Masturbation & Acne? Are they related?

Contributor: sexysweetieshan sexysweetieshan
Okay, so when I was in 8th grade, I remember a health teacher telling me that kids who masturbate more frequently have a lot more acne. I think she ruined my view on it, because anytime I saw a kid with lots of acne, I kept thinking to myself, "I know what you do in your spare time". Although, I always doubted it, because that just doesn't make sense. Then again, I wanted to believe it, because she was a teacher. So what's your opinion? Have you ever heard of this before? Do you believe it?
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
I have never heard of this before....
Kynky Kytty , DixieDoo , ToyTimeTim , Kayla , Kindred , Sir , Victoria , Miss Cinnamon , Owl Identified , Sammi , B8trDude , MuffysPinguLove , Rayne Millaray , Sera , Tori Rebel , SexyySarah , Gunsmoke , seaofneptune , Envy , SydVicious , Sanjay , buzzvibe , DeliciousSurprise , LittleBoPeep , Annemarie , Jenniae09 , XXXXXXXXXXXXX , SunshineKT , Liz2 , Midway through , Andromeda , Pleasure Piratess , isisandshiva , joja , testing123 , HevansS , kck , SexYnCute Couple , babybee , Lady Venus , bzzingbee , tigerkate , Madeira , TaseT , Trashley , ~LaUr3n~ , mllebeauty , LuLu Love , iceman681 , aleong , Love Buzz , Viktor Vysheslav Malkin , omgmegg , Adriana Ravenlust , Darling Jen , Dusk , Zeracan , VampKitty , Selective Sensualist , csweatc , Mr. E , Unconventional , The Nakanas , popples , onehotmomma , TechyDad , Sebmissive , gothikstars , RosesThorns , leatherlover , lamira , ToyGeek , Lummox , Kimbertrees , darthkitt3n , Taylor , MasterBlaster , NawlinsDawlin , Lurr , Lucidity , MoonRei , BluePixi , Miss Morphine , Waterfall , Redboxbaby , staceejaxxx , Waterlily , Angel deSanguine , Raggedy Andie , Morganna , toxie m , Purpleladybug , pinkcupcakes , Woman China , zeebot , EvaChangeN , Rainbow Boy , BadassFatass , dv8 , idunshire , REDRUM , JE011 , HoneyHoney , the other jo , Joie de Cherresse , *HisMrs* , PinkPedal , mikebooks , MinaHarker , xoflxokcxo , aBeastlyLittleThing , Skitlz , *Ashley* , hjtee , Libra , MsGoosie , chidoll , purplekidney , Seharra , GoogleQueen , yw2 , Karakaten , Ashley:) , w-o-name , bunny love , mariedoll , 7Miles , GravyCakes , Retro , kittychilla , Stagger13 , LostBoy988 , kinksters , Rin (aka Nire) , Howells , BBW Talks Toys , indiglo , Devz , Rain. , liama , SiNn , sassyNsensual , sarki , Miss Independent , Scott Ghost , blazingshadow08 , BiJess , Smitty , ToyGurl , l'amour , v23 , slynch , ms.anon , ap-the-aper , swf , aliceinthehole , sweetdee , G.L. Morrison , null , boobookittyfuk , TheSlyFox , ily , KinkyDesire , Ava5 , brittany8612 , BeautifulDarkness , Beck , One of Five , Miss Anonymous , CherryDyke , dhig , lacybutton , Ms. Spice , Ash1141 , PussyPurr , rockopera , MrWishyWashy , laceypanties , astrohoney , Lime , mudpie , Bigkc , Lindsey123 , PervyPixie , GonetoLovehoney , voenne , Cherrylane , bayosgirl , SilverIsis , unfulfilled , RavenWolf88 , KyotoAngel , geliebt , chibi1091 , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , Lady Neshamah , Carolinagirl08 , BlooJay , Lady Bear , MissBre , freda , thebest , spineyogurt , kitty377 , Anastasia Beaverhousen , stars , caligaliber , Sinfully , tiggle biddies , Kithara , tigertiger , calliope , Ice1 , ViVix , ECU Pirate , PropertyOfPotter , hall5885 , MistressDandelion , badk1tty , CoffeeCup , duff , michael scofield , VelvetDragon , BurntToast , mpfm , *Camoprincess* , romstomp , sweetpea12 , Sohotdinosaur , Emerlyn , Allison.Wilder , Bittenflame , lilgrump , Alx , FHeemz , Makoto , powerandintent , pirata , little miss kinky , radioboy , AlianneCimorene , sexystuffeve , Gone (LD29) , BG529 , digit88 , blondie , quackbuster , sexykiss , HarlequinBunnie , wicked weasel , Elias McLovin , Steveyb , BoobCopter , clockwork451 , Joe and Dani , Crimson Vixen , dionysus lux , glitterbombs , TiffyPixie , CadmiumKitty , FallFire , Cinnyree , Falsepast , nova2014 , kristina0121 , SepZet , mr115393 , magicmac , marshmallow , Abombadong , Hubby80 , Mikemanz , chelly411 , Thinkingman , Luca77 , atryonix , Meido , burtnuh , froggygal91 , xcapricax , chicmichiw , octoberrain , Bleu , Ayumi , IvyFayette , Tibby , RedKyuubi , ginnyluvspotter , Toy Fiend , richsam , skeeterlynn , featherhead , fizzygato , Raymaker , AmaShark , LadyRelentless , emiliaa , astrolatry , GQdude , Kitten has left the site , pokefan15 , zaftigzoo , evie.amor , apple4me , potstickers , wrecklesswords , Wicked Wahine , Lildrummrgurl7 , stlouisxxx , BrittaniMaree , Kitka
I have heard this before...
sexysweetieshan , Coralbell , AU , LikeSunshineDust , Persephone Nightmare , Bon Bon , Phoenix713 , alistair , Naughty Student , OroNomi , Flor Oscura , lemony , That Guy , Ladyt1003 , vegan.guy , markeagleone , C4ss , meganthomas , charip , Stephanie Marie , purplekidney , eggiweg , liilii080 , Misfit Momma , irishlove , ToyingCouple , The Curious Couple , Bignuf , angel142stx , AndroAngel , MidnightStorm , woodsdragon , Jecca Vanderbeck , jedent , jay28 , PeachieClean , bsgs , TransMarc , pootpootpoot , g- , LunaLuthor , goo , PurpleCat23 , gsfanatic , hyacinthgirl , LoooveMonkey , Pink Lily , spiced , purpledesert , KinkyKatieJames , jennifur77 , twelve13 , Eugler , karenm
I don't believe it at all
Coralbell , Kynky Kytty , DixieDoo , P'Gell , ToyTimeTim , Kayla , Kindred , Sir , Victoria , Miss Cinnamon , Owl Identified , Sammi , B8trDude , MuffysPinguLove , Rayne Millaray , Kinky Skier , Tori Rebel , PassionQT , SexyySarah , Gunsmoke , 00 , Envy , SydVicious , Sanjay , buzzvibe , DeliciousSurprise , Annemarie , XXXXXXXXXXXXX , Brandiewhy , aaa , LikeSunshineDust , Liz2 , Andromeda , Pleasure Piratess , joja , testing123 , asdfg , Hot Secrets , kck , Avant-garde , babybee , Lady Venus , bzzingbee , TaseT , Trashley , ~LaUr3n~ , LuLu Love , Love Buzz , Persephone Nightmare , omgmegg , Adriana Ravenlust , Bon Bon , Shellz31 , Darling Jen , Dusk , ReadyAllTheTime , VampKitty , Lily Night , Selective Sensualist , Mr. E , Unconventional , The Nakanas , popples , onehotmomma , DustBunny , TechyDad , Sebmissive , RosesThorns , Naughty Student , ToyGeek , Lummox , Kimbertrees , kitti , OroNomi , Texaraguan , Flor Oscura , lemony , NawlinsDawlin , MissExploration , married with children , Redboxbaby , Raggedy Andie , Wild Orchid , toxie m , Purpleladybug , Emma (Girl With Fire) , C4ss , Fluke , zeebot , Rainbow Boy , BadassFatass , dv8 , meganthomas , REDRUM , Istanbull , HoneyHoney , Cream in the Cupcake , Joie de Cherresse , *HisMrs* , mikebooks , viciouschristine , charip , xoflxokcxo , Stephanie Marie , aBeastlyLittleThing , *Ashley* , Lolla Munz , hjtee , Libra , MsGoosie , chidoll , purplekidney , Seharra , GoogleQueen , Karakaten , Ashley:) , eggiweg , w-o-name , bunny love , 7Miles , liilii080 , Wondermom , newfoundlust , padmeamidala , LostBoy988 , Rin (aka Nire) , BBW Talks Toys , indiglo , Ghost , Rain. , Misfit Momma , irishlove , SiNn , sarki , Miss Independent , ToyingCouple , Scott Ghost , Smitty , l'amour , slynch , ms.anon , ap-the-aper , aliceinthehole , G.L. Morrison , boobookittyfuk , TheSlyFox , ily , brittany8612 , The Curious Couple , BeautifulDarkness , Beck , One of Five , Miss Anonymous , CherryDyke , dhig , lacybutton , Ms. Spice , Ash1141 , AndroAngel , PussyPurr , rockopera , Phoenix77 , laceypanties , astrohoney , Lime , mudpie , MidnightStorm , Lindsey123 , Rod Martini , GonetoLovehoney , voenne , Cherrylane , bayosgirl , GONE! , JackRaiden , woodsdragon , unfulfilled , Jecca Vanderbeck , shcoo , RavenWolf88 , KyotoAngel , chibi1091 , jedent , Carolinagirl08 , jay28 , PeachieClean , TheHardOne , BlooJay , Lady Bear , MissBre , kitty377 , caligaliber , Sinfully , tiggle biddies , Kithara , tigertiger , calliope , Voir , dks210 , Ice1 , ECU Pirate , TransMarc , pinkpottergirl , PropertyOfPotter , hall5885 , Aurore , MistressDandelion , badk1tty , CoffeeCup , duff , michael scofield , VelvetDragon , mpfm , *Camoprincess* , sweetpea12 , Sohotdinosaur , mmmmm , Emerlyn , Allison.Wilder , powerandintent , pirata , little miss kinky , breebree , joolie , radioboy , Sundae Sparkles , AlianneCimorene , sexystuffeve , Gone (LD29) , dirtythoughts:) , BG529 , digit88 , pootpootpoot , quackbuster , sexykiss , HarlequinBunnie , g- , Steveyb , BoobCopter , LunaLuthor , goo , clockwork451 , <3BF , Joe and Dani , Crimson Vixen , PurpleCat23 , dionysus lux , aimtoplease , Aryllen , SoloJoe , FallFire , gsfanatic , mr115393 , hyacinthgirl , Abombadong , CloudySunday , butts , Mikemanz , Luca77 , Pink Lily , Meido , froggygal91 , xcapricax , chicmichiw , Bleu , Ayumi , IvyFayette , SecretKinksters , RedKyuubi , ginnyluvspotter , Hermosura21 , Toy Fiend , skeeterlynn , spiced , Raymaker , xxSuzakuxx , purpledesert , AmaShark , LadyRelentless , emiliaa , GQdude , Kitten has left the site , pokefan15 , zaftigzoo , evie.amor , BlackCherry , potstickers , KinkyKatieJames , wrecklesswords , jennifur77 , Wicked Wahine , emilia , Lildrummrgurl7 , Dodger79 , twelve13 , stlouisxxx , Eugler , karenm , BrittaniMaree , Kitka
I'm not sure if I believe it or not
sexysweetieshan , AU , iceman681 , aleong , Phoenix713 , That Guy , Valentinka , purplekidney , yw2 , Retro , ToyGurl , null , angel142stx , ViVix , Makoto , blondie , EmuLove
I definitely believe it
Sera , LoooveMonkey
Your health teacher was crazy!
Blinker , Sir , Victoria , Miss Cinnamon , Owl Identified , B8trDude , MuffysPinguLove , Rayne Millaray , Sera , Gunsmoke , 00 , Envy , Sanjay , buzzvibe , DeliciousSurprise , OhMy! , Airen Wolf , Annemarie , SunshineKT , LikeSunshineDust , Liz2 , Andromeda , Pleasure Piratess , isisandshiva , joja , Hot Secrets , kck , SexYnCute Couple , bzzingbee , tigerkate , TaseT , Trashley , mllebeauty , LuLu Love , Love Buzz , Persephone Nightmare , Adriana Ravenlust , Dusk , Yiggi , Selective Sensualist , CaptainBunnyKilla , Mr. E , popples , onehotmomma , guy4guyz420 , Sebmissive , gothikstars , RosesThorns , ToyGeek , Kimbertrees , darthkitt3n , OroNomi , NawlinsDawlin , Lucidity , Mr. & Mrs. Peg , BluePixi , Redboxbaby , Zaftig , Angel deSanguine , Raggedy Andie , Wild Orchid , Michelle Menace , Emma (Girl With Fire) , Miss Madeline , Woman China , zeebot , EvaChangeN , Rainbow Boy , BadassFatass , meganthomas , idunshire , REDRUM , HoneyHoney , the other jo , Joie de Cherresse , *HisMrs* , mikebooks , viciouschristine , charip , xoflxokcxo , Stephanie Marie , aBeastlyLittleThing , *Ashley* , hjtee , extrafun , MsGoosie , chidoll , purplekidney , Seharra , GoogleQueen , Karakaten , Ashley:) , hspence , bunny love , mariedoll , 7Miles , Rin (aka Nire) , BBW Talks Toys , lovemuscle n cookie , indiglo , Ghost , Rain. , liama , Misfit Momma , irishlove , SiNn , sassyNsensual , Scott Ghost , Smitty , ToyGurl , l'amour , v23 , slynch , ms.anon , aliceinthehole , G.L. Morrison , boobookittyfuk , TheSlyFox , ily , Ava5 , brittany8612 , The Curious Couple , BeautifulDarkness , Bignuf , Beck , One of Five , Miss Anonymous , CherryDyke , dhig , Purple Feathers , lacybutton , Ms. Spice , Ash1141 , AndroAngel , PussyPurr , rockopera , RuMaRo34 , Phoenix77 , Stinkytofu10 , laceypanties , astrohoney , Lime , mudpie , MidnightStorm , Bigkc , Lindsey123 , GonetoLovehoney , Cherrylane , GONE! , JackRaiden , unfulfilled , Jecca Vanderbeck , RavenWolf88 , KyotoAngel , geliebt , PeachieClean , Lover of Leather , BlooJay , Lady Bear , MissBre , kitty377 , Sinfully , tiggle biddies , Kithara , Mwar , tigertiger , calliope , Ice1 , ECU Pirate , lustylusty , pinkpottergirl , PropertyOfPotter , hall5885 , MistressDandelion , badk1tty , CoffeeCup , VelvetDragon , *Camoprincess* , Emerlyn , Allison.Wilder , That Guy over there , lilgrump , Alx , powerandintent , thornrose , pirata , little miss kinky , radioboy , sexystuffeve , Gone (LD29) , dirtythoughts:) , BG529 , digit88 , blondie , pootpootpoot , quackbuster , sexykiss , HarlequinBunnie , Elias McLovin , g- , BoobCopter , LunaLuthor , goo , clockwork451 , Joe and Dani , Crimson Vixen , PurpleCat23 , dionysus lux , FallFire , gsfanatic , SepZet , mr115393 , hyacinthgirl , marshmallow , Abombadong , butts , Mikemanz , Pink Lily , Meido , xcapricax , bmweida , chicmichiw , octoberrain , Bleu , Ayumi , IvyFayette , Toy Fiend , skeeterlynn , spiced , Raymaker , AmaShark , LadyRelentless , emiliaa , GQdude , Kitten has left the site , pokefan15 , zaftigzoo , wrecklesswords , Wicked Wahine , Eugler , karenm , Kitka
ShanShan83 , Lady Marmelade , vegan.guy , Emma (Girl With Fire) , laceypanties , leanright69
Total votes: 932 (446 voters)
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Contributor: Coralbell Coralbell
There could be some relation, but masturbating does not cause acne. The reason I say it could be related is because acne can be caused by high testosterone levels, which could also increase your sex drive.
Contributor: Kynky Kytty Kynky Kytty
Originally posted by Coralbell
There could be some relation, but masturbating does not cause acne. The reason I say it could be related is because acne can be caused by high testosterone levels, which could also increase your sex drive.
Hey that's exactly what I wanted to say. /high five!
Contributor: Kayla Kayla
I've honestly never heard this ever, and it really doesn't make sense to me.
Contributor: Blinker Blinker
That's an urban legend old spinster teachers tell kids so they won't touch their genitals and go to hell.

