If you had to choose between being with someone of your gender or somebody of the opposite gender, which would you pick for a monogamous long-term relationship?
If you had to choose...
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
Ideally, I want both a guy and a girl for lifetime partners, cause I want different things (apart from the obvious external lovelies....hehehe) from each of them.
But if I had to choose one sex, I'd have to go with a guy - I love cock!
But if I had to choose one sex, I'd have to go with a guy - I love cock!
Sounds pretty ideal to me as well Shellz
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Ideally, I want both a guy and a girl for lifetime partners, cause I want different things (apart from the obvious external lovelies....hehehe) from each of them.
But if I had to choose one sex, I'd have to go with a guy - I love cock!
But if I had to choose one sex, I'd have to go with a guy - I love cock!
Probably a guy. But I guess I'm biased because I'm already stuck with one.
In my case, it wouldn't really matter if it was a guy or a woman... though I guess I lean on a little bit more to a man?
I definitely know I wouldn't be able to juggle both. I mean, it's hard enough for me to get and keep a relationship with just one person, so my mind staggers in horror at the idea of doubling that amount of time and effort...
I definitely know I wouldn't be able to juggle both. I mean, it's hard enough for me to get and keep a relationship with just one person, so my mind staggers in horror at the idea of doubling that amount of time and effort...
Damn that's a hard question.
I love both men, and women.
I love both men, and women.
I haven't had much luck with the opposite gender so at this point in time I'm going to say same gender.
opposite gender, my wife.
My partner identifies as gender-queer, and I'm pretty content with our situation.
Probably a guy
love my wife
I find that while I am sexually attracted to both genders, I prefer men for relationships. Though, I certainly wouldn't turn down a relationship with the right woman if she came along.
could never be with a guy
Opposite Gender
This is a little disappointing, seeing how many bisexual girls like men so much more. I can honestly say I'd be happy with either one, or both, or many of one or the other. I'm polyamorous, but not because I am bisexual. I guess I just won't get into my opinion on these responses. It's plain old depressing for a girl who has actually been in love with another girl.
same gender
I pretty much prefer the same gender as myself (male) lol, I've never really seen myself with someone of the opposite sex. =)
I see no reason why I would ever want a long term monogamous relationship. I might HAVE a monogamous relationship because there isn't anyone we are interested in pursuing a relationship with but I certainly wouldn't choose it.
Originally posted by
If you had to choose between being with someone of your gender or somebody of the opposite gender, which would you pick for a monogamous long-term relationship?
i need a yin to my yang.
my bf

sexually, i could never make it the rest of my life with out a male. but emotionally, i can't see myself being with a male. so i tend to date either very masculine females, or females that enjoy bringing a male into the relationship every now and then.
Whoever I love.
Opposite gender. I'm not attracted to other women.
Hm, a lot of heterosexual people seem to be answering this poll, despite it being posted in the bisexual section... maybe I should have clarified in the question that this was meant for bisexual/pansexual people? :/
Not that their opinions aren't valid, of course, just that I was curious about whether, when faced with only being able to sleep with one person, bisexual people were more prone to picking someone of one gender or the other... because let's face it; most of us aren't 50/50.
Not that their opinions aren't valid, of course, just that I was curious about whether, when faced with only being able to sleep with one person, bisexual people were more prone to picking someone of one gender or the other... because let's face it; most of us aren't 50/50.
That's a hard question I love both men and women so much. If I had to chose I would probably say a woman as I have definitely had much more intense connections with other women than I have men
Currently I'd say a male (opposite gender) because I'm in a serious relationship with one. However, if I were to overlook that, then I'd have no preference for gender.
Same, I def would prefer a woman
im a lesbian so a woman of course...why would i want a man around?
I dated men in the beginning and eventually called myself bisexual. After my first lesbian experience I never went back and it has been over a decade. I love women always have and always will and to do anything differently wouldn't be right for me. I am thankful for my 17 yr old daughter though. I think if I had never been with a man I would still be waiting to have my first child.
I could easily go with either, and it'll ultimately depend on who I end up falling in love with, but I tend to overall find other women more attractive and enjoyable to be with than men, so I do hope it's a woman.
Originally posted by
If you had to choose between being with someone of your gender or somebody of the opposite gender, which would you pick for a monogamous long-term relationship?