Do you think anything is wrong with being lesbian, gay, bisexual or whatever you want to call it? Do you think it is ok for females and wrong for males? Or Both?

I used to think woman liking other women was nasty. Now I have an attraction to females and I'm bisexual. Some people think that it is OK for women to like other woman and have sexual relations, but when it come to men i found out that some people think it's nasty for me. I was just wondering how is that so?
  •   (1)
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
it is ok for women to be lesbian or bisexual
M121212 , SiNn , Ajax , chidoll , emiliaa , FleurDevereux , zz1aag , Chris Corrigan , mistressg , nori , Howells , LeeBee , SubmissiveFeminist , Beck , ghalik , All His , TransMarc , ghent529 , aliceinthehole , Emerlyn , xlustlovex , Do emu , bayosgirl , gloomybear , Gone (LD29) , lia ayala , Willow Wand , CamelliaGirl , ChuChii , Lori Gonzales , Alyxx , amplified to rock , Graniteal , kdlt , ginnyluvspotter , Falsepast , bog , wildshores , radioboy , kitty1949 , lovelylolaa , FrustratedFemme
Is it ok for men to be gay or bisexual
M121212 , SiNn , Ajax , chidoll , emiliaa , FleurDevereux , zz1aag , Chris Corrigan , mistressg , nori , Howells , LeeBee , SubmissiveFeminist , Beck , ghalik , All His , TransMarc , ghent529 , aliceinthehole , Emerlyn , Do emu , bayosgirl , gloomybear , Gone (LD29) , lia ayala , Willow Wand , CamelliaGirl , ChuChii , Alyxx , amplified to rock , Graniteal , kdlt , ginnyluvspotter , Falsepast , bog , wildshores , radioboy , kitty1949 , FrustratedFemme
it is ok for just women and not men
leanright69 , Moein
it is not ok for neither gender
brassrat , mama2007 , K101
it is ok for both gender's
SEXY N DELICIOUS , Avant-garde , Kayla , Lif3sambiguity , lemony , Lummox , Destri , Selective Sensualist , Tart , leatherlover , Anne Ardeur , DeliciousSurprise , Lady Neshamah , Kinkme , Midway through , PassionQT , RonLee , Angel deSanguine , Yesenia , swf , sailorman , darthkitt3n , BadassFatass , Gunsmoke , M121212 , navigator-d , ~inner~Rhonda~ , newlady , REDRUM , BBW Talks Toys , *HisMrs* , CSEA , namelesschaos , Miss T , Josh aka FootMan , kittychilla , CaitieLynn , Miss Jenn , TigersKitten , NaturalWoman , CutiePatootie , callsignhusker , Splendwhore , KaraSutra , Tidwtrguy , Noira , zeebot , Love Bites , slynch , SiNn , qquisi , clearhearted , eggiweg , Eden C. , Ajax , lesbianlesbian , racoons , Joie de Cherresse , Danielle Kearney , ninaspinkturtle , honeybee7484 , Curves , eatredapples , Hweezy , G.L. Morrison , MaryExy , Lithaewyn , chidoll , tillyp0ptarts , BadgersRose , bunny love , angel142stx , kelaaa33wish , padmeamidala , Fullbeauty , Mewt , miss-miss , k3 , Triple X Moma , TheSlyFox , Breas , His#1Girl , Taylor , thebest , GenderSexplorations , mizzmilla , marche , emiliaa , FleurDevereux , frisky069 , Sunshineamine , zz1aag , Shellz31 , Jenyana , LuciFaery , Kim! , ellejay , Apirka , Chris Corrigan , goodeatz , Deidrenicole , LennaKieran , mistressg , nori , laceypanties , midnightcaresses , Mirachaya , oneeyedoctopus , charletnarouh , Jake'n'bake , Awby , Ciao. , wdanas , MelSC , Gingy , bilovers79 , xGOLDx , Incendiaire , The Mother of a SiNner , Howells , Stinkytofu10 , Ice1 , Harpina is gone , jokerzwild , vampyroteuthidae , butts , ss143 , LeeBee , thePicklez , icyqueen , SubmissiveFeminist , Beck , ghalik , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , All His , TransMarc , Sohotdinosaur , iabicpl09 , CadmiumKitty , xwolfiex , quinceykay , pootpootpoot , pasdechat , Nirelan , romstomp , sexxxkitten , ghent529 , Kitten has left the site , SMichelle , friendswithfangs , Youssii , aliceinthehole , Tork48309 , Emerlyn , solitudinarian , TheParrishism , ViVix , lillmiss5054 , MissBre , Kitka , xlustlovex , Rockasaurus , thisisadeletedaccount , theavocadopit , Do emu , bayosgirl , gloomybear , Gone (LD29) , marshmallow , vitriolicvertigo , liten , lia ayala , JennSenn , HusbandandWife , ciderspider , ginainohio , CaliGirl , Willow Wand , lecanis , sexykiss , hmiller87 , Missmarc , BoobCopter , CamelliaGirl , SassySam , SkylarrStarr , *Camoprincess* , Alyona , ChuChii , GirlOnGirl , lineswecast , tinybird , fernwehh , Alyxx , A.S. , adam71 , rockblenny , mr115393 , hatman , amplified to rock , Dixiemomma , Graniteal , kdlt , ginnyluvspotter , Falsepast , bog , Bignuf , FTMax , Asher , wildshores , Upyourreviews , mamaseatspoop , JulesRhyn , radioboy , kitty1949 , tortilla , FrustratedFemme
Total votes: 303 (224 voters)
Poll is closed
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Contributor: kck kck
You know, if this is a serious poll, it should really be private. Don't expect much participation since you are asking people to publicly reveal private feelings.
Contributor: Lif3sambiguity Lif3sambiguity
Originally posted by kck
You know, if this is a serious poll, it should really be private. Don't expect much participation since you are asking people to publicly reveal private feelings.
Contributor: lemony lemony
Originally posted by kck
You know, if this is a serious poll, it should really be private. Don't expect much participation since you are asking people to publicly reveal private feelings.
I third that.
Contributor: Lady Neshamah Lady Neshamah
I think this is going to get a lot of people voting that it's fine for both or should i say all.

