I always believed that sexual compatibility was important before marriage ...
So, yeah, how did I end up in a celibate marriage for ten years?
The attempts before marriage were bad, and I thought "Well, no one else is going to offer, and we're already promised after nine months of an online courtship, and we'll have the rest of the marriage to work on this ... " So I talked myself into a bad marriage out of fear of being alone, and spent my 20's in a celibate hell, thinking I had to live with my mistake and doing my damnedest to 'fix' something he didn't want to work on. When my 30's came around, I spent two years in therapy convincing myself it was okay to end this charade, and the living situation with him was terrible enough that I had a nervous breakdown. It was after that in which I finally decided "You know, dear, this isn't working - please leave."
So, yeah, I'm honest with myself now that whomever the next is will NOT be my only choice nor will I wait for a marriage to 'fix' things. All that has to be worked out and fixed before the concept of marriage is introduced, and he has to be willing to work on it, too. Otherwise you'll end up wasting your life like I did.
So, I think my answer is "half-assed".