If masturbation causes acne, then so does sex, and Paris Hilton has clear skin.
Contributor: Victoria Victoria
What a totally fucked up, reactionary, and unethical thing to tell kids!

I do not believe it at all.

I would freak the fuck out if my kids were lied to like this.

Sorry, but I feel really strongly about educating kids in a truthful and practical way.
Contributor: Miss Cinnamon Miss Cinnamon
That sounds totally bizarre and this is the first I've heard of it. For me, personally, masturbation actually seems to make my skin happier because I tend to break out when I'm stressed, and what's more stress-relieving than an orgasm?
Contributor: Owl Identified Owl Identified
Originally posted by Victoria
What a totally fucked up, reactionary, and unethical thing to tell kids!

I do not believe it at all.

I would freak the fuck out if my kids were lied to like this.

Sorry, but I feel really strongly about educating kids in a ... more
Agreeee! Furthermore, I would only think masturbation could help acne. I don't have acne but stress can definitely make me break out...and guess what helps stress?
Contributor: Owl Identified Owl Identified
Originally posted by Miss Cinnamon
That sounds totally bizarre and this is the first I've heard of it. For me, personally, masturbation actually seems to make my skin happier because I tend to break out when I'm stressed, and what's more stress-relieving than an orgasm?
Wow, didn't see your comment until after I posted mine. Hah. Great minds
Contributor: Sammi Sammi
That is really strange - I can't imagine a teacher saying something like that!
Contributor: B8trDude B8trDude
Acne? NO! But hairy palms and blindness - of course! Everyone knows that! LOL!
Contributor: Kynky Kytty Kynky Kytty
Originally posted by B8trDude
Acne? NO! But hairy palms and blindness - of course! Everyone knows that! LOL!
In French, you become deaf as well.
Contributor: sexysweetieshan sexysweetieshan
Originally posted by Coralbell
There could be some relation, but masturbating does not cause acne. The reason I say it could be related is because acne can be caused by high testosterone levels, which could also increase your sex drive.
Maybe that's where she got it from. Haha.
Contributor: sexysweetieshan sexysweetieshan
Originally posted by Blinker
That's an urban legend old spinster teachers tell kids so they won't touch their genitals and go to hell.

If masturbation causes acne, then so does sex, and Paris Hilton has clear skin.
LMAO!!! I seriously wondered if she told us that to make us not want to do it or whatever, but I guess I somewhat trusted she knew what she was talking about since she was a health teacher. Haha.
Contributor: sexysweetieshan sexysweetieshan
Originally posted by Victoria
What a totally fucked up, reactionary, and unethical thing to tell kids!

I do not believe it at all.

I would freak the fuck out if my kids were lied to like this.