and that should be a huge duh!
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
I don't like 'the lifestyle' shoved down my throat - as is so evident in popular media - but what ever consenting adults do in bed is none of my business. I go farther than most - I think polygamy is perfectly fine as long as it's not pedophilia or coerced.
Contributor: newlady newlady
Each to their own in my books.
Contributor: PussyGalore PussyGalore
Originally posted by Gunsmoke
I don't like 'the lifestyle' shoved down my throat - as is so evident in popular media - but what ever consenting adults do in bed is none of my business. I go farther than most - I think polygamy is perfectly fine as long as it's not ... more
I really really wish people would learn the proper use for the word 'pedophilia'. Sigh.
Contributor: leanright69 leanright69
I chose this answer based on my understanding of the definition of fornication. It could be that I am conditioned to except FF by the cultural influances growing up, but I still have a aversion to MM and even with it being more prevelant in the media, I still have not warmed up to the idea.
Contributor: *HisMrs* *HisMrs*
Originally posted by PussyGalore
I really really wish people would learn the proper use for the word 'pedophilia'. Sigh.
What is the proper use? I understand what he said but I guess I don't know the proper use either. Just curious! I'm guessing it should be pedophiliac? Now I feel stupid! LOL!
Contributor: PussyGalore PussyGalore
Originally posted by *HisMrs*
What is the proper use? I understand what he said but I guess I don't know the proper use either. Just curious! I'm guessing it should be pedophiliac? Now I feel stupid! LOL!
Pedophiles are attracted to prepubescent children, which generally means under the age of 13. Though the onset of puberty can happen earlier or later than 13. Once a child hits puberty, a true pedophile would have no interest in the child any longer.

This is why sex between someone over the age of 18+ and a teenager (Under 18 but Older than 13) is called statutory rape, not pedophilia.

From the wiki page (simply because it's easier to find):

Misuse of medical terminology: The words "pedophile" and "pedophilia" are sometimes used informally to describe an adult's sexual interest or attraction to pubescent or post-pubescent teenagers and to other situations that do not fit within the clinical definitions. The terms "hebephilia" or "ephebophilia" may be more accurate in these cases. This was especially seen in the case of Mark Foley during the congressional page incident. Most of the media labeled Foley a pedophile, which led David Tuller of Slate magazine to state that Foley was not a pedophile but rather an ephebophile.

