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She said she heard it from her "friends". This is a college freshman, who went to an expensive college prep private school, and is a biology major!!!???!!!! This is what 18 and 19 year old's believe in 2012? Are you kidding me?
She said she heard it from her "friends". This is a college freshman, who went to an expensive college prep private school, and is a biology major!!!???!!!! This is what 18 and 19 year old's believe in 2012? Are you kidding me?
Have ANY of you out there in EF land...especially our "younger" members, actually heard anyone SAY something this insane and did you correct them on it??? Does anyone actually believe this is possible in this day and age.
Her family (her mom especially, who always was pretty open in discussing sex things with her) are STUNNED beyond belief.
The guy who got her pregnant is not even a boyfriend. It was a "casual party hook up". She barely knows the guy!!!!
WOW! It is a statistical improbability to get pregnant at the time of the first sexual experience according to math...however our bodies are not run by math. It takes a confluence of right timing to get pregnant at the first sexual experience but Nature drives our timing by hormones and other barely understood phenomena, so the reality is you are more than likely going to be feritle and ready to conceive when you decide to go ahead and have sex, unless you take precautions to prevent it and even then you will always have a chance to get pregnant if you have PIV sex! Unless your fallopian tubes render you infertile or your partner's seminal fluid doesn't contain sperm there is always a risk...the risk varies with the proper use of different pregnancy prevention products.
Ok so why did I say all of this? Because that is the word for word lecture I gave my girls the week they began their first menstrual cycle. I can understand your friend's believing that providing the best education their daughter could get would prevent her from being ignorant about her body but nothing beats making sure you let your kids know yourself! Course all things being equal they could have talked to her till they were blue and she might have believed her idiot friends anyway...and if they did then blast her happy ass because she DID know better.
There's nothing wrong with getting pregnant but let's not compound the issue with silliness...that would have been my answer to her!