Would you date a bi guy?

Contributor: Sangsara Sangsara
hmmmm I like the concept a lot and I am bi myself and have always considered myself to be very open minded but watching gay porn honestly does kinda gross me out- its not the sex its the intimacy- its almost, well actually it IS lacking in feminism- trans porn is fine but straight guy on guy? nope i need a nice pair of tits. I would date a bi guy but I might doubt that my femiin charms were enough.
odd because I never understood why my boyfriend was against me having a girlfriend.
I guess every situation is different
Contributor: Peggi Peggi
Personally, I wouldn't date a straight guy. It would just weird me out.
Contributor: palindromic palindromic
Well, I AM dating a bi guy. So yes. XD
Contributor: Entropy Entropy
I'm a bi guy and I'd date a bi guy.
Contributor: TransMarc TransMarc
It depends whether I like the person, but yeah.
Contributor: meezerosity meezerosity
If I liked him, sure why not?
Contributor: Jeanette Jeanette
No, just not for me
Contributor: Sex Positivity Sex Positivity
Sure, why not?
Contributor: roskat roskat
I don't know? Maybe.
Contributor: dragonn dragonn
Originally posted by Falsepast
not that i'm feeling self-conscious, as much as i am curious
I'm generally open.
Contributor: pasdechat pasdechat
I would, and I have (I'm a straight woman, btw)
Contributor: Undecided Undecided
I would have to say NO I don't think I could be with a guy who has been with another male. I support Bis,Gays and Lesbians but I don't think I could do it
Contributor: BadassFatass BadassFatass
Been there, done that. I don't really see a reason not to.
Contributor: Do emu Do emu
Originally posted by Falsepast
not that i'm feeling self-conscious, as much as i am curious
Why not?
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by Rin (aka Nire)
... Wait, they actually ask that? And bar you from donating if you say yes?? That just sounds odd.
Yes they do. As odd as that sounds. It's not my rule. And I don't agree with it. I would have sex with a man who had sex with another man if it weren't for this. I just think donating blood is more important then myself fulfilling a fantasy. Only because it saves lives. I don't think this rule is right. I think it shouldn't matter who you are as long as you are clean you are clean.