It's very sad that, what I like to call "The Dumbing Down Of America" is happening. Making kids think that everyone's a winner, real life advice and knowlege will be harmful, and no accountablity hurts EVERYONE!
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She said she heard it from her "friends". This is a college freshman, who went to an expensive college prep private school, and is a biology major!!!???!!!! This is what 18 and 19 year old's believe in 2012? Are you kidding me?
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She said she heard it from her "friends". This is a college freshman, who went to an expensive college prep private school, and is a biology major!!!???!!!! This is what 18 and 19 year old's believe in 2012? Are you kidding me?
Have ANY of you out there in EF land...especially our "younger" members, actually heard anyone SAY something this insane and did you correct them on it??? Does anyone actually believe this is possible in this day and age.
Her family (her mom especially, who always was pretty open in discussing sex things with her) are STUNNED beyond belief.
The guy who got her pregnant is not even a boyfriend. It was a "casual party hook up". She barely knows the guy!!!! less
Have ANY of you out there in EF land...especially our "younger" members, actually heard anyone SAY something this insane and did you correct them on it??? Does anyone actually believe this is possible in this day and age.
Her family (her mom especially, who always was pretty open in discussing sex things with her) are STUNNED beyond belief.
The guy who got her pregnant is not even a boyfriend. It was a "casual party hook up". She barely knows the guy!!!! less
Sex ed is no more. They just get puberty education!
Where's the education when it comes to sex? I know parents are supposed to do that, but I know my mom never discussed it with me, and I learned a lot from sex ed classes. Learning what can happen if you choose to participate in sex is key. Not just the "OMG" factor, but the STDs, pregnancy risks, and dispelling the myths. Kids are going to believe their peers over most other people, but some will believe teachers/educators more, if they were given that option!