Sorry, but I feel really strongly about educating kids in a ... more
Yeah I definitely think kids should also be educated truthfully. Don't be sorry at all! It's good to have strong opinions sometimes. I don't care how they teach things in school, but my kids are going to get the completely honest truth AT HOME!
Contributor: sexysweetieshan sexysweetieshan
Originally posted by Miss Cinnamon
That sounds totally bizarre and this is the first I've heard of it. For me, personally, masturbation actually seems to make my skin happier because I tend to break out when I'm stressed, and what's more stress-relieving than an orgasm?
That makes very good sense actually. I never can tell if my acne is worse with masturbation or not. I just always worried it could have something to do with it because of what that teacher said.
Contributor: sexysweetieshan sexysweetieshan
Originally posted by B8trDude
Acne? NO! But hairy palms and blindness - of course! Everyone knows that! LOL!
Lol. Very true. Although since I was female, I was never really warned about the blindness part. Haha.
Contributor: SexyySarah SexyySarah
Well I don't know if it's true or not, but it seems pretty crazy! LOL Though I had bad acne growing up and I masturbated a lot, but now I masturbate more, and no acne, so who knows, it would be interesting to find the real answer out though!
Contributor: sexysweetieshan sexysweetieshan
Originally posted by SexyySarah
Well I don't know if it's true or not, but it seems pretty crazy! LOL Though I had bad acne growing up and I masturbated a lot, but now I masturbate more, and no acne, so who knows, it would be interesting to find the real answer out though!
Yeah it is pretty crazy. I was hoping since this is like a "sex" community, that someone would know the correct answer about it.
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
How absurd - not even sugar and chocolate are linked to acne. Acne is a bacterial problem and yes it's linked to testosterone. Cleanliness and antibiotics are the keys to treatment.
Contributor: 00 00
I masturbated daily as a teen girl and did NOT have acne.
Contributor: seaofneptune seaofneptune
I have never heard of this at all. I masturbated a lot as well and I never had acne.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
I think this comes from the old reaction that if you scare people enough they won't masturbate.

The small increase in testosterone (if there even IS one, which I am not sure it happens) during masturbation is not enough to cause acne.

Like someone else said, it goes along with the "hairy palms, insanity, blindness" and other bullshit about self love.
Contributor: Envy Envy

Seriously.... lolwut?

I heard of the hairy palms thing, but not the acne.
Contributor: AU AU
I have heard that one before, but it does sound a little like the hairy palms myth!

But maybe there is a bacteria connection? I had pretty bad acne for a while as a teenager and my doctor told me to make sure I controlled any habits of touching my face (which I did when stressed out or nervous). He also suggested keeping hair away from my face so stuff wasn't being spread around. Haha, I did masturbate a lot, too...wouldn't tell him that, though.

Our bodies have all sorts of funky stuff on them. I don't care if it's natural! I can't wait to be a cyborg.
Contributor: B8trDude B8trDude
Originally posted by sexysweetieshan
Lol. Very true. Although since I was female, I was never really warned about the blindness part. Haha.
Next time I get new glasses, I'll asked the optomotrist if I'm masturbating too much
Contributor: SydVicious SydVicious
That's so funny to me. I do not think that it is true, and I have never heard that before but, I am picturing all the kids I knew in high school that has bad acne. LOL
Contributor: Sanjay Sanjay
Originally posted by sexysweetieshan
Okay, so when I was in 8th grade, I remember a health teacher telling me that kids who masturbate more frequently have a lot more acne. I think she ruined my view on it, because anytime I saw a kid with lots of acne, I kept thinking to myself, ... more
If anything I would suggest the opposite is true... Stress definitely helps trigger acne for me and many other people in the world, masturbation helps relieve stress... therefore, masturbation helps make your skin beautiful. The end! LOL
Contributor: sexysweetieshan sexysweetieshan
Originally posted by B8trDude
Next time I get new glasses, I'll asked the optomotrist if I'm masturbating too much
Is that my problem then since I wear glasses too? Lol!
Contributor: sexysweetieshan sexysweetieshan
Originally posted by SydVicious
That's so funny to me. I do not think that it is true, and I have never heard that before but, I am picturing all the kids I knew in high school that has bad acne. LOL
I know! Like after I heard that and I was in school, I saw all the kids with acne thinking, like "I know what you do all the time", and then all the "cool kids" who didn't have acne, I was like, how do you not masturbate. Haha.