Acronym preference?

Contributor: quantumspork quantumspork
I've heard it said in a lot of circles that the "LGBT" acronym is erasing to a lot of people. Thoughts on what terminology you prefer to cover the spectrum?
Answers (private voting - your screen name will NOT appear in the results):
Alphabet soup
Total votes: 110 (79 voters)
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Contributor: Teaser Teaser
What the heck is LGBT? I'm so confused.
Contributor: Vanille Vanille
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans*

I actually use LGBTQ+ + being the catch-all for everyone else... of course, someone might see it as erasure regardless. Fear not though, I know you exist. QUILTBAGPIPE would be my other choice, but it is so so long. @_@
Contributor: Peggi Peggi
I always say LGBTQS for Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, Queer, and Supporters
Contributor: Nacht Stern Nacht Stern
I like the idea of Alphabet soup. Nobody can feel left out then.
Contributor: Mitzuki Mitzuki
I like the idea of alphabet soup, myself.
Contributor: deltalima deltalima
Originally posted by quantumspork
I've heard it said in a lot of circles that the "LGBT" acronym is erasing to a lot of people. Thoughts on what terminology you prefer to cover the spectrum?
I had to google "QUILTBAGPIPE"
Contributor: Annemarie Annemarie
It's honestly impossible to include *everyone*--even QUILTBAGPIPE leaves out celibate people. And supporters.

But I gotta say, it is catchy. I think that's my go-to acronym now.
Contributor: BeepBop BeepBop
I've liked QUILTBAG/QUILTBAGPIPE for a while, but LGBTQ is the most heard of, so I usually say that.

I'd never heard of GSM before. I'm kind of partial to it.
Contributor: thisisadeletedaccount thisisadeletedaccount
I usually use LGBTQ, or LGBTQQIAA if I'm trying to explain all the facets of the community to someone. I often just say "the queer community."
Contributor: Incendiaire Incendiaire
If I feel it necessary to resort to using a string of initials then the simple "LGBT" is what I'll go with, but generally anything I'm discussing on that subject can adequately be described in terms of "gay."
Contributor: marshmallow marshmallow
queer/trans*. it's all encompassing!
Contributor: pirata pirata
i have actually used the phrase alphabet soup lol i normally just go with LGBT
Contributor: vitriolicvertigo vitriolicvertigo
I just use queer & trans*. All encompassing and I identify with both terms so I like it.
I've heard "the rainbow community" though. That's cute.
Contributor: nori nori
I like 'the rainbow' and the queer community, as well as alphabet soup!
Contributor: BoobCopter BoobCopter
LGBT*. I don't like LGBTQIAA or QUILTBAGPIPE, both are very problematic.
Contributor: Roz W Roz W
I hadn't heard the "pipe" tagged onto QUILTBAG before...

Boobcopter, why are the longer acronymns very problematic? I see the QUILTBAG stuff as being kind of tongue-in-cheek about how long the acronymns are...
Contributor: Pantransguy Pantransguy
I tend to use LGBTQ or LGBT most often with people who are not part of the community. It's just simpler. It does somewhat leave out two of my identities (demisexual and pansexual- though pansexual could arguably fall under the B if you see the B as an umbrella like the T), but I don't want to have to write or say a really long acronym. The reason I usually include the Q these days (more so in writing than speaking) is because I have so many friends who identify as queer. I do speaker's bureau panels at my college and we sometimes explain many additional letters, and eventually call it "alphabet soup," but I think that gets confusing to people so new to most of this.

Oh, and as for when I'm within the community, I usually just say "queer" because most LGBTQ communities I'm in accept that word as a reference to the entire community. And it's a lot easier to say. If it was specifically a trans* community then I'd use trans* instead.
Contributor: cryinglightning86 cryinglightning86
I tend to say LGBTQ when I'm not talking to other members of the community. When I am, I call it the queer community. Still trying to figure out how to not leave people out of this, though. To me, "queer" is a flexible, umbrella term, but I realize it might not have the same meaning to everyone.
Contributor: Billie Bones Billie Bones
Personally I like queer but I only like to call people that after I know they identify as such. We're taking it back!
Contributor: digit88 digit88
Originally posted by quantumspork
I've heard it said in a lot of circles that the "LGBT" acronym is erasing to a lot of people. Thoughts on what terminology you prefer to cover the spectrum?
Contributor: Rey Rey
I prefer Queer
Contributor: pestilence pestilence
In conversation I use "queer/trans*," though for more formal things I much prefer GSM since "queer" is a reclaimed slur and has some radical/political connotations that not everyone who falls under GSM would identify with in any way. The only problem is that no one knows what GSM stands for.
Contributor: Princess Zelda Princess Zelda
Originally posted by Peggi
I always say LGBTQS for Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, Queer, and Supporters
Ya me too but its a bit long
Contributor: Equae Equae
I do LGBTAIQ - Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans*, Asexual, Intersex, Queer. I don't include allies; they're supporters, not part of the community.
Contributor: SubmissiveFeminist SubmissiveFeminist
I use LGBT in a general sense. I'm pansexual, and there's no P in there, but I feel like it covers the general bases.
Contributor: Lildrummrgurl7 Lildrummrgurl7
I use LGBTQ or LGBTQI. Most people understand what I mean. If I use longer acronyms, a lot of people get confused and don't understand.
Contributor: Girly Juice Girly Juice
My preferred term for myself and my community is "queer," because I feel it's the most inclusive... but some people don't view it that way. My friend once tried to group me into the term "gay" because she felt it was an "umbrella term," but I didn't agree - so I understand that it can be frustrating to be termed by someone else.

LGBTQ works for me, though! Or just "not straight."
Contributor: MistressDandelion MistressDandelion
GSM for me, more inclusive.
Contributor: hanjonatan hanjonatan
LGBT, or queer/trans as long as it's understood that "queer" means LGB.

and GSM really isn't an "inclusive term" as an alternative to LGBT. it's a research term meant to include a wide variety of gender and sexual minorities that have nothing to do with each other - it makes no sense to try to use it as a community term or an alternative to LGBT(etc), because that's not what it's for.