Rawhide
Perception is real. Social cues are real. Observational skills are real.

In general, gay people are better at recognizing our own kind than straight people. Why? Certainly not because we are born with some special radar. More so because we have an incentive to recognize each other, moreso than a heterosexual who is just curious. So it's more likely that, if you are gay, you are going to develop over time a keener eye on sexuality than a straight person. That development is gaydar, and some of us are better than others. You don't get it just for being gay, you have to work for it.

Also, claiming you have "good gaydar" because you spotted an obvious indicator that someone's gay (something rainbow or something super stereotypical) isn't wise. Good gaydar is about seeing the subtle stuff, not the loud blaring stuff.
Contributor: Gingy Gingy
i think its real but not fail proof...its just body language reading really
Contributor: Chirple Chirple
Sure, it's "real", just like picking up clues about anything is real.

Like "trainconductordar" - you pick up on enough hints to realise someone is a train conductor.
Contributor: Entropy Entropy
Yah, I believe in gaydar. My gaydar used to me terrible. After discovering my bisexuality, I believe my gaydar has become fairly accurate.
Contributor: hyacinthgirl hyacinthgirl
I have the second worst gaydar of any person I've ever known. The only person worse than me is my father, who actually let himself get picked up by a gay man without realizing it until the guy tried to put his hands down his pants.

I think it's definitely all in the reading of body language and social cues, though until very recently I identified as asexual, rather than demisexual. As an asexual, I kind of tended to assume other people were until they told me otherwise, and since I was never looking for signs of interest in anyone, I never picked them up. Apparently I used to trip a lot of gaydars as a lesbian, which is completely inaccurate. I'm a pretty butch straight woman, and one of my old friends is the most femme guy I've ever met, and is straight.
Contributor: allinonekid allinonekid
Yup. IT's real. Mine is on the fritz though.
Contributor: biancajames biancajames
Originally posted by kawigrl
being non hetero i've always wondered about gaydar is it real or myth- i say myth my friends tell i just don't have it
For me, if I find a man super attractive= probably gay. Doesn't matter what he looks like, it's flawless!
Contributor: Nazaress Nazaress
I guess it's kind of "real" but not every gay person acts "gay" and not every straight person acts "straight". Everyone is different. I put those in quotation marks because I HATE when people act like one way is the "gay" way to act and the other is the "straight" way to act, just like I hate when people say a black person is acting "white" and a white person is acting "black".

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