sexuality is really complicated. it really shouldn't matter. whatever people want to do, is what they want to do. as long as they're not hurting anyone.
Gay, lesbian, bi, pan, or transgendered; Do you believe you should remain true to that by just being attracted to whom you are suppose to be according to your acclaimed sexuality?
I always identified strongly as a lesbian. I was never really attracted to men. I've always made a point of being active in the queer community. I'm still with the same girl I fell in love with 8 years ago. Or I would be, if she were a girl. As it is, my partner is genderqueer, and I fully enjoy it. Does the fact that I'm engaged to someone who presents as male mean I'm not entitled to the identity I've cultivated for years? I understand what you are saying here, but I'd like to make a point that I'm a lesbian who never changed my mind and yet still don't fit your criteria. There are shades of gray, so please don't blame our collective lack of rights on those of us who do things a bit differently.
Originally posted by
If you are going to declare yourself as a lesbian then be a lesbian don't have sex with men. If you are a gay guy, have sex with guys. If you are bi, then do whatever you want. If your pan, which I have never heard of, you can fall in love with
If you are going to declare yourself as a lesbian then be a lesbian don't have sex with men. If you are a gay guy, have sex with guys. If you are bi, then do whatever you want. If your pan, which I have never heard of, you can fall in love with anything or anyone right? sounds a little fishy to me. Why are there "sexual orientations " if individuals are just going to go off and do what makes them happy or better yet meet their sexual needs at a certain point in time? What happened to traditional standards in relationships? What happened to being gay and being happy, being a lesbian and loving only pussy? No wonder we can't get equal rights or unions, because we "change" our minds and wants and don't stick to any one specific thing. I am not hating on anyone, I am just saying we make things more complicated then what they actually are.

I identify as a gay man, but I am fairly open about the occasional exceptions. I sometimes find women attractive (usually androgynous one), in a shoulders-up kind of way. Female genitalia, is at best boring, and at worst, repulsive. However, I don't want to completely rule out of the possibility of having sex with a woman at some point. I have also been known to fall in love with girls, and probably could again.
That being said, I understand the desire to want to stick with one identity. Being a gay man is a very easy, comfortable position for me to be in. It gives me the inherent trust and friendship of almost all females. That's a pretty amazing thing to have. I recognize that I could fall in love with a woman again, but I don't particularly want to. Being gay is so much easier and simpler.
That being said, I understand the desire to want to stick with one identity. Being a gay man is a very easy, comfortable position for me to be in. It gives me the inherent trust and friendship of almost all females. That's a pretty amazing thing to have. I recognize that I could fall in love with a woman again, but I don't particularly want to. Being gay is so much easier and simpler.
I don't think that attraction should be something that is set by other people's rules.
Whatever makes you happy.

You should do what feels good and right to you! to HELL with labels.
I don't know if anyone is totally straight or totally gay. If a woman identifies as lesbian, but just happens to like a penis, that's fine. Personally I would call her something else - not strictly lesbian - but that's just me.
And I still believe this, but I no longer consider myself straight. Just sayin'.
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wonderful answer
Why do you have to call her anything? Why not stick to whatever label SHE chooses for herself? It's her identity to choose for herself, not yours to judge and label her with.
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I don't know if anyone is totally straight or totally gay. If a woman identifies as lesbian, but just happens to like a penis, that's fine. Personally I would call her something else - not strictly lesbian - but that's just me.
Personally, I have a complicated identity. I choose to identify as queer or simply "not straight." I'm highly attracted to women, and I'm married to a man. I don't intend to change my marital status and I cannot change who I'm attracted to. I am attracted to my husband, because I love my husband.
A little more to add:
I realize that my situation is difficult to understand for a lot of people. My LGBT community accepts me, as I am, but still struggles from time-to-time to understand; and they wonder how I can be satisfied without fulfilling my sexual "needs" with other women. It's sometimes hard to explain. Some of this is new for me. But long story short, overall I'm satisfied in my relationship, both sexually and emotionally. Regardless of orientation, I still love and want my husband.
Its interesting I just found this post. I just posted a discussion about whether people believe in the idea of sexual fluidity.
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I am curious to see what people opinions are on whether or not a lesbian should like dick or if there is a strict line on what you should be attracted to or like depending on your acclaimed sexuality?
I'm a huge and proud supporter in doing what feels right to me. I don't think you have to stay true to your "label".
