No, but would like to, just haven't been with the right person who's ready and willing to give it a try.
Have you had a threesome? Why or why not?
I've had multiple threesomes with my partner. Actually, we usually have a foursome with another couple that we have formed a relationship with over the past year, and have even had a 6-some once. Our open relationship has actually led to the formation of new relationships and friendships, which have been really fulfilling for both of us.
I haven't had a chance but I wouldn't mind trying. I think I rather be the third person and have it as a one night thing.
Originally posted by
Have you had a threesome? Why or why not? (Could also be phrased as how or how not?)
I have, it was awesome!
I'm pretty anxious about not being a partner's "second choice", so I feel like even a threesome with two people I really liked and felt comfortable with would be an exercise in my neuroses, haha. If a long-term partner wanted to give it a shot, I might, but I would need a lot of reassurance that they weren't trying to supplant me.
Yes. My gf and I regularly do and they're awesome. Threesomes and moresomes. As long as everyone is taken care of and feels good, they are the best thing ever.
Originally posted by
Have you had a threesome? Why or why not? (Could also be phrased as how or how not?)
No and I never would. It would completely ruin my relationship. Just the thought of another girl with him makes me want to rip her jugular out with my teeth. LoL, I don't share my man. I was cheated on in the first serious relationship I was in and I'm sure it would cause the same terrible feeling. If I'm not enough for one man, then he can gtfo!
Originally posted by
Have you had a threesome? Why or why not? (Could also be phrased as how or how not?)
I don't like or agree with that.........=/ =(
Originally posted by
Errant Venture
I have. Mainly, in the past, as a bragging point. It's viewed on as something as a rite of passage to young males. Personally, I thought my experiences were very, very good, yet exhausting and confusing at times. Not to mention painful. Remember,
I have. Mainly, in the past, as a bragging point. It's viewed on as something as a rite of passage to young males. Personally, I thought my experiences were very, very good, yet exhausting and confusing at times. Not to mention painful. Remember, once, repositioning myself and got kicked in the head for my troubles.
I've had a few. Back in high school I was in a relationship with a couple. The last one was with my current boyfriend and we are very open to having another. There was a friend of ours we both think is really awesome and very hot, so we suggested it and one night when she came over we all ended up in bed. It was a lot of fun.
I've had a few. I find that the most comfortable way for me is to be a third to an established couple who has experience with threesomes. I like to discuss boundaries, past experiences (what was hot, what was not) and get to know the couple a little beforehand. Getting me into a threesome is something that takes at least a couple weeks.
I've always wanted to. It sounds like a highly erotic experience, I would just have to find someone my partner and I would be comfortable inviting into our bedroom.
I've never had one because the occasion has never occurred.
Thought about it, have discussed it with partners in the past we weren't really planning to do it, but just discussing and our thoughts and feelings on it. Nobody I have been with has really found the idea of involving another person appealing, and I'm not sure how well it would sit with me if we actually tried it out.
No, not for me. Sometimes I envy the people who can do this without any problems.
cause i wanted to have sex with them. and of course we were drinking
No but I want to.
Nope. My ex and I were both really possessive of each other and wouldn't even consider "sharing" like that. Also, the risk of STDs and such wasn't something we'd want to deal with (since it would likely have been with a stranger, not a friend).
I've had several threesomes, as I have been in a few poly triads.

no, both me and my wife want to/fantasize about it, but neither of us like the idea of sharing each other with someone else
Yes, not too long ago. It was FMF. It was fun. I was the 2nd female.
I could never share ha.
We don't like o share since we are both jealous individuals
I've never been in a threesome. I don't know that I could enjoy a threesome. I tend to have jealousy issues and trust issues, and I'm afraid I would end up hurt or angry during a threesome.
My wife gets jealous if I look at the lingerie pictures on EF too long. Too much drama, no thanks.
For us, the idea of a threesome is best left as a fantasy.
no never do not want to
I've had several with the same two people, and I am a huge fan! At first it was more of an exploratory thing because my partner and I had a crush on the same girl and wanted to get closer to her, but she is such an amazing person in and out of bed that she is now the third in our triad. <3 I am so happy with them both.
We have and loved it
I was invited, but bluntly declined. I'm not into that and the other parties I found to be quite unattractive.
Both was so much fun but never again XD