being non hetero i've always wondered about gaydar is it real or myth- i say myth my friends tell i just don't have it
is gaydar real?
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Yea, I have a pretty good gaydar myself, lol. I can tell in about five minutes if someone is gay or not. It doesn't bother me, whatever floats their boat.

Gaydar is easiest when the person is attempting to project the fact that they are gay. They are telling a story with their body language, speech patterns, clothing, and as long as you speak the same language, the message of the story is clear.
Gaydar also involves reading who they are attracted to. Observing how they look at men, or if you are a man, observing how they look at you. My gaydar often involves giving guys "the look" and judging their reaction.
Thirdly, if you are looking for closeted guys, sometimes it is easy to tell if someone is hiding something. You might look for guilt, or defensiveness when gay topics are brought up.
So yes, gaydar is a real thing, its not 100%, but can be effective enough to help gay men find each other. The best way to find out if someone is gay, will always be to just ask.
Gaydar also involves reading who they are attracted to. Observing how they look at men, or if you are a man, observing how they look at you. My gaydar often involves giving guys "the look" and judging their reaction.
Thirdly, if you are looking for closeted guys, sometimes it is easy to tell if someone is hiding something. You might look for guilt, or defensiveness when gay topics are brought up.
So yes, gaydar is a real thing, its not 100%, but can be effective enough to help gay men find each other. The best way to find out if someone is gay, will always be to just ask.
Got to be. Often I've felt that another person is GLBT, but been too chickenshit to go up to them and talk to them, then found out later on that they were GLBT through FB or another person.
Definitely real.
Originally posted by
being non hetero i've always wondered about gaydar is it real or myth- i say myth my friends tell i just don't have it
I think its real, but not everyone can do it well.
It's real, but it's not exactly a science. I usually listen to a person's voice for clues. I usually don't show up on people's gaydar at all.
Oddly enough, I can only tell when men are gay (though there have been times when I have just suspected but not been sure). It probably has to do with the fact that I am straight in orientation; since I am attracted to men, I apparently pay closer attention to how men project themselves even though I am not interested in pursuing a relationship outside my marriage. Sometimes it is hard to say exactly what it is that gives a man's orientation away, so to speak, since some men (particularly in academia) are not openly gay. Human beings can observe the most minute body language without being aware of it.
While I ALWAYS notice and appreciate attractive women, my attention is mostly focused on how they dress, groom, speak, and just generally carry themselves. I analyze what I like about how they present themselves, and if there is anything I can apply to my own unique style, I make a mental note of it. If their style is not my own, I just appreciate it. But I never care to determine a woman's orientation. I just figure it is none of my business. (And I freely admit that if I am not pursuing a relationship with a particular man, his orientation is none of my business either. It's just hard to turn off your "gaydar" after it's been finely tuned during your dating years!)
While I ALWAYS notice and appreciate attractive women, my attention is mostly focused on how they dress, groom, speak, and just generally carry themselves. I analyze what I like about how they present themselves, and if there is anything I can apply to my own unique style, I make a mental note of it. If their style is not my own, I just appreciate it. But I never care to determine a woman's orientation. I just figure it is none of my business. (And I freely admit that if I am not pursuing a relationship with a particular man, his orientation is none of my business either. It's just hard to turn off your "gaydar" after it's been finely tuned during your dating years!)
I have no idea. I can usually tell, and then there are people who completely floor me when they come out of the closet. Then, again, I've been told that I have the Midas touch, except everything I touch turns to gay (not anyone I've dated though, lol)
Originally posted by
being non hetero i've always wondered about gaydar is it real or myth- i say myth my friends tell i just don't have it
Gaydar is real. I couldn't exactly tell you what it is, but it's real.
I think it's a combination of how someone presents (dress, posture, voice, etc) combined with the knowledge of shared experiences. For example you can often tell when a seemingly straight person is closeted by noticing what questions make them uncomfortable, what information they fail to disclose, etc. It's easy to notice things like this, because we've all been there ourselves.
I think it's a combination of how someone presents (dress, posture, voice, etc) combined with the knowledge of shared experiences. For example you can often tell when a seemingly straight person is closeted by noticing what questions make them uncomfortable, what information they fail to disclose, etc. It's easy to notice things like this, because we've all been there ourselves.
I think some people are better at "reading" others, so in some way I'd say gaydar is real. Mine is so-so but I once had a friend who had an awesome gaydar. There was someone we knew and she suspected he was gay years before he came out.
I don't think so. If it is true, mine is broken.
I love your answer!
Originally posted by
Gaydar is easiest when the person is attempting to project the fact that they are gay. They are telling a story with their body language, speech patterns, clothing, and as long as you speak the same language, the message of the story is clear.
Gaydar is easiest when the person is attempting to project the fact that they are gay. They are telling a story with their body language, speech patterns, clothing, and as long as you speak the same language, the message of the story is clear.
Gaydar also involves reading who they are attracted to. Observing how they look at men, or if you are a man, observing how they look at you. My gaydar often involves giving guys "the look" and judging their reaction.
Thirdly, if you are looking for closeted guys, sometimes it is easy to tell if someone is hiding something. You might look for guilt, or defensiveness when gay topics are brought up.
