How old were you when you realized?

Contributor: QoI QoI
I was 11 when I realized that I was crushing on a girl the same way I'd been crushing on boys since I was 5 or 6.
Contributor: Adnerbmw Adnerbmw
I wasnt fully aware until i was older but i kinda always knew
Contributor: SaucyxGirl SaucyxGirl
I was in my early teens, maybe around 13 when I realized that I was attracted to females also. It was a little weird at first because I wasn't really sure if I was straight or gay. By 15 I pretty much figured out that it didn't matter that I was more attracted to people for who they were than what gender they were.
Contributor: TJtheMadHatter TJtheMadHatter
I would say under 12. I made out with boys and girls and loved it.
Contributor: treehugger treehugger
I knew for quite a while, but didn't have the words for it until later on, around 17-18.
Contributor: JDear JDear
I was probably 13 when I realized I was drawn to women. It took me until later to realize I was only attracted to women.
Contributor: brandi2009 brandi2009
Originally posted by himynameissteph
At what age did you realize your sexuality?
I was thirteen when I first became attracted to girls.
Contributor: Hipposterous Hipposterous
I first realized I was attracted to women when I was about 7 years old. But I didn't start identifying as bisexual until I was 11.
Contributor: alliegator alliegator
I'd started having mild crushes on boys at about 10-11, started having romantic/tame sexual dreams a couple years later, and in high school really started masturbating and becoming a sexual being.
Contributor: chicmichiw chicmichiw
I knew I was straight. I escaped a lot of pain and confusion just because it's the accepted orientation, though, and I know that. As a cis woman, though, guys just push my buttons.
Contributor: Kitten has left the site Kitten has left the site
I thought I was bisexual at 16, but actually learned I was pansexual at 19, so 19.
Contributor: Nezzie13 Nezzie13
Between 12 and 18, but I'm still learning new things!
Contributor: Gdom Gdom
Somewhere around the age of 18, I think...For me, it was sorta kinda maybe partially a choice (that's just speaking personally), so I'm not really sure I'd call it a "realization," but yeah, something like 18 or so.
Contributor: lauraxxarual lauraxxarual
Originally posted by himynameissteph
At what age did you realize your sexuality?
I was 17, I believe.