How did your parents explain where babies come from?

Contributor: mudpie mudpie
My mom didn't want to tell me about sex, I guess, so she told me: "The man has a seed, which he gives to the woman. The woman has an egg. The seed and the egg come together and make a baby." For the longest time I thought the man went to the garden store and bought a packet of seeds. It was so confusing!
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Contributor: Ghost Ghost
My mom told me the biological truth.
Contributor: Peggi Peggi
I was watching the news with her and they were talking about a rape that had happened and I asked about it and she explained what it meant to have sex, and then explained what it meant to be raped and what they meant on TV. I was like, 6? Maybe 7 at the most.

I was grateful that she didn't talk in circles about it, but I also knew (but didn't understand) about pregnancy and babies by that age.
Contributor: Theaadrian Theaadrian
My dad gave me a book called "what's happening to your body: for girls" when I was in 2nd grade. In fourth grade i finally looked at it and found the chapter on sex, with a nice little drawing and everything. And at a certain point it was just assumed I knew. We are very open about sex in my house, but i was never given "the talk"...
Contributor: SilverIsis SilverIsis
I think all of it was explained when my Mom was pregnant with my sister. I remember reading a book and watching a video from her midwife and I was there when my sister was born. I'm not quite sure how in detail it got, but I was never under the impression that the stork came or anything like that.
Contributor: Valentinka Valentinka
Originally posted by Theaadrian
My dad gave me a book called "what's happening to your body: for girls" when I was in 2nd grade. In fourth grade i finally looked at it and found the chapter on sex, with a nice little drawing and everything. And at a certain point it ... more
Oh, I was also given a book! It was Robert Rothenberg's "Growing up healthy" with lots of nice Disney pictures in it. There were several chapters about reproduction and stuff that explained everything to me. I was about 6 years old, I think
Contributor: wrmbreze wrmbreze
You mean the storks don't bring them?

LOL, never had that talk til 7th grade sex ed.
I gave my kids a book. The care and feeding of you, I believe is what it was called, at probably 7 or 8.
Contributor: Lornoria Mirid Lornoria Mirid
My mother told me the truth as well when I asked. I was six at the time and because it was never a big secret I could never understand why some adults made a huge deal about it. If anyone asked me I simply told them (this happened a few times when I was older.) If someone asks me a question I give them a truthful answer to the best of my ability. There is nothing bad about a child knowing where babies come from as long as the adults around them do not make it into a bad thing.
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
When I was two-and-a-half and my mother was pregnant with my brother; I asked about it then. She was rather clinical about it (registered nurse who worked in labor and delivery, and was a mid-wife), so I think I knew what all the medical terms for the body parts were by the time I was three. What I didn't understand why anyone wanted sex because it sounded so dry and technical with the way she explained it, so it took me a while to understand how accidental pregnancies could happen.
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
I honestly don't think I ever asked. There weren't an abundance of pregnant women around us and I think I just always accepted that people were here and I really didn't care why. That being said, sex and the biological truth as Elnoa puts it, were explained in school.
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
Originally posted by Ansley
I honestly don't think I ever asked. There weren't an abundance of pregnant women around us and I think I just always accepted that people were here and I really didn't care why. That being said, sex and the biological truth as Elnoa puts ... more
Look at you stealing words before I can type them again lol.

I thought about it for a while, and I honestly can't remember if my mom explained anything. I got sex ed in my Catholic school, and it was actually sex ed and not a "sex is bad" class. That covered the basics and then there was another sex ed section of health class in high school.
Contributor: hyacinthgirl hyacinthgirl
My mother taught us the clinical terms when we were little, even though my brother was old enough that she didn't bathe all of us together.

After Mom died, when I was about 6, Dad handed us an encyclopedia. We all learned the basics that way, though my sister and I missed the part on periods. My sister thought she was being struck down by God when her first one happened (in church, no less), so after the nanny explained it to her, she found the proper entry in the encyclopedia and gave it to me.
Contributor: Avant-garde Avant-garde
We never had that talk. My mom wanted to explain everything to me about it, but I didn't want to hear. Instead I learned about sex from porn, research and high school education.
Contributor: Rin (aka Nire) Rin (aka Nire)
They told me the truth, but my brain didn't really hold onto it and I forgot the whole thing an hour later, though I never asked again. A Dr. Ruth book a few years down the line did a slightly better job of keeping the information in there.
Contributor: geliebt geliebt
I remember having a book about it that just told all the facts in a really kid friendly way. I don't think my parents ever sat me down and explained anything, though. Not specifically anyway.
Contributor: Rory Rory
I don't think my mother ever told me.
Contributor: sillylilkitten sillylilkitten
I don't remember ever asking, but I bet I must have when my mom was pregnant with my sister. I don't remember ever thinking it was anything other than the biological facts, and I remember knowing about it before learning about it in school, so my parents must have just told me the truth at some point.
Contributor: Amgine Amgine
Pretty sure I learned from friends and school and never really had the talk.
Contributor: Pandwhora Pandwhora
They are never did.
Contributor: Anne Anne
They gave me a book and told me to read it
Contributor: gsfanatic gsfanatic
I got the biological truth and a fun book on anatomy.
Contributor: Jennifer87 Jennifer87
My parents never did because by time I lost my virginity at 14 (bad mistake). So, by time they were willing i knew basically everything bout' the whole babies and sex talk.
Contributor: ARPKasso ARPKasso
My mom gave me the science and anatomy version and my dad just told us to ask questions about what we didn't know.
Contributor: anonkitty anonkitty
It went like this: "You know babies don't come from storks, right?" "Yup." "Ok."
Contributor: 1001 Pleasures 1001 Pleasures
I had a pamphlet pushed under my bedroom door, but I'd already read a book on the subject when I was 12.
Contributor: Ellenoir Ellenoir
They didn't. I had no idea that pregnancy was a result of sex until I was in 4th grade. So many things began to make sense after I found that out.
Contributor: Beautiful-Disaster Beautiful-Disaster
They didn't explain anything to me. I learned in school.
Contributor: lilacviolet lilacviolet
I never asked but I remember watching a movie or/and documentary about reproduction (showing a sperm fertilizing an egg) when I was little and my mom nonchalantly said,"That's how babies are made." and that was it.
Contributor: SecondStory SecondStory
My parents took me to kaiser and we went to a presentation explaining it, so I got the full in depth medical discussion pretty early.
Contributor: edeneve edeneve
they didn't - pretty much didn't explain much of anything to me.