So yes, gaydar is a real thing, its not 100%, but can be effective enough to help gay men find each other. The best way to find out if someone is gay, will always be to just ask. less
Gaydar also involves reading who they are attracted to. Observing how they look at men, or if you are a man, observing how they look at you. My gaydar often involves giving guys "the look" and judging their reaction.
Thirdly, if you are looking for closeted guys, sometimes it is easy to tell if someone is hiding something. You might look for guilt, or defensiveness when gay topics are brought up.
So yes, gaydar is a real thing, its not 100%, but can be effective enough to help gay men find each other. The best way to find out if someone is gay, will always be to just ask. less
I believe that gaydar is real. I find it much easier to tell if a man is gay than a woman. Sometimes a woman will radiate it, but others don't. A lot of my friends could apparently tell that I am a lesbian before I totally knew myself. Or rather, before I was comfortable admitting it to myself.
I do believe in gaydar. I can usually just about tell if a guy has the slightest interest in men.
Originally posted by
being non hetero i've always wondered about gaydar is it real or myth- i say myth my friends tell i just don't have it
I think gaydar is real. i can tell pretty quickly if a guy is gay or not.
I belive in gaydar.
Looking at it from a scientific standpoint, people do have "gaydar" in a way. Despite our many ways of communicating with one another, humans have a very good sense (typically) of body language. We each have our own specific body language to show how we are feeling, what we may want or our intentions. It is obvious when someone is angry or sad most of the time, even by just looking into their eyes or observing their hand movements, and we read each other without realizing we are doing it! That is also part of the law of attraction.
That said, we can also read certain things about one another like whether or not a person is gay or not just based on body language. If we are very observant and perceptive, it can be easy!
That said, we can also read certain things about one another like whether or not a person is gay or not just based on body language. If we are very observant and perceptive, it can be easy!
Gaydar is real, but not perfect. Sometimes it's completely obvious, other times you can't quite tell. It's easy to tell if a guy is straight though - you'll see them check out the rack on any chick with a lowcut shirt that gets close (no matter how subtle, you can tell).
It is real
I've got a pretty good gaydar!
It's definitely real.
Gaydar is just like Radar. It works, but it can be thrown off by things. For instance my is often thrown off by a very gay weather balloon.
Gaydar is real as far as social construction is. Those who are gay in society are taught to act in specific ways, because that is the "gay way to be." So, when someone picks up those traits, others notice them as fitting the model of "gay" so they are sorted into the "gay" group.
Is it reliable, not in the slightest. I am sure that you will miss more gay people than you think, and you will get a lot of false positives as well.
Is it reliable, not in the slightest. I am sure that you will miss more gay people than you think, and you will get a lot of false positives as well.
There's some studies out there on this, one that was published just a few months ago. It found that women who were ovulating were better able to pick out gay men in pictures than non-ovulating men (still shots of their faces).
Eeps.. that sounds like a Evolutionary Psychology thing.. I have to say that I don't like, nor do I trust, evolutionary psychology.
Originally posted by
There's some studies out there on this, one that was published just a few months ago. It found that women who were ovulating were better able to pick out gay men in pictures than non-ovulating men (still shots of their faces).
Originally posted by
Eeps.. that sounds like a Evolutionary Psychology thing.. I have to say that I don't like, nor do I trust, evolutionary psychology.
That's the link to the study.
I don't know much about it. I just know that APS is a pretty reputable publishing source - it's up there with the other major psychology organizations.
it takes practice to develop a gaydar. I have been out of the closet for nearly 7 years, and I consider mine to be fairly accurate. Others do not believe in it, saying that I just assume. But I watch mannerisms, body language, style of dress etc. I make only a safe assumption because I get certain tingles in my tummy too! lol
In my opinion, there are certain things that people who are gay tend to do more, but it's NOT because being gay makes you do certain things, but because those things are PERCEIVED as gay in our society. For example, if I see a man wearing a skin-tight hot pink sequined shirt, it's not that being gay makes you inherently more likely to wear sequins, but that in our society, that shirt would be SEEN as gay. So the person wearing it probably doesn't mind that assumption, which means it's likely that they are gay.
In a mental standard yes. But you have to learn to differentiate between gay, and metrosexual (TRUST ME! Sometimes it is REALLY hard to differentiate). I knew a metrosexual guy once. No girlfriend, no boyfriend- I mean he was CUTE! I flirted with him a bit, and he ended up saying "Dude, I dont roll that way." And he was more feminine in his personality than I was.
And in some cases, even if someone IS gay, they dont put out any sort of vibe at all. My BF for instance; Ok I like to think I have a well tuned gaydar, but even I couldnt tell he was, he just started to flirt with me. I was shocked personally.
Either way YES! I do believe the gaydar is a real mental thing. However I dont think ANYONES is dead on every time as one may say.
And in some cases, even if someone IS gay, they dont put out any sort of vibe at all. My BF for instance; Ok I like to think I have a well tuned gaydar, but even I couldnt tell he was, he just started to flirt with me. I was shocked personally.
Either way YES! I do believe the gaydar is a real mental thing. However I dont think ANYONES is dead on every time as one may say.
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