I once heard a suggestion that we change the acronym to "Outside the Relationship, Gender, And Sexuality Mainstream..." or ORGASM. I could just imagine the heyday in academic papers and news articles, "The ORGASM community..." But all jokes aside, it sounds a little too hipster for me.
Anyway, I like Queer/Trans* except that... I don't consider all monosexual gay/lesbian people to be Queer, with a capital Q. Queer in that sense comes with an package of political ideology and a devotion to equality and social justice along multiple, intersecting oppressions... It's a stance against the White Gay Movement, White Feminism, Transphobic Radical Feminism, Classist Gay Capitalism and Gay Assimilationism. It puts Trans* people of color and queer homeless youth first.
And I don't like any of the "alphabet soup," or "LGBTQIAAPPjkdsahfkbah flbgdhvblargh" because 1. Allies are NOT queer and do not share the same struggles. You don't get fucking cookies for being the most basic level of decent human being. 2. heteroromantic asexuals are NOT queer and do not share the same struggles. (homoromantic, biromantic, or panromantic aces/grey-a's, and demisexuals WOULD be queer, because their romantic orientation is queer). 3. Straight polyamorous people are NOT queer and do not share the same struggles. No. Fuck that shit.