Should Marijuana be Legalized? if Yes, why? if No, why not?

Contributor: SexToys-R-Us SexToys-R-Us
Originally posted by skeeterlynn
I don't want him drinking a 5th, either. Yet drinking is legal. You just aren't allowed being intoxicated at work. As should be the same for weed if legalized.
Contributor: SexToys-R-Us SexToys-R-Us
Originally posted by Sima-pusya
Hells Yeaa, weed for everyone!!!
Contributor: PeaceToTheMiddleEast PeaceToTheMiddleEast
Originally posted by Rossie
Only for medical use. I've just voted no on legalization of marijuana in my state. Don't people know that marijuana damages the brain's memory and learning capacity, especially for young people whose brains aren't fully developed?
I agree. My brothers smoke every day and they are all screwed up in the head. Now don't get me wrong back when I was younger I used to be a major pot head. Now I will smoke it once in a great blue moon. Other wise I could care less.
Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
Originally posted by SexToys-R-Us
Id like to know where the EDEN community stands when it comes to the legalization of Marijuana, do you believe it should be legal? if so why? if not then why not? maybe your on the fence about it, explain why your not decided yet. I believe it should ... more
This is actually a very tough issue to question. First, decriminalizing it would take a lot of silly strain off the legal system. It would increases taxes. However,, you would be opening the legal market for a whole new, readily available intoxicant. Do we really need Doped Driver Death counts added to our roadway slaughter?

On top of that, Medical use MJ is real....but maybe 1% or less of those getting it now are real "medical need" patients. The only "medical need" the other 99% have is the "need to get high" and they have a liberal or ex hippie doctor who is willing to write them a bogus script to do it. Just come up with a fully "no high" MJ substitute, that keeps the pain relief part, and see how FEW people ask for it.

Thus, there really are pro's and cons....oh, and let's not forget the fact that MJ is MORE carcinogenic then cigarettes. You know, the evil death sticks so many people want to outlaw???
Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
Originally posted by panthercat23
I would support the legalization but only under certain restrictions, ie. medical marijuana.
That makes it a joke. Sadly, all you have to do is look at those folks buying it for "medical reasons" now. Yah...right. Want to buy my bridge in London, so long as you are believing any fairy story that comes along?
Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
Originally posted by Mikemanz
no, i don't think i would want my surgeon smokin' a big blunt the night before my procedure. or my kid's teacher puffing up all weekend while correcting papers. jus' sayin'
But they may well be at the club, sucking down ten drinks...and that is better?
Contributor: Supervixen Supervixen
I just voted yes for this in my state. Yes, I do think it should legalized and regulated. It's silly that it's not. I don't even like it, myself. It isn't a good high for me. Who knows, maybe by this evening, the measure will have passed.
Contributor: SexToys-R-Us SexToys-R-Us
and lucky Washington state and Colorado legalized weed!
Contributor: AHubbyof2SexualMinds AHubbyof2SexualMinds
I'm not a pot smoker, tried it a few times but never really liked it. But I have no problem with it being legal. In fact, I'd rather it be legal because then it is distributed safely and with a consistency and you don't have to go knocking on some dude's door at midnight. That was something I never really enjoyed.
Contributor: Ivanna Ivanna
No I don't.
Contributor: Kitka Kitka
"Hells Yeaa, weed for everyone!!!" isn't exactly how I would answer this but I think it should be legalized. I personally don't use it at all but I don't think the government should waste so much time, money and jail space on something as petty as pot smokers. Anyway, some folks use it medicinally already so why not legalize it for everyone?
Contributor: TheirPet TheirPet
Even though I'm painfully allergic to the stuff I think it should be legalized and taxed and the money that goes from its sales to go to education.
Contributor: JinxPinx JinxPinx
I'm from Indiana so as much as I wouldn't mind it being legal, I highly doubt it will be anytime soon.