What gender do you think about most while masturbating?

Contributor: dks210 dks210
I usually fantasize about males, but have lately found myself fantasizing about females a lot as well.
Contributor: AmethystQueen AmethystQueen
I don't usually fantasize about anyone while masturbating, but when I do fantasize it's usually male and female.
Contributor: AmethystQueen AmethystQueen
Ooopssss, just realized I was in the wrong forum. Sorry! Hope I didn't mess up your poll...
Contributor: Beautiful-Disaster Beautiful-Disaster
Contributor: MrsandMrbunnysoffun MrsandMrbunnysoffun
I will gladly admit that I think about both mutually. There are a lot of times that I think about both.. At the same time.
Contributor: soapsud05 soapsud05
Originally posted by Nyx (Under the Covers)
Usually men, but sometimes women It seems to vary based on hormones and whether or not I've met a woman lately who piques my interest. (I can easily conjure up the faceless nameless fantasy guy, but when I fantasize about women it is usually ... more
ahaha complete opposite.
Contributor: smlove smlove
Originally posted by Xarien
I've always been curious about this. When you close your eyes and fantasize, which sex instinctively pops into your mind? Does it vary? Is it influenced by the sex of the person you're currently with?
unless he's really pretty too.
Contributor: Lavendar Lavendar
I'm female and I think about women
Contributor: chicmichiw chicmichiw
I consider myself hetero, but ladies definitely pop up -- sexuality can be fluid and appreciation is always there.
Contributor: wicked48 wicked48
I'm female and fantasize about males.
Contributor: KrissyNovacaine KrissyNovacaine
I fantasize about which ever one I am not with the most at the time.
Contributor: Hummingbird Hummingbird
Man, Men and more Men!
Contributor: Creepellah Creepellah
"I am a female and I fantasize about both equally…"
Contributor: oneeyedoctopus oneeyedoctopus
I construct scenes with two main characters, one male and the other female which are based on my boyfriend and I. Depending on the situation there may be other participants either male or female.
Contributor: brandi2009 brandi2009
Originally posted by Xarien
I've always been curious about this. When you close your eyes and fantasize, which sex instinctively pops into your mind? Does it vary? Is it influenced by the sex of the person you're currently with?
I'm a girl and I love to think about women.
Contributor: Fun Lover Fun Lover
Mostly women but sometimes 1 women and 2 men, me and another man with 1 women. Sometimes 2 women and just me.
Contributor: TransMarc TransMarc
I'm genderfluid and I think about MYSELF a lot. People's reactions to myself rather than their bodies. Them being envious of me.
If I think about their bodies, then it's mostly women, otherwise mostly men.
Contributor: curious kitten curious kitten
Mainly, one man, the love of my life.