I think you should love whoever makes you happy, as long as you aren't hurting anyone. (:
like what you want, not what others want you to want
Originally posted by
I am curious to see what people opinions are on whether or not a lesbian should like dick or if there is a strict line on what you should be attracted to or like depending on your acclaimed sexuality?
Be yourself and love whoever you want no matter what people think. you only live once
Well duh! People should always do what makes them happy!
um, trans isn't a sexuality? like what you like and do what makes you happy
I think maybe half of these polls are created just for points, lol. Of course you should love whoever you love and feel attracted to. Nobody should tell you who you can and can't love, just as nobody should tell you what kind of foods you do or don't like. It's your choice.
Love and sex are two different things. They may work together, but they are not the same. I like to be free spirited/ I believe in what I want. I don't care what others think about it. I must say though, society is tough in certain areas. If only more people were accepting of others.
Fuck labels.
I don't believe in labels, I think they're restrictive and pointless. And I'm not trying to infer that everyone has the inclination or desire to be pansexual, but surely there would be a lot of opportunities missed out on in discovering who you are if you stay inside a little box you've created for yourself.
I don't really like the labels too much.. I tend to label myself queer (where labels are necessary) which lets people know that I am not heterosexual, but it's also vague enough that people ask me to define it. I like that. some people have different definitions for the same label. Some people might consider themselves a lesbian because they really only date women, however they might be open to being in a relationship with anyone who they felt that connection with, but they only actively seek out females. I also believe tastes and sexualities are fluid, people who dated men as teenagers into their early twenties and then dated females exclusively for 7 years and then began dating men exclusively, are they bi-sexual or are they straight, then gay, then straight again? this is why rigid labels don't really work with some as complicated as a human being.
Whatever makes you happy!
Love who makes you happy, obviously.
Originally posted by
I am curious to see what people opinions are on whether or not a lesbian should like dick or if there is a strict line on what you should be attracted to or like depending on your acclaimed sexuality?
When people get old, their regrets are more commonly 'I wish I chose what would've fulfilled me' rather than 'I wish I fit into society's expectations'.
Sexuality isn't a straight progression of heterosexual to homosexual. It is more of this mash of wibbly bobbly sexy wexy... stuff.
I hate labels and won't let it affect who I love.
I agree - love chooses you.
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We don't choose who to love it happens you just have to be open enough to let it happen.
The poll results are not surprising. Love according to what makes you happy, it's not like you can control your feelings, anyway.
idk, do what the fuck ever you want
Originally posted by
I am curious to see what people opinions are on whether or not a lesbian should like dick or if there is a strict line on what you should be attracted to or like depending on your acclaimed sexuality?
Well said.
Originally posted by
Pansexual is a term that means someone is open to any partner, regardless of their gender identity.
Alicia is right, the Kinsey scale established year ago that there is a huge spectrum of variable levels of taste out there. Recently this ... more
Alicia is right, the Kinsey scale established year ago that there is a huge spectrum of variable levels of taste out there. Recently this ... more
Pansexual is a term that means someone is open to any partner, regardless of their gender identity.
Alicia is right, the Kinsey scale established year ago that there is a huge spectrum of variable levels of taste out there. Recently this study's results revealed it's also not a scale set in stone and is claiming "most people's orientations are not as rigid as once believed."
The only reason I can see that anybody would feel obligated to stick to the label they've chosen is so that other people can be comfortable knowing how to classify them—"You're gay so I know you will be with other men (or women) and not women (or men)...but if you start dating a woman, then I am all confused and don't know what to think."
But really, it's not about making other people comfortable. It's about being who you are regardless of what label you might have chosen. Nobody should feel obligated to stick to a label that no longer fits. less
Alicia is right, the Kinsey scale established year ago that there is a huge spectrum of variable levels of taste out there. Recently this study's results revealed it's also not a scale set in stone and is claiming "most people's orientations are not as rigid as once believed."
The only reason I can see that anybody would feel obligated to stick to the label they've chosen is so that other people can be comfortable knowing how to classify them—"You're gay so I know you will be with other men (or women) and not women (or men)...but if you start dating a woman, then I am all confused and don't know what to think."
But really, it's not about making other people comfortable. It's about being who you are regardless of what label you might have chosen. Nobody should feel obligated to stick to a label that no longer fits. less
People should remain true to what they feel comfortable with not what society dictates.