Another erroneous but unfortunately common usage of "pedophilia" is to refer to the actus reus itself (that is, interchangeably with "sexual abuse") rather than the medical meaning, which is a preference for that age group on the part of the older individual. Even more problematic are situations where the terms are misused to refer to relationships where the younger person is an adult of legal age, but is either perceived socially as being too young in comparison to their older partner, or the older partner occupies a position of authority over them. Researchers recommend that these imprecise uses be avoided.
Contributor: CSEA CSEA
Originally posted by SEXY N DELICIOUS
I used to think woman liking other women was nasty. Now I have an attraction to females and I'm bisexual. Some people think that it is OK for women to like other woman and have sexual relations, but when it come to men i found out that some ... more
I have homosexual guy friends and I love them! They're great And as for me, I have a boyfriend and I am attracted to girls. He's aware of that and ok with it
Contributor: *HisMrs* *HisMrs*
Originally posted by PussyGalore
Pedophiles are attracted to prepubescent children, which generally means under the age of 13. Though the onset of puberty can happen earlier or later than 13. Once a child hits puberty, a true pedophile would have no interest in the child any ... more
Okay that makes sense! Thanks for awnsering my question. Seems I was wrong all along! You learn something new everyday!
Contributor: PussyGalore PussyGalore
Originally posted by *HisMrs*
Okay that makes sense! Thanks for awnsering my question. Seems I was wrong all along! You learn something new everyday!
No problem at all! I'm not really sure why I latched onto this as a pet peeve, but it really drives me insane when people walk around calling others pedophiles. It's so destructive to a person's reputation.
Contributor: Miss Jenn Miss Jenn
Originally posted by SEXY N DELICIOUS
I used to think woman liking other women was nasty. Now I have an attraction to females and I'm bisexual. Some people think that it is OK for women to like other woman and have sexual relations, but when it come to men i found out that some ... more
Whats good for the Gander is good for the Goose. Ill be the goose here. If you are happy being a lesbian, gay, transgender, or whatever your title is - by all means, it does not bother me AT ALL. I think love is love, people can love other people, its your decision. It does not affect me at all, does not affect my marriage - does not make my marriage any less of a marriage. You are you, and I am me. I honestly don't see why so many people care what other people want to do!
Contributor: KaraSutra KaraSutra
A hand is a hand, a touch is a touch, love is love and so long as no one is being hurt, lied to or deceived, and there are no children or animals involved than it's not an issue.

*my referencing children and animals is in regard to sexual activity, that's all.
Contributor: lkb lkb
Originally posted by Gunsmoke
I don't like 'the lifestyle' shoved down my throat - as is so evident in popular media - but what ever consenting adults do in bed is none of my business. I go farther than most - I think polygamy is perfectly fine as long as it's not ... more
I don't like the "heterosexual lifestyle" shoved down my throat, either. Deal with it.
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
Originally posted by lkb
I don't like the "heterosexual lifestyle" shoved down my throat, either. Deal with it.
I've gotten pretty good at avoiding it - I just avoid sitcoms and dramas.

You can do the same - then you don't have to see all the offensive hetero scenes.
Contributor: zeebot zeebot
What could possibly be wrong with choosing your own sexuality? It's your decision, no one else's.
Contributor: Love Bites Love Bites
I have a boyfriend,but some of my best friends are gay,lesbian,and bi.its actaully really fun to be around,because I'm not biased about it.I've had girlxgirl relations,and its not wrong in the love who you love,period.
Contributor: SiNn SiNn
Originally posted by SEXY N DELICIOUS
I used to think woman liking other women was nasty. Now I have an attraction to females and I'm bisexual. Some people think that it is OK for women to like other woman and have sexual relations, but when it come to men i found out that some ... more
im all for it
Contributor: clearhearted clearhearted
I don't think there is anything wrong with being homosexual.
Contributor: Eden C. Eden C.
Originally posted by *HisMrs*
What is the proper use? I understand what he said but I guess I don't know the proper use either. Just curious! I'm guessing it should be pedophiliac? Now I feel stupid! LOL!
Hey, at least you care enough to ask! I'm a stickler for grammar/spelling/usage , but I can always improve!
Contributor: Joie de Cherresse Joie de Cherresse
Whatever floats your boat. I don't see anything at all wrong with it.
Contributor: Danielle Kearney Danielle Kearney
im a lebian my self and i love it but i hate how people treat me diff cus im a lesbian
Contributor: BadgersRose BadgersRose
Each to their own sexuality. More power to those who are brave enough to be honest and open about your lifestyles. Good on you all.
Contributor: Howells Howells
Lesbian is more wildly accepted in my opinon but I think both are fine.
Contributor: Fullbeauty Fullbeauty
To each their own, I say. Three of my 5 closest friends are gay or lesbian, as is my sister, who has been with her partner for over 12 years. I've found myself attracted to women, although I usually date men. I don't see anything wrong with it either way.

If a straight person is hit on by a gay person, they should look at it as a compliment, not an insult (in my opinion). I think we should look at it as if someone of the opposite gender were to hit on you. They simply find you attractive, which should make anyone feel good, no matter who it comes from.
Contributor: Mewt Mewt
Let people enjoy and be whatever they want to be. If you want to keep it private fine and if you want to be open that's fine too
Contributor: k3 k3
Love is love is love... <3