Which room of the house is your favorite to have sex?

Contributor: mandaj mandaj
well mainly the bedroom and bathroom, since we have kids, but when they are gone w/ theg-parents the living floor an couch always comes to play!!!
Contributor: padmeamidala padmeamidala
Originally posted by sexysweetieshan
I personally enjoy the bed or the couch to have sex. My husband would like me to be more open and try it other places which is fine. I'm a big girl though and it's hard to get comfortable in weird places. But I was just curious what is ... more
I like the bedroom the most for having sex although other areas of the house can be nice too especially the livingroom. We've often had sex by our fireplace there.
Contributor: Lucky21 Lucky21
Bedroom, or anywhere with a couch, followed by the shower.
Contributor: Eucaly Eucaly
I like having sex everywhere, but I have too many back and muscle problems for sex to be comfortable in most places.