Do you like the term "gold star"?

Contributor: CherryDyke CherryDyke
Gold star: A woman or man who has never had sex with someone of the opposite gender.

I'm not asking if you have a problem with people who FIT this category, but if the uses THIS specific term for it worries you and why.
Answers (private voting - your screen name will NOT appear in the results):
75  (56%)
23  (17%)
36  (27%)
Total votes: 134
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Contributor: Starkiller87 Starkiller87
Ive never heard of this term ever. I dont even understand how it makes sense to be honest. Mind explaining?
Contributor: AngelvMaynard AngelvMaynard
I've never heard the term. Can't decide if I like it or not.
Contributor: CherryDyke CherryDyke
Originally posted by Starkiller87
Ive never heard of this term ever. I dont even understand how it makes sense to be honest. Mind explaining?
The way I understand it it's playing off of the "gold stars" one make get on a flawless school paper. Implying some kind of "perfect record" for someone who has only ever had same sex relations.
Contributor: FaerieLove FaerieLove
This is a very new term to me.So I am unsure how to answer?
Contributor: catgirl9 catgirl9
Never heard of a gold star used in that context before.
Contributor: KnK KnK
Originally posted by CherryDyke
Gold star: A woman or man who has never had sex with someone of the opposite gender.

I'm not asking if you have a problem with people who FIT this category, but if the uses THIS specific term for it worries you and why.
Never heard this term, and honestly I don't get it.
Contributor: I Wear The Pants I Wear The Pants
I've never heard of that before but I don't mind it.
Contributor: lzbncrckhead lzbncrckhead
I don’t like the term, it only leads to discrimination.
Contributor: emiliaa emiliaa
I hate that term more than anything in the fucking world.

I used to be a 'gold star' bisexual. I then got curious about men and just fucked a guy. And if any hoity toity bitch gives a shit they can go fuck themselves.
Contributor: Kayla Kayla
I dislike the term only for the fact that it means that anyone who isn't a gold star is something like a "tarnished star" - which isn't accurate. I respect those who choose not to have sex with others, but I really am against the idea that having (or not having!) sex makes someone better than another.
Contributor: Adriana Ravenlust Adriana Ravenlust
Originally posted by Starkiller87
Ive never heard of this term ever. I dont even understand how it makes sense to be honest. Mind explaining?
This. Even the explanation doesn't make sense.
Contributor: Rawhide Rawhide
I'm not fond of this term.

I have no problem with people who have had exclusively homosexual experiences, and I see no harm if they want to tell others about that part of their history.

However, the term "gold star" is synonymous with an award or a prize. Calling yourself a "gold star" tells me that you think you are somehow better or "gayer than thou" because you've never fucked someone of the opposite sex. And I agree with other posters that it implies that there is something wrong with queers who have had experiences with the opposite sex, that they are somehow less than or flawed in some way.
Contributor: Anjulie Anjulie
Originally posted by lzbncrckhead
I don’t like the term, it only leads to discrimination.
Contributor: ehue1992 ehue1992
Originally posted by CherryDyke
Gold star: A woman or man who has never had sex with someone of the opposite gender.

I'm not asking if you have a problem with people who FIT this category, but if the uses THIS specific term for it worries you and why.
Yeah I've definitely never heard this term, but I don't really get it. It seems to some how put strictly gay people on some kind of pedestal. I'm just generally confused and don't feel like it even needs to be a terms that exists.
Contributor: toxie m toxie m
Originally posted by Kayla
I dislike the term only for the fact that it means that anyone who isn't a gold star is something like a "tarnished star" - which isn't accurate. I respect those who choose not to have sex with others, but I really am against the ... more
This is exactly how I feel about it
Contributor: Miss Anonymous Miss Anonymous
This is the first time I've ever herd of it. I don't mind it at all.
Contributor: chicken12 chicken12
I've heard it twice before this.

To me, it seems a bit bi-phobic. Bisexuals probably have the least acceptance, because they're viewed as gay by the heterosexual community, but they're also viewed unfavorably in the homosexual community. Terms like this perpetuate a belief that it's ideal to be attracted to only one sex.
Contributor: The Curious Couple The Curious Couple
I've never heard of this before, and I don't quite understand it.
Contributor: Pink Jewel Pink Jewel
Never heard of this
Contributor: Eliza Eliza
I used to identify as this when I was, but it was always just as a joke. I don't really care one way or another if people use it.
Contributor: M121212 M121212
I've never heard that term before. It sounds weird to me.
Contributor: M121212 M121212
Originally posted by Rawhide
I'm not fond of this term.

I have no problem with people who have had exclusively homosexual experiences, and I see no harm if they want to tell others about that part of their history.

However, the term "gold star" is ... more
Hmmm... yea that was my first impression as well. If that's the meaning behind it, it's bogus IMO
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by CherryDyke
The way I understand it it's playing off of the "gold stars" one make get on a flawless school paper. Implying some kind of "perfect record" for someone who has only ever had same sex relations.
Seems a bit juvenile and weird to me...but some people like keeping score guess. I a certainly glad I "lost" my gold star (?) cause I know what I like now and it was an experience that was very enjoyable.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by Rawhide
I'm not fond of this term.

I have no problem with people who have had exclusively homosexual experiences, and I see no harm if they want to tell others about that part of their history.

However, the term "gold star" is ... more
Seems sort of self defeating...then again I am all for the 'try it and see if you like it' approach. I have no problem with a defnite attaction to one gender and a lack of desire to have sex with the other gender but waving it around like a flag makes me wonder who the person is trying to impress, themselves or others. To me it's like someone wandering up to me and telling me they don't like chocolate but have never tried it...I can understand not having the desire to try it but then how, exactly, does that make you better than the millions of us who LOVE (or just like) chocolate?
Contributor: unfulfilled unfulfilled
I had never heard this term before so I didn't know what it meant until reading the explanation.
Contributor: ToyBoy ToyBoy
Never heard of that term until now.
Contributor: Sex'и'Violence Sex'и'Violence
Following suit here and saying I've never heard the term before.
Contributor: FieryRed FieryRed
Originally posted by Kayla
I dislike the term only for the fact that it means that anyone who isn't a gold star is something like a "tarnished star" - which isn't accurate. I respect those who choose not to have sex with others, but I really am against the ... more
@Kayla: I agree. I still encounter women who question my "gayness" because I was once married to a man, and had a number of hetero relationships before discovering that I was gay. They think it's more likely that I'll "go back" to men. Personally, I think it's less likely for me than for someone who's never tried hetero sex -- after all, I know what both sides are like, and have far more information on which to